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Dionaea Tribe OOC Info

Discussion in 'Consolida Tribe' started by Wreth, May 11, 2015.

  1. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Dionaea Tribe is a savage floran tribe, though it often attempts to gives the impression to outsiders that they are more civilised than they really are.

    Dionaea Tribe is a savage but cunning floran tribe, with traditional floran culture and ideals. Killing, stealing, torture etc of our enemies is not seen as cruel or evil. It is just our culture and way of life.

    We are unlikely to attack another faction or colony just because, but we do take insults and attacks against us very seriously.

    We don't mine any resources, we don't have industry or factories. How does the Tribe gain items, money and resources? Piracy, salvage, theft, blackmail etc.

    Following in the ways of Huntmaster Sunflower Tzu, the tribe employs much planning and strategy for combat. Dirty tactics, deceit and manipulation are all used against the tribe's enemies.

    The tribe is very adaptable and always tries to give itself any advantage it can. The tribe salvages a lot of technology from the other races to further its own goals.

    We don't respect the laws of other colonies, unless they are floran, glitch, or have earned the tribe's respect in some way. That said many of the florans in the tribe are smart enough to recognise the consequences of breaking the law openly and follow the laws out of self preservation rather than respect.

    Glitch and are considered close friends to florans, and are welcome to join the tribe, though they may be required to prove their loyalty first.

    Novakid also have the possibility of joining if they prove their worth.

    The ''Meat'' races can and have earned the respect of members of the tribe. Florans don't hate ''meat'' they just don't consider their lives to have value unless the florans themselves place value on it. However, insult us or our way of life, and most in the tribe will not feel bad for killing you. Meat races cannot join the tribe, but they can be considered friends and/or allies.

    Despite all our savagery, when it comes to members within the tribe there is a strong sense of family and companionship. We look out for one another, and crimes within the tribe are taken very seriously. Someone in the tribe should always feel like they are safe around the others, and can rely on others in the tribe to help them if they need it.

    Dionaea Tribe seeks to maintain traditional floran culture by practicing this way of life themselves, preserving it, and destroying those who oppose florans.

    To Consume
    To Spread
    To Multiply

    A piece of official floran lore below.

    ''A Floran's Goal
    Ssstab. Ssstab, sssmash, hunt. Find glory, make good Floran. Ssstab. Get best kill. Win all of Florans. Sssow ssseeds of discord. Punch all of the prey.

    Making friends would be nice too.''
    #1 Wreth, May 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2015