1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.


Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by TinyKiwi, May 14, 2014.

  1. TinyKiwi

    TinyKiwi New Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    Fumbling around noises can be heard as the camera's static slowly starts to dissipate.
    The noise and image clears to show a relatively young woman sitting on her chair, looking slightly nervous.

    "Hi Mom, hi Dad. I've decided to start this journal in hopes of showing you some day. At the very least... At least if something happens, this will be okay."

    She adjusts herself on her seat, fixing her hair.

    "As of now, we've lost contact for about two months. I've searched all of Starnet and the surrounding galaxies of earth, but... I can't seem to find you. I'm wondering if you're still angry at me for leaving, and are just hiding away with everyone..."

    "Anyway, I'm going to keep this video journal updated periodically. But..."

    She reaches down, and pulls up a gently worn sketchpad. It seems rather new, however it's already gone through a lot.

    "I'm going to draw a lot of the monsters I see. I know you don't care much for my art, but I do know you supported it at the very least. So I want to show you that your support isn't lost. I haven't given up art just because I'm all the way up here. Here, I'll show you..."

    She flips through a couple pages and opens to one. It has a pretty hastily drawn monster and tree, both with way too many eyes.


    "I found this bat thing in the Alpha sector. All the trees were metal and it was kind of scary. The trees had eyes on them and the bat had... Maybe twenty total."

    The noise resumes, and the audio momentarily cuts out.

    "Ah... Dumb Earth technology is so behind. I'll end the video here."

    "I hope you're all safe. See you."
  2. TinyKiwi

    TinyKiwi New Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    The familiar sound of a camera starting up, accompanied by the muffled talking of two voices, is the introduction to another video.

    When the noise clears, Demi and a man are fumbling with the camera, trying to fit both of them on the frame.


    Finally, the pair is fit in the frame. The lighting is much brighter here than in the last video.

    "Hi mom, hi dad, hi siblings."

    "Do you remember Luke? He's my boyfriend still. We've been travelling together this whole time."

    The man nods and speaks up. His voice is low and rumbling. He sounds like a dungeon would.

    "Hey. I'm taking good care of her, don't worry. We've been staying safe."

    She nods in agreement and smiles warmly.

    "I hope we get to see you again soon. It's been a long time, even longer for you guys and Luke."

    "We actually picked up instruments while we were out here. We play a lot together, especially when the planet falls into night... It's nice."

    Luke puts his arm around her and she holds his hand. She tilts her head slightly and continues speaking.

    "I'm still not sure how to end these... But um. Yeah. I really hope we can see each other soon."

    They both wave slightly to the camera and stand still for a few moments. Suddenly the girl laughs and walks to the camera, muttering something about how she forgot they have to manually turn it off.
  3. TinyKiwi

    TinyKiwi New Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    The camera starts up. It struggles to maintain a clear image at first, however it clears up as Demi starts to speak.

    "Hey mom, hey pa."

    "Sorry for not keeping you updated, we've been busy. We've seen some really cool planets and found some really neat things. I hope we can show you soon."

    "Speaking of finding things, I found this old picture of me. Well, not that old, but old enough... This is just before Luke and I left for space. Here, I think this is at least able to upload pictures... I'm not sure quite how old this is..."

    She fumbles with the settings, each button press accompanied by a loud BEEP.

    Then, a picture loads up on the screen. The girl continues talking.


    "Baseball season! I sort of look silly there. I think I was practicing my 'why I oughta' face. Haha."

    "I don't know, I just thought I'd show you that I still have it. It got pretty beat up, I mean I found it in the pocket of one of my travel backpacks so... Idunno."

    "Just trying to keep contact in anyway I can."


    "Alright. Well, I miss you guys. See you later."