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Digital Notebook: 'Wren'

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Chronicle, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***Initialising notebookv5.exe...***

    ***Application Initialised. First-Time User Setup:***

    ***What is your: Name (last, first)?***
    ***Current Home Date?***
    ***Current Home Time?***
    ***Minutes Per Home Day?***
    ***Initial Setup Complete. Begin First Log?***
    ***File: log01***

    > Wow i have no idea what day it is ok great. So Ive decided i really need to keep a notebook. adler's comp comes with this program, it looks pretty good for it. I keep forgeting important stuff and imean moon says itll beok but im not relaly sure i meanwhat if i dont remembeer it latert hatd' be bad ?

    > Kluex it's worse if I can't read this I suck. Relax. Its all good. So I dont have to worry I'm just gonna write down all the important stuff just in case. I'll set a pw when i know i'll remember it hahaha. Start with basicss.

    > Info: Your name is Wren. Youre on Liberty Mills with Rux and the fish I forgot his name geez. your heads been really screwy since a few days ago you probly noticed. Dr blackbeak says its head wound he's a good doc hes probably right. He gave you two kinds of meds and theyre important so don't forget them seriously man. Also, you have an apartment its plucking sweet. moons helping with it for now :>. (the best!) So yeah this is yours keys in the side table - dont like freak out this is actually your house.

    > Job: Youve got a pod thats good for space just need a ftl coil. Rux said he'd pay for it since you gave him yours. Pods docked in the Americo (Ruxs ship) so get it back when you have the part from somewhere. Also your'e learning how to USE MECHS!! Just need to get the head problem fixed it messes with the sim. Can get right back as soon as it's fixed! This is REALLY important and change your life and stuff so get fixed asap! (I'm pretty sure i'll remember this hahah but still)

    > Thats all the important stuff, just remember people too. I can make any notes I want with this thing, its awesome. Make them for people, places, whatever. Anything, everything, its gonna help a lot.


    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #1 Chronicle, Apr 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  2. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: moon***
    > Really great person, shes your friend. CAN trust. Real smart, really nice! Shes helpin me find a doc apparently which is really cool. :> If youre ever in trouble talk to her for sure.

    ***File: hawk***
    > can trust real good friend great guy thats IT

    ***File: rux***
    Your boss. Kind of? hahah not sure. Owes you ftl coil. Maybe can work for him in the future.

    ***File: katsu***
    Katzu, or Iz, or the biz. ONLY call him the first one. kind of scary person dont let him kill anyone pleas.

    ***File: adler***
    Mech guy! Basicly new mentor i guess? Really great guy! Gonna train you in mechs when youre off meds and stuff! Hes really worried about the head thing though so i should try to figure it out asap

    ***File: blackbeak***
    > good doc that helpped with t haedd thing whenit hapened. Good doctir I dont trst him at alll he scrazy1 good doc goddoc

    ***No input detected. Timeout imminent. Extend session?***

    ***Session timed out. All files saved.***
    #2 Chronicle, Apr 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  3. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log02***

    > Holy crow im really worried about Yung. what'd he get himself into? This is messed up man. Hes opening up a bugs nest except the bugs are guys with guns and instaed of stinging or bitting or some fluff theyre sonna be all blap blap gonna kill you with our guns man for real.

    > Serious though thats messed up. Remember you dont know him if anyone asks. i realy felt what he wassaying about his friend thats gone now . i still miss shrike really bad.really wish he was here right now hed knowwhat to do

    > I hope Yungs careful otherwise hes gonna get tarred..

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #3 Chronicle, Apr 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  4. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log03***




    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #4 Chronicle, Apr 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  5. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log04***

    holy crow that was awkward

    > So I dont mind Hawk coming over to lay low or whatevr, but i hope he knocks first next time. I woke up and he was just THERE and it was really bizare He was all like "hey stay calm its ok" and i was all like "i am calm but um im also uh naked gimme a minute haha?" like seriously woow.

    > not sure how he didn't notice earlier?? i was like asleep wow manif he saw something i would wow no not even gonna NOPE

    > ...It was really nice having him around though after i you know uh got clothes on heh. Nice to talk to him. Its really nice having my own place, but i really miss having others around, kind of have too much time to think, I think.

    > That talk with yung still has me thinking a lot too. i really feel for him. i really miss Shrike.

    > its hard

    > i hope yungs ok

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #5 Chronicle, Apr 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  6. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log05****

    > Yeah I'm worried.

    > Yung's a mess. We talked, he stayed the night, hasnt slept in ages apparently so needed it. woke up and he's gone.

    > This whole thing with his friend Remmy is just... Wow its unreal. Its really hard tryin to help him decide what he should do, i mean i dont even know. I mean, Remmys with the slavers, and theres no doubt theyre evil for that. but at the same time not everyone in their city can be bad right? i mean its like the people back home.

