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Resolved e-V3 "Eve"

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by EvDo, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. EvDo

    EvDo Man with accent

    Mar 1, 2016
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    Race: Autonomous drone. Synthetic assistant
    Name: Example drone configuration five model three, e-V3, "Eve"
    Brief Description:
    eV-3 is the fifth configuration of the third model, the robotic assistant, developed by Professor Albert Fenberg, looks like a woman 1.72 meters tall. Its prototype was the now deceased 22-year-old daughter of Dr. Simon Mans. The body is covered with synthetic imitation leather is that discolored (light blue) and feels like a sleek matte latex. Body type matches the form factor slim young woman with a doll's anatomy. That means nipples, nails and reproductive organs is missing. To comply with the design added to the second female breast size of a standard shape and artificial hair bleached and have a light gray color. Joints are movable swivel and heat-resistant and impact-resistant plastic. Emotions are copied with steel movable rods. The voice is soft, mechanical a bit, perfectly imitating emotional intonations. On the temples there are outputs to connect to various devices and computing machines
    Abilities or features granted by custom race:

    Unlike previous models, which in their structure looked like robots and have a metal frame and trim, and the third has a hollow, thick-walled carbon tubes as an endoskeleton, collected in the likeness of a human skeleton. The gyroscope, batteries, the valve internal pressure and analyzers processors located in the torso so that the robot has the inherent flexibility of the gymnasts. The processing unit and the communication unit to the remote database server is in the head, and is protected by a titanium mesh reinforced carbon plate, connected to each other with screws. The face is equipped with two cameras with pale blue diode rings around the lens on the basis of scratch-resistant glass. In nose set the atmosphere analyzer, so that she can "feel" smells. Teeth on the basis of titanium have no features and are made solely for the sake of the general style of "pleasing for eyes synthetic assistant". In the mouth is located a sensor that determines the harmfulness of the products for owner. Eve has a slightly increased strength than the average person of the same sex and age, but that does not exceed the permissible limits, for example: some girl of the same age and body can't broke a branch, and Eve could bend it and possible fractured. Drone does not feel pain, only damage estimates for the platform and on the basis of these data, decides on its course of action.
    Eve copies every two hours her OS state on a remote server, which located on the spaceship. In the event of an emergency loss of a server or a database, into her downloaded the program to copy the server.
    In Eve was loaded the decryption and encryptions programs, it happened during her service in the armed forces.
    1) Strong enough blow to the chest can disrupt the operation of the gyroscope and knock off balance the drone.
    2) Dron was damaged and rebuilt, and because of this some operations it can not perform due to lack of banal statements. For example Eve does not understand waht she must to do and will just stand and waiting for instructions if a conversation was started with her, and suddenly interrupted.
    3) A powerful blow to the left temple will bring it out of action for a long time or permanently, due to the location of the CPU in this area.
    4) The strong dependence of the ship's database. Because of this, if the ship will be destroyed, she will simply carry the equipment recovery instructions. After recovery, Eve will once again gather notes and hints for performing operations.
    1) Very powerful remote communication module capable of connecting to the interstellar broadcasting satellites.
    2) Flexibility and quick assessment of the situation on the basis of known instructions and observations.
    3) Although peculiar, but very friendly way to communicate. However, some instructions make it a strange question. Sometimes even the rough.
    4) Strong compound.
    5) The remote server and continuous backup and restore module and quick teleport in case of damage on the ship.
  2. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    e-V3 raises a couple of concerns:

    1. A titanium-mesh carbon plated skull and no pain receptors. Does this mean that no matter how many times someone hits or shoots at e-V3, she won't go down or feel pain? Because carbon is harder and lighter than steel and combined with a mesh of titanium, titanium being highly bullet-resistant, e-V3 wouldn't succumb to any injury.
    2. Remote bodies, although viable in Science Fiction and Science Fantasy, are things we can't condone. This is because it can be classified as cloning. Is e-V3 were to die, an e-V4 could be made and have e-V3's memory uploaded into the new robot. It is essentially an immortal character.
    3. Strengths highly outweigh disadvantages. e-V3 has essentially unlimited strength only hindered by her own body structure, no pain receptors, the same flexibility as a gymnast, cloud drive memory, and an armored body. Her disadvantages are that she can sometimes not take orders, can get knocked off balance, and gets taken down by a blow to the left temple. These are disadvantages that could be given to any human.

    e-V3 in her current state is a superhuman.
  3. EvDo

    EvDo Man with accent

    Mar 1, 2016
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    Not exactly. The structure of the skeleton is not a plate, and tubes lined by type endoskeleton an ordinary man, that is, the bullet enters the body and it can damage the control modules, such as a gyroscope, the battery and the rest. Drone does not feel pain, but very accurately assesses the damage to the platform, and if there is a threat of injury, is better to retreat. And the cause of damage is very real to her, this is not a fighting machine, and an assistant.

    Well, we can omit this point, simply delete the description and do more vulnerable. Agreed? Or you give another suggestion?

    Then this:
    >no pain receptors and an armored body
    Though skeleton consists of strong material, but has a plurality of lumens and this not gives full protection of the internal equipment. In addition, the outer shell of a normal skin substitute, and it has strength of human skin. And the damage assessment can be compared with the pain. That is in her basic program include protection of own platform, if she does not have owner.
    >the same flexibility as a gymnast
    Just omit this point, it's not a sex toy.
    >strength only hindered by her own body structure
    I don't know how to play with this, give an offer please
    >cloud drive memory
    I can not even imagine such a small storage device. I can only cancel the backup operating system. In any case, her "memory" is on the ship, which must be in the orbit of the planet where she is. With the destruction of the ship or it is stolen, she loses her memory, and as long as the underlying protocol does not find a new repository, Eve will remain an empty shell with the basic protocols of self-preservation, searching storage and functioning.

    Your word?
  4. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Alright, the conditions for e-V3 will be that her armoring will be like that of a Glitch. She will still have her artificial skin, but she won't have the benefit of additional defense. This is because you have apparently roleplayed taking two wrenches to the head with no problem. The flexibility of e-V3 will be removed in place of typical flexibility of an out-of-shape human. The damage assessment thing is fine as long as it restricts her strength causing her to give up like a normal human at their limit. If anything, it would make her give up quick so as to not risk damage like how a human would suffer muscle tears, sprains, and pulls.

    The memory of e-V3 can be uploaded into a cloud still. Except it can only be usable as sort of a journal. This will be because it uniquely coded to her and is only usable for herself and no other model. It will be like a safety mechanism put in place in manufacturing so that people can't steal another person's robot. There will be no remote bodies or examples of new models using e-V3's memories allowed.