1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.


Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ziggy, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    The atmosphere is no more frigid than most days on this night. The springs are warm and inviting as always, though the settlement itself is quiet. The Rabbits have all turned in for the night and sleep soundly in their warm, comfortable beds. Except for two. The warm glow from the frosty window of the room above the Recreation center would suggest that the leader of the Rabbits is having a difficult time sleeping. Perhaps the problem is exacerbated by the presence of the troublemaker and resident bully. From the outside, their conversation is impossible to make out, though the warm smiles on their feathered cheeks would tell enough.

    Elsewhere on the still planet, a craft breaks atmosphere and begins its landing sequence nearly two kilometers away from the settlement. An avian stealth craft, marked in gold and red. First to tread Hope Springs soil is the angelic Tenca Downsilk, whose cruel, judgemental eyes scan and scrutinize their surroundings. Her cadre piles out of the craft and presents itself to her, each soldier offering a crisp, professional salute.

    The chocolate-plumed finch knows something is wrong. He's felt an overwhelming sense of dread for weeks, though he can't pin why. He expects it's been stress from managing the welfare and happiness of his people, the tragedy of being forced to distance himself from his family, and old injuries playing up. The ruthless bully has taken notice, and she moves to comfort him. It is, of course, a failure. But he certainly appreciates her effort.

    Six sets of armor clank quietly as Tenca's squad moves through the lush forests of the Rabbits' den, spears drawn, crystal blasters at the ready. Each man and woman has their job. Each one has a role. Each are ready to give their lives for their Commander.

    "When will you just relax? You're starting to turn grey, and it's a shitty look for you." The red one never had a way with words, but she does her best for him. For the one that took her in and refused to turn her away.
    "Silver. Not grey." he insists in a tired, joking manner. It's true, though. His feathers have telegraphed his feelings for weeks.
    "And I'll relax when you stop talking and just come back to me." His arms open to welcome her, as he's done dozens of times before. This time, however, she refuses, and a pair of crimson hands, laden with bruises and scrapes, rests on her stomach.
    "I can't... yet. There's something I need to say."

    She gives the order, and a deafening explosion rocks the entire settlement, echoing off mount Sunspire to the east. Likely, Rabbits bolt upright in their beds. Some may reach for firearms and scramble to get dressed... but it's no use. The deed is done. Tenca's squad had branched in two. One pair of her operatives planted explosives and detonated the bridge between the eastern and western halves of the settlement. All that marks the destruction is a smouldering pile of scrap wood poking from the surface of the raging river, effectively blocking reinforcements. Meanwhile, three operatives breach the Rabbits' rec center and clear the screening room. Time draws short for the two upstairs.

    A soundless shriek emits from the finch's maw as he's thrown to the floor with a shower of glass and splinters of wood. Firebird staggers and crashes into the nearby wall. Both scramble for their weapons, but they were vastly outmatched. The ensuing battle is far too short. Their planning was meticulous. It was efficient. Commander Tenca Downsilk strides into the ruined room and gives it a cursory glance before turning her gaze to the Grounded filth slowly staining the hardwood floors.

    "Cousin. It's been too long." Of her five soldiers, she orders the remaining two to police the fallen weapons and artifacts, as well as cremate the fallen. Her operatives, of course, obey. Flasks of purple liquid are cascaded on the fallen crystal weaponry on the downed soldiers. Their bodies erupt in plumes of vivid mauve; to the slowly fading Firebird this may seem like magic. Like fantasy. But for the grief and agony-stricken Lovepeck, it's all too real. The walls of his home begin to burn and char and they crumble around him. With panic, he scrambles for anything with which to protect Necapan, to protect his people. All he finds is a white-hot spike of anguish as his torso is pinned to the floor by the Commander's own spear. His last thoughts aren't anger; they're not fear for death. The last thing the finch thinks in his waning waking is a prayer for the safety and well-being of his Rabbits. They had done the best they could. But now it's time for the pair of worn, weary avians to rest.