    > ...it's weird, a lot of this is similar to back home. If people dont realize what theyre doing is evil, does that make THEM evil? should they die? What about people who just live there? people who don't believe in doing something so awful

    > .... do humans have an aether? Where do they go? Maybethey go to the Aether too, or do they have their own place? and if you defile their bodies then can they get sent back? What about old Remmy? Is he trapped in the new remmy or something now ? because if he was taken out of the Aether by this new one and he was my friend then man i'd do anything to set him free.

    > or wait. No. Because he's a clone of old Remmy. Right? So, wait, does that affect old remmy's soul? Does he get dragged out anyway? Or wait no no its a new body.. so hes good.. right?

    > bbut then no. Whose soul is in the clone? if its NOT old Remmy then its another one, do clones have their own souls? Does that mean this guy isnt new Remmy, hes just someone else..?

    > wow

    > ii dont know

    > this hurts t thinkabout

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
  7. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: skarty***
    Decent guy I guess. He's an wow whats the word. acolyte, in priesting? Whatever. Hes a priest in training. Likes to run off a lot just all of a sudden. Kind of a jerk but i think he means well..

    ***File: vex***
    bartender. Human male. Willing to help me find work when my heads fixd. cool name. Update: good at shooing haha

    ***File: ayissa***
    Bartender. human female. Pretty nice i guess. Seems kinda depressed with her job idunno. update: getting packages from an 'Archduke'. why does that sound familiar?

    ***File: gytha***
    Bartender. human female. owner i think. really nice person, i owe her for food. pancakes are nice :>

    ***File: remmy***
    Yung's old friend. 'brother'. his clone is now working for the empire. Im not sure what to think of it but whatever comes of that i just hope yung's okay.

    ***File: armada***
    Some group of humans, military. really focused on expansion. Skarty says theyre tryin to police the galaxy. I dunno what theyr deal is, but they came to LM with tons of soldiers and adiplomat. weird.

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #7 Chronicle, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  8. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log06***

    kluexthattwas a sbomb

    > iej cante ven

    > whakt is wrongg withgbnthese odpeopel

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #8 Chronicle, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  9. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***file: log07***

    yung is dead.

    ***No input detected. Timeout imminent. Extend session?***

    > what do i do

    ***No input detected. Timeout imminent. Extend session?***

    ***Session timed out. All files saved.***
    #9 Chronicle, Apr 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  10. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log08***

    i have to get out of this bed.

    man i wish icould drink i hearr its nice

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #10 Chronicle, Apr 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  11. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log09***

    that was an immensly bad idea.

    > So, the bar got attacked again. this time by some kind of giant slaver robot or somethin.g Im assuming it was a slaver but nobody really knows. it was HUGE tho, would not die. All i know is that it beat up some human then grabbed my leg andtried to take me off to kluex knowss where man that was scary.

    > i owe ayissa big time she distratced it. She got kinda hurt too but i think she'll be ok. realy glad it wasnt waiting by the hospital when we went there or somethin.g

    > crazy stuff. We all talked for a long time afterwords, I think were friends now i guess. Im glad. Hawk was there too and wouldnt tell anyone about his job haha. I bet Vecks is gonna find out before i do. hope he telles me.

    ***Renaming File "vex" to "vecks".***

    ***Updating: vecks***
    Update: Great guy. can probably trust him. really helpful.

    ***Updating: ayissa***
    update: definitely can trust, cool person. owe her for savving me from plucking gigantor back there

    ***File: lyra***
    some chick from avos. Shes nice enough, little nosy heh. shes moving in downstairs aparently, one floor down Thats cool with me.

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #11 Chronicle, Apr 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  12. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log10***

    i lost it.

    i just lost it, man. it hust happened.

    i almosst killed that person i really wanted to.she was just craz would not leave sme along.e.

    moon says thers "something broken up there'. she says shes gonna help me ifnd a doc otmorrow. starting tomorrow.d

    shes staing here 3 now thats really nice of her i owe her severythingright now

    realy scared tbh

    but moons here i hope itll be ok.

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #12 Chronicle, Apr 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  13. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log11***

    Okay, so I didnt dream last night. I think i have a creepy stalker now.

    > she kept knocking on my door in the middle of the night asking for a friend and she left gifts like these human foods and flowers and stuff and at first it was nice and then she was like "i'll come back tomorrow" and it was a little creepy and then she left a note and it ACTUALLY SAID "won't you come out and play;' and now skiesimfreakinoutalitttleman

    > this is like some kind of really bad horror show.

    > shes gonna come back with like i dunno an axe and be a ll like "i want to be your husbando scooba hoobawhoo" and then rip out myblood and bathe in my guts or something aaahgksfngroe;s.

    > reeeeeeeeeeeally glad moon staying here for a bit.

