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Dear Valentine... [IC]

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by meanwhile, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. meanwhile

    meanwhile drunk cyberpunk catgirl

    Dec 17, 2013
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    (OOC: This is Avalina's diary she writes while searching for her sister, Valentine)

    Dear Valentine,
    Snowed in, frozen, I yearn for the day I find you. Trapped on this path laid out for me, I search and search. I can't take the cold much longer, it's much harsher than the tree house. I can feel it in my bones, my blood freezing. I want to leave. I must leave. But something about this planet keeps pulling me back - the planet's claws will not set me free forever. I will always return - in hopes of finding you. Be you alive or dead, I must find my answer. The emptiness inside of my heart will expand if I don't. It will tear me up from the inside.

    Please. Come back, Valentine. Come back.
  2. meanwhile

    meanwhile drunk cyberpunk catgirl

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Dear Valentine,
    I sit in the bar on Asani, contemplating where you are. A duel takes place as I write, and many incidents of violence have happened here within the past day. I won't stop searching for you until I find you. I have already faced many distractions on this path, but postponing the search will only deepen the wounds left by the discovery of my now frozen home planet. This bar is not helping me to concentrate. I should find a better place to write, next time.

    Valentine, where are you?
  3. meanwhile

    meanwhile drunk cyberpunk catgirl

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Dear Valentine,
    Much time has passed since I last wrote. I'd love to write every day, but I often find myself fighting the cold of my own planet and trying to remain fed, leaving no time to write in this diary. I've reached an obstacle in my search for you. I am unable to find any information that may give me a hint to your location. I've searched every snowy planet within 5000ly of the star my planet orbits, and I still haven't found any trace of you.

    I'd hate to say it, but I don't know what to do. I am running out of options, and it isn't good for my sanity.

    I need to find you, Valentine. I need you.