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Dear Mother (Messages to Home).

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Tiphira, Jun 6, 2015.

  1. Tiphira

    Tiphira New Member

    May 27, 2015
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    Dear Mother,

    I've been very busy since I arrived in Antares, the frontier, not the star. I didn't pack enough sunscreen for the latter, that's for sure! I met a bunch of nice people so far, traveled to a few interesting planets, and even made a Starnet account so I can keep in touch with you and my new friends! I thought long and hard on a good name and settled on Abracadabra Darling. I think it's super cute. What do you think? Do you think dad would have liked it?

    Okay, so don't freak out, but most of my new friends aren't all human. They are all really good people though, I made sure of that, so don't worry. First was Mr. Dirtleaf, who is a floran, but not the bad kind that go around eating people. He is nice, and funny, and recently joined the United Systems out here! He doesn't remember much of his past, so I told him a bit about what parents and family were. He says floran's tribes are sort of like that, but without all the love and hugs