INJURED? WEALTHY? CONTACT THE FANTASTIC DOCTOR LEVITZ! Hello. I am a doctor. More specifically, I have been an active surgeon for the past twelve years. I most commonly work with humans but I have experience working with avians and hylotl as well. Due to a certain series of events, I am currently out of a job. I wont waste your time by filling this document with all of my numerous credentials and making you read them all. Just take my word for it; I'm pretty good. I have successfully performed several procedures in the past on people you probably know. I have never once had an unsatisfied patient. That's something I take pride in. It's also something that people could easily lie about to make themselves look better. I would never do such a thing. I am too commendable and too modest for such tricks. Hiring me will perhaps be one of the best decisions you will ever make in your life maybe. I serve any and all clients with the utmost care and attention and specialize in being both proficient and affordable. I also don't require any personal information or background checks. Still need convincing? Here is a small list of various injuries and/or ailments I could probably cure: Knife wounds. Bullet wounds. Severe burns. Nerve damage. Limb loss. Blunt force trauma. Blood loss. Bone damage. Brain damage. Vital organ failure. Parasitic infestation. Acidic burns. Frostbite. Lice. Paralysis. Hunger / Thirst. Mortality. Depression. Anxiety. Loneliness. Amnesia. Schizophrenia. Various phobias. Immobility. Obesity. Intense headaches. Insomnia. Illiteracy. Hair loss. Blindness. Deafness. Muteness. Tooth decay. And the list goes on... If you wish to hire me or if you are in need of urgent medical attention, message me over StarNet or reply to this ad below. Thank you for your consideration. -Doctor Levitz-
Hey dude! Dude! I need and stuff, cus I need my undergrad and you seem like someone who'd take on someone. Please? Pretty desparate at this point <~Willowbarl