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Description of Mud

Discussion in 'Mud' started by zkkzz, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Pictured is a rough map of the city of Mud with population listings for each district. These districts were drawn around the neighborhoods to help divvy up taxation, laws and leadership. The outsider's district is where the people of Mud first landed, and is the smallest district, now converted into a place where outsiders can roam and take residence. This is the roughly the area which can be found ingame.
    Mud is a small, heavily-forested moon, natively inhabited by 1,500 Grounded Avians from Avos, with a high humidity and a landscape made up of largely soil. Instead of oceans, it has wide swaths of swampland, an abundance of lakes, and a hilly, valley-filled topography that gives it a very 'bumpy' look from space.

    The city is built largely of clay and mud, sun-bleached and baked into tiles or flat blocks, as well as copper roofing and wooden supports. The buildings make heavy use of pilotis, in case of floods, and sit atop the ground in stacks or by themselves. Mud's architects and building style lends itself to extremely sturdy construction-- buildings can last decades before needing work done to keep its foundation steady. The buildings can often look a pale white gold in sunlight, though it can't compare to the bright lights of Avos at high noon. The bridges are adorned with Avosian crystals, gleaming red against the gold, and at night the sights can astound the eye.

    Mud's people are a humble sort-- they enjoy song and dance, as well as performance arts and theatre in general. They produce a wide range of alcohol which is served primarily on the bridges on Waterdipper Lake, and the rice is some of the highest-quality in the universe. They pride themselves on their organic fruits, which have vibrant sour or sweet tastes, and their diverse cooking styles which have been adopted from different traders and visitors over the years. Athough it hasn't produced more than a few hundred pieces, Mud has its own books, written by a large variety of residents for a large variety of reasons, from nonfiction to fiction. A native Mud resident may look down on outsiders, or see them as a good thing-- opinions certainly vary.

    The native currency is copper coins, loosely exchanged in a ragtag economy with a few checks and balances. In terms of exchange, one coin could be about equal to one pixel, though it varies-- and not all vendors would accept pixels in lieu of coins.

    As a city, Mud first began when the leader, Maffei Waterdipper, led a fleet of 1,000 Avosians to flee their home and start anew as Grounded, denying Kluex's teachings nearly entirely. Since then, religion has re-entered the populace, but with a moderate stigma, and most still don't practice anything. The first outsider to visit the city since its conception was Sparrow Linnaeus, also a refugee from Avos, though he is still Flightless, even as he heads the guard nearly singlehandedly. At time of writing, Mud has freely given its coordinates to outsiders, and now tries to thrive as an active and open civilization to all, welcoming new residents to eventually be socially recognized as 'native', or simply work a job to help benefit Mud's outgoing trade or internal economy.
    3 people like this.
  2. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Nice. Though I do wonder why districts formed. Do they produce different things? Wealth divide? A rivalry spanning generations?
  3. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Ernal (and Maffei before him) has divvied up ten individual 'mayors', one for each district, to help manage the power. Each district has its differences in production, sure- Waterdipper is a population center, Noma is full of rice fields, and Helio is saturated with orchards- but they're sometimes simply arbitrarily drawn to try and distribute power. Most were originally made a couple of decades ago, and so it's not perfectly divided.