How do I edit my description? I see a lot of players do what I assume is an inspect ability on objects and characters. Some characters appear to have their own custom description of how they appear to other players. How do I make mine and how do I inspect others?
Simply put, Starcheat. More in-depth: You need to have Starcheat, or use something like Starreader in order to change descriptions and such. All you need to do is download starcheat, launch it, and select your character. After this, just go to the little "Description" box on the top right, right under name. Type in what you want, and be sure to save. Launch Starbound, then click the magnifying glass when in-game. Click on yourself, and you'll see your description. Read other characters descriptions by clicking on them with the little magnifying glass.
While it is rare issues arise, please be certain to always backup your player files when attempting to alter them through a third party program, even if the game itself saves backups.