It seems that pretty much everything anyone does falls under the ERP rule, im not naming any names, but someone and someone else, and another someone, along with another person, and another person, and maybe one more should probably be getting in trouble. so i think it probably would be smart to just avoid anything related to sex, until the rule is clear as to what counts as erp, cause i didnt think that my thread would be considered erp
time to be fisted anally #nogenitals I'd never do that in real life, holy fuck that would hurt so bad.
ERP stands for 'Erotic role play'. If the situation is blatant sex, or if its a situation is intended to be erotic or to get a sexual rise for someone it isn't allowed in game, for obvious reasons, take it to steam, or skype, or anywhere else privet. However, rp situations that involve nudity, or the need to remove ones cloths for in character reasons that are not intended to be taken erotically, they are allowed.
Guys. This isn't super hard. Invictus hit the nail on the head, but the thing is that it goes both ways. On one hand, there have been a number of situations where nudity has come up in-character for valid, non-sexual reasons. But it works in reverse, too. Constantly skirting on the edge of ERP with OOC chat and in-character situations is both kind of immature and, honestly, just OOCly uncomfortable to people watching. It's the same reason that doctors don't leave pornographic magazines in their waiting rooms: Nobody wants to see that. Well, not nobody, but there will certainly be people that would prefer you keep it to yourself. And that's kind of my opinion on this, and the opinions of just about every staff of every RP community I've moderated in. (Five or six, if you're wondering.) We don't care what the heck you do behind closed doors, on Steam or Skype or whatever, but please keep it to yourself. Because, honestly, it's just uncomfortable and kind of awkward. In case you're doubting this, I will personally attest to the fact that I'm honestly kind of uncomfortable around some people on this server because of their RP constantly skirting on the very, very edge of ERP. Just close enough that they don't get banned. Usually. You bloody well know who you are. Bear in mind that I am not referring to, say, IC flirting or some such. Obviously this sort of stuff happens. Shoot, outright sexual situations can and most likely will happen in-character to a lot of characters at some point, because it's a natural part of life - obviously, then, it will come into RP. But it's generally common courtesy to take more of a clinical and tasteful approach to it (fading to black, taking your more romantic RP to whispers or Steam, etc.), rather than the approach of a Harry Potter X Twilight fanfiction writer. Hopefully a staff member can come in here and clarify for certain, but, honestly? Just be mature. Keep in mind that not everyone is into that sort of thing. And, when in doubt, take it to Steam or ask a moderator if one's online. That's what they're here for.
I don't know if mods care about sexual content in whispers or not. One would have to confirm it. That said, they will totally see it if they stumble across it, so... ...Maybe take it to Steam anyway.
No thats one of the primary reasons kazyyk didnt want it ingame at all, its because he didnt want the mods being forced to see it while checking logs. Its confirmed bra.
In all seriousness, yeah, I know what ERP is. I don't really see what the problem is with ERP, unless its in Galaxy or Planet Chat, then thats fucked up. But that's just my opinion, I'll stick to following the rules.
"My character exists solely for erotic encounters. Watch me ignore things such as logic, reason and common sense as I chase after internet mansbians."
I don't really see what the problem is with ERP, how people go about it is an entirely different thing.* ftfy.
I'm so tempted to make a pun about Sehks vs Sex but I'll leave it be and say that I can...kinda understand why it's banned, since the mods would see it and not all of them would...want to see it. Not even going to say anything about it happening on public places, because I don't care, don't have a fucking good time in the middle of a bar. Not normal. at all. aaa sehks puns why did i miss this chance dammit
"Nobody thinks im attractive in game" Im teasing Badstar, I think you're very pretty in game. But I think everyone could benefit from the 'Dont ask dont tell' way of approaching it. It happens, dont get caught up in it if it aint your thang, dig?
Personally, I just don't see why people can't simply do fade-to-black. Sure people are going to try arguing that sex is part of relationship RP. However, that doesn't mean you need to RP out the details of it. Just fade-to-black. With some games, people tend to do the detailed ERP because... well... to put it entirely bluntly? They like to put explanation to the digital porn they are making. Mind you, I can see that making some sense with higher end graphics games. But honestly, with Starbound, I can't wrap my head around it at all. It would literally be making porn out of characters that are arguably on the same graphical level as Super Mario World. So yeah, overall, fade-to-black for things that you even might think are a little bit sexual, or take it to Steam.