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #13 Chronicle, Apr 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  14. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log12***

    Things were pretty much ok today. the human chick didnt come back like she said. thats a relief i was kind of worried haha/

    Lyra's all moved in downstairs She invited me in for a bit. Cool place.It was fun. I also learned about electric grenades those are cool. Going to try and get one someday.

    also i learned how to usse bold text on this aw yesss

    Also talked with Hawk for a while. We talked alot. it wasreally nice. holy crow he has this thing called a mycroscope and it makes you look at small things reallly, really big, and its amazing. I Got to see my feather under it and it was so cool. Man i love that stuff

    > Uh though I hope i didnt hurt him asking if he was working for slavers I Mean it was a valid question hes always so fvague and stuff and lyra made me wordied so i had to check. Hes no,t by the way! kinda figured. turns out if he says who it is he gets in trouble. That explains it.

    Doesnt matter, i trust him. I do. He was reallyl glad to hear that. Honestly im just glad we got to talk a while. we even hugged last time he was at my place and it wasnt awkward at all. he walways makes me feel way better. :>

    ... kluex im so weird

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #14 Chronicle, Apr 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  15. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log13***

    > i'm bored and just plucking around with this now i know italics :>>

    > hahah who makes this stuff up you have to use ctrl+f like wtp

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #15 Chronicle, Apr 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  16. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log14***

    > turns out theyre way harder to turn off than bold

    ***No input detected. Timeout imminent. Extend session?***

    > holycrowitsbeenanhourhowdoi

    ***No input detected. Timeout imminent. Extend session?***

    > gireogesogsergresoghersgjerposgroglr

    ***Session timed out. All files saved.***
    #16 Chronicle, Apr 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  17. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log15***

    > holy crrow i almost died

    > EVERYONE almost died

    > That plucking robot freak cameback. it came straight for me. just walked right up to me, past EVERYONE ELSE and grabed me . tried to bite my head off KLuex that was frightening it came really really really really pluckking closee

    > Im ok though. but no one else is. it atacked everyone else when i got saved from it. Skarty took a spike to theshoulder so i took him to the hospital. Hes ok now the docs here are good i think. the thing aparently had a fight with everone else after we left. everone's hurt. ayissa, vecks, even some others. Theyre gettting treated now downstairs i really ope they make it..

    > were just waiting now. Skarty called some Avian doc in. shes alright. Reallly weird accent though. shes been talking for 2 hours about how i shouldnt fix my plumage so much and itsapparently medical reasons ir something and its bad for me?

    > she said she was going to get "broshuren" and i dont know what that means but im not sure i want.

    > whatever Skartys okay. hope Ayiss a and Vecks make it. im not leaving til i know.

    > ....apparently Skarty agrees with the doc about the plumage thing o great

    > aaaagh hes talking

    > aaaaaaagh it wont stop

    > thisishowidie

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #17 Chronicle, Apr 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  18. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: divewing01***

    "Sacrificial Nectar".

    > Thats what its called. he confirmed it to me. Told me everything i needed to know before he realised I shouldnt know it.

    > Its a drug used by the stargazers, i think. Or priests? i dunno. one of them maybe both no. definitely the first, she had it.

    > When ingested, the victim is put in a weird mental state. it acts as a sedative. they become more talkative, more calm. It limits their available emotions. Above all, however, the victim becomes entirely unable to refuse a request. Any request, i think, no matter if they want to or not. they will do whatever they are told and they will do it calmly and cheerfully. no matter what. You can guess why its called sacrificial nectar.

    > this is evil

    > the compound is secret. i am at risk for knowing its effects. I can tell no one that i know it unless I know no matter what that i can trust them, and even then, maybe i shouldnt. It puts them at risk.

    > thankfully no one knows i know this. no one except him, and he will tell no one.

    > this is evil. this isevil. the stargazers are necesary but for what. what kind of god doesthis.

    > did they do this to shrike.

    > is thati why uit ahppened.

    ***No input detected. Timeout imminent. Extend session?***



    > im gonna gett drunk im gonna doit now.

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #18 Chronicle, May 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  19. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***Device password change initiated.***

    ***No current password. Please enter your new password.***


    ***Please confirm your new password.***


    ***Password change complete.***
    #19 Chronicle, May 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  20. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log16***

    > man the past couple days have sucked

    > Moon got hurt. Real bad. her plucking nester(?) Corson was being real suspicious about it but, apparently hes just suspicous in general? Shes gonna be ok. just stayin on his ship for now.

    > I was realy worried about it but i think shell be fine. got to see her today. we ate pizza, its still a really cool thing. Which is weird for human food. Moon liked it too :> also she uh said to never ever ever have human hot sause. Apparently its really strong. thats weird, man. Its like they can't decdie if their food should be really awful or really awful.

    > whatever Im just glad Moons gonna be ok. I think I upset Corson though. hes apparently really awkward. like, more than me haha. I wonder if theyre really nesting? I should ask later

    ***Renaming File "skarty" to "skarti"."

    ***Updating: skarti***

    > Update: Can trust, i think. Hes an initiate in priesthood but hes a good guy. one of the few. Hes on my side i think. Still kind of a jerk but i think hes a good guy deep down. Either way, he still runs off a lot.

    > Also he says StarNets wrong and hes not gay hahaha.

    > ...or so he says. >:<

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #20 Chronicle, May 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014