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Earth nation-states and the United Systems

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tokidoki, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. Tokidoki

    Tokidoki New Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    I wanted to clear a few stuff up relating to the United Systems and Earth before the Fall, since it's kinda relevant to my character's backstory, but not relevant enough where I'm gonna be super picky about it.

    So according to the server wiki, the United Systems draws heavily from all of Earth's nations, so their national militaries aren't left with much. However, lore from the devs suggest that the nation-states were able to fight a protracted war over resources on Mars, which probably left the Systems military in an uncomfortable position. With the fall of Earth, old national loyalties likely vanished overnight as humanity is now an endangered species.

    Does the lore from the devs still happen in the server's lore (ie nations still fight a war over Mars despite the USCM drawing heavily from their armed forces)? My character, Mei Xiang, was originally a soldier in the Chinese military, but I was pointed out in game that you guys do have some established stuff on the USCM, so now I suppose it makes more sense if she was in the Chinese militia or paramilitary force on Mars instead. Basically I'm trying to go for the angle of "wasn't in the USCM, nor was she some galactic bounty hunter, but DOES have formal military experience".

    Also, I hope the whole idea of Mei being from a China that embraced the rise of the old imperial Qing Dynasty as rulers of their country isn't too absurd. (Or it being more absurd that Mei descends from this dynasty, or she ended up being ruler of China for all of three weeks. I know that's going into super Mary Sue mode, but as China was wiped off the face of the Earth by tentacles, I'd think it hardly matters what she calls herself.) It seems like humans as a race in the game have this whole "retro sci-fi" deal going on, so it be kinda interesting if China, with all its ancient history, went all retro too, except more traditionalist.

    I dunno, I know it's not really relevant at all, I just want to make sure I don't say things IC that goes against what the server has in mind for certain aspects of the lore. I just a) like history, especially Chinese history; b) love playing as "nobles who have lost it all" in roleplaying games.

    Also, just to clear up: is Earth gone as in, like, it physically doesn't exist? Or it's gone as in, the apocalypse happened and now the planet is a toxic hellhole? And what about the rest of the planets in the solar system? Again, super irrelevant, I know, but I just wanna make sure.
  2. Venom

    Venom New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    There is contradicting information so the existence of the Mars war is debatable. The Human intro video states that things were pretty peaceful until the fall of Earth. Furthermore, no information has suggested that prior countries existed in any form or that they were even involved in the Mars war. If it even occurred, it could have been between the USCM and penguins for resources for all we know. Many of the things we use, we've created and have been using until the developers say otherwise for the last four months.

    And uh.. to be honest, with the way China is looking I don't see any return to dynasties. My suggestion to you would be to make your character from an off-world colony that had an organized militia or something to that effect and also had a noble structure. You could always pull the Firefly/Stargate card and say that mostly Chinese immigrants were placed on this colony, leading it to be heavily influenced by older Chinese culture.
  3. Tokidoki

    Tokidoki New Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    Hmm. As I understand it, the human intro video was pretty old and very much a work in progress. The conflict on Mars was more recent, mentioned in "A Human Introduction" codex entry:

    Hopefully when (if) they update the human intro video, it'll give us some kind of clarification either way.

    With the way China is. If this takes place centuries in the future we have no idea what China will be. Ruled by the Qing Dynasty? Probably not, seeing as they're not even a thing today. But I put that in because I don't exactly see Starbound as a universe where the line between logic and impossibility get rather thin.

    I dunno, maybe I like the displaced/exiled noble thing too much :v

    Also, thanks for painfully reminding me of Firefly :( I've never watched it and don't plan to until they continue the damn series!