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Dumb Data Dump

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Haplap, Aug 2, 2016.

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  1. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Welcome to SUN-DOS
    Installed at ps/2 port


    A:\>func record


    The recording flickers to life, our rather unkempt heroine front and center of the webcam, expression as sour as ever. Her dull blue eyes, though partially blocked by a few stray strands of dark auburn hair which broke free of her mohawk, gaze blankly into the webcam. Her slouched posture and baggy eyes suggest she hasn't been resting all too well. Of what can be seen of her apartment in the background, it's dirty and rundown.
    Piper grumbles something incoherent, leaning her somewhat broad frame onto the folding table in front of her.

    "Fuckin' broke my bed dis mornin'. Shit jus' goes perf for Pipes, huh? Shit's been goin' right fer me ever since I caught some twelve gauge inna ribs... fucked my lung. Fuckin' glitch oughta put a choke on dat fuckin' thing, less dey wanna keep blastin' civvies. Anyways, ah... stayed at some camp, s'where that glitch shot me. Accidentally. Got beat up by some fuckin' chav cunt, talked him inta lettin' me stay at his tent, though. Didn't stick round long anyways. Ain't nothing worth shit there 'sides the ships, and they got an AA gun to keep that shit on lock, so... jus' robbed some chick of their wallet'n phone 'n dipped. Wonder if 'ol chavvie misses me, hehe."

    'Pipes' snickers quietly, dropping her gaze down onto her desk. Her chuckling doesn't last long, however, as her humorous smile quickly melts back to a look one could only describe as sour.

    "And ah... crew's finally done, I guess. Outta a job for sure 'n we didn't even make any big hauls. Fuckin'... Skippy. Grade A leadin' there asshat. I sold mosta my gear tah jus' afford dis apartment, kept the mask an' a pistol, though. Ain't about to walk around unarmed 'er nothin'."

    The woman pushes off the desk, straightening up in the chair. She brushes a few strands of hair out of her face, pausing a moment after to gather her thoughts.

    "No ship, no shit, but I got a dream. Ain't no more America, but imma fuckin' American dream this shit. Needa find myself anotha job, cuz i'm about to get kicked outta dis shithole into an even bigger shithole if I ain't nab some pixels. Don't wanna be robbing fools if I don't gotta, especially without a gang or a crew or somethin'. Yer toast on your own, but hey... gotta do whatcha gotta do."

    The woman sniffles, pausing for dramatic effect.

    "...Right. Imma start tryna hit up the See-Ess market tomorrow, see if I can't find myself a job. I ain't really got any fuckin' skills'r trades, though, so I ain't know how this shit's gonna work. Never even... wrote a fucking rezumay before. So this'll be a fuckin' blast."

    She reaches for the screen, but hesitates. "...And fuck you for recording this. S'dumb." Click. The recording cuts.
    File 'log1' saved!

    Logging off SUN-DOS...
    #1 Haplap, Aug 2, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2016
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  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    <Audio File: Log #1>

    "Dat first recordin' idea lasted real long, eh? Fuckin' dumb... dis PDA is way better. Figured I was gonna fuckin' starve or die out in dat shithole, but baby Jesus pulled a miracle or sumthin'. Met dis dude... Gillian. Offa starnet too. Said he was offerin' room onna ranch 'er somethin', so I got the deets on it. Wasn't really one hunnit on it, but I figured... fuck it. Gonna fuckin' die in that garbo city or imma die by some fuckin' floran bastard who got their ass to work a keyboard. Sold m'shit, packed the resta m'shit 'n headed for the spaceport. Sold dat dinosaur lookin' ass PC 'n basically everything else but my gun, clothes, PDA 'n mask. Turns out, shit wasn't too good to be true. Fuckin' amazing luck, me. Dude was legit, so now i'm on some rustic ass planet, but 'least I ain't starvin' or outta work. Get board for free s'long as I work the crops, too. I ain't know shit 'bout that, so I just mimic what he's doin' and hope it looks good, heh. Ain't plannin' on stayin' here forever, though. Lookin' to live a lil larger, ya feel? Still thinkin' about callin' the old boys back, seein' if we can't get some loot again. Kinda miss 'em, even though I fuckin' hate 'em. But ah, maybe i'll be a'ight alone. Got enough pix to do me fine for awhile, so i'm chillin'."

    There's a long, silent pause, as though the speaker is thinking. The sound of someone drawing a breath is heard, followed quickly by incomprehensible muttering. The recording cuts abruptly.


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