    As quickly as they had come, the remaining three operatives abscond into the night. One covers their escape with his blaster. The surviving demolitions expert carries a limp Necapan, finally devoid of fight. Finally devoid of flight.

    Tenca carries her long-awaited prize; Lovepeck Downsilk's cousin finally has a body to exchange for the honor of her family's name.
    Minutes later, the small Flightless craft again breaks atmosphere in a red-hot streak before disappearing forever into the black.

    Though it's only few hours later, the sun dawns over the cap of Mount Sunspire, bathing the settlement with light. The springs are unaware of the struggle. The crops and farmland are unaffected by the loss. It's the people that will likely feel it the most. When the Rabbits are finally able to reach the ruined recreation center, they will be greeted with the scent of scorched wood, blood, and flesh. Ash and char mark the fallen soldiers. Claw marks in the floor indicate Firebird's final stand as she struggled and thrashed at her attackers. Among the ruin and destruction, the Rabbits will likely find several interesting items.

    Underneath Ziggy's bed is a flat box. When opened, the Rabbits will see indents containing several wooden medallions in the shape of Rabbit heads. Each is labelled in its place in the box, however the only marking on the medallions themselves are a single Avosian glyph. Each medallion is marked with a different symbol.

    Lovepeck: 'Courage.' The indent is empty. It's the medallion he's worn since it was given by Glauen; it's the medallion upon which all of the others are modelled.

    Akhem: 'Loyalty.' It, too, is empty. The medallion is frequently worn by the robin, and was the first hand-carved and bestowed by the new leader of the Rabbits.

    Karo: 'Duty.' The medallion rests snugly in its indent, and a piece of paper is tucked just behind, if it's lifted. It's a short speech thanking the doctor for his kind contribution and unwavering sense of duty when he's needed.

    Moonfeathers: 'Serenity.' This medallion also lays in the box and would have a small speech prepared. The finch made sure to drive home the importance of keeping a cool head, even when things seem their worst.

    Nalcotl: 'Perserverance.' This medallion seems to be fresh, and lacks polish. Regardless, it is complete. The slip of paper under her necklace regards her ability to continue on in the face of danger, her willingness to explore and learn, and her personal courage in doing what needs to be done.

    Necapan: 'Strength.' This one is missing, though the slip remains. He remarks that he admires her honesty and the strength of character it takes to be true to oneself, despite how unpopular the decision may seem.

    His Journal.

    My estate, in its entirety, should be divided evenly between my family, who henceforth will be referred to as 'the Rabbits.'

    Aria is to stay with her godparents Rodrick and Mispi unless for some reason they are unable or unwilling to care for her, in which case, she is to be delivered to the residence of Kahlua and Xitli Downsilk in the Amur district of Avos.

    Please notify my next of kin, Willow Stormwind. I want him to know that I love him dearly and am deeply grateful for the time he chose to spend with me.

    Hope Springs has never had an executive leader, though the Rabbits often turned to me for answers and permission. From here on, Akhem and Karo are to handle decisions. I am adamant, however, that the Springs must remain closed to visitors unless they are to be trusted.

    The I.C.S.(Independent Contract Service) Astral Maelstrom is to be returned to the Holy Fleet of Avos with a hand-drawn picture of me sticking my tongue out and the word 'sorry' in Comic Sans above.

    If my remains are available for service, please have them cremated and scattered from the top of Mount Sunspire on Hope Springs. It's my wish to take flight one last time before nurturing the soil that has nurtured me for many blissful months.

    Finally, no matter what has happened, or what may come of the future, please don't be angry or bitter of my passing. Please remain tolerant and continue to enrich the lives of your neighbors with love, as you have mine.

    Last revised, Dec 23 2415.

    Lovepeck 'Ziggy' Downsilk.
    #1 Ziggy, Jan 10, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2016