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Dewell's Insanity-Preventing Self-Reflection Audio Diary Files

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Anita D., Mar 26, 2014.

  1. Anita D.

    Anita D. New Member

    Mar 9, 2014
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    [FILENAME: DIARY_01.audio]
    <There is an ambient background of some unidentified indigenous creatures cooing and squeaking. This appears to have been recorded in a cave.>
    Oh, I'm a sucker for organized fonts. Size 12, single spaced. I don't know if it's some deep-seated OCD in me or the fact that I've been forced to use this thing for the entirety of my school life, but I'm just digging the format. I'm not recording this thing just to gush about fonts, though. Hell, I'm not even sure if my transcribed can follow that thing properly. No, I'm supposed to use this thing for helping with something. I don't know what it is.
    <There were a few seconds of silence, followed by sounds of grunting and muttered curses.>
    So... What did I do recently? Usual, I suppose. Moved stuff back and forth from Chara. Visited some planets, raped their environments, then tended the crop complex. Hung out with this couple and their apparent-perv guy who lived with them. Did some lewd stuff, pretty fun. And of course the usual banter with wannabe-superhero and his computer stuff. Maybe I should talk more about my day. On second thought, screw that. I'll probably recall what I was talking about through bio-memory magic or something anyway. Anita out.
    <Recording ends.>
  2. Anita D.

    Anita D. New Member

    Mar 9, 2014
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    [FILENAME: DIARY_03.audio]
    <The sound of a chair swivelling around can be heard. Even through sound it seems to emanate a feeling of comfiness.>
    <Dewell clears her throat.> So, uh. I got laid today. Goodbye to the lonely streak, I guess. Discovered a few things about myself on the way. It was kind of like a self-reflective journey or some other crap like that. Other than that, I talked to some people and did some stuff. My head's a bit fuzzy at the moment, so I can't really remember anything. I suppose I should ramble or something. Y'know what, screw this. I'm too damn tired to really record anything of note. Anita out.
    <Recording ends.>
  3. Anita D.

    Anita D. New Member

    Mar 9, 2014
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    [FILENAME: DIARY_06.audio]
    You know that old film with the girl and the guy and they go have problems and after a cliche-ridden cheese bucket of a story they go back together? Yeah. There are a million of those, they're not all that deep and I like them for some reason. They're my guilty pleasure. I don't know if it's the ridiculous acting, the insultingly simplistic storyline, or the ludicrously attractive actors. They're just, well, fun. I don't exactly know where I'm going with this, I just felt like it had to be said.
    <There are a few seconds of silence, followed by the narrator clearing her throat.>
    ...Moving on. I did the usual. I jumped from planet to planet with the trusty drill and suit, ravaged the local environment for precious metals and other useful stuff, and got the hell out before I got killed by something stupid. Warped over to Chara and logged the ores in the inventory, segregated, stockpiled, refined, and then went back to the ship for a bit of a short nap. After that, it was socialization time. I went over to the bar, talked to a few acquaintances and friends and random strangers, jumped to and fro to people's ships whenever they needed help, and generally had a good time away from my morning routine. It was pretty fun, mostly.
    And as for the evening, well, it was just simply sitting around in the secondary base back on Delta 40. I'm about to go to sleep and so far I haven't entertained any guests. That's all well and dandy, I suppose. I mean... Well, that's just it. I don't know if all this monologuing is really going to help me in the future, but every little bit helps, right? Heh. Well, that should be it. Anita out.
    <Recording ends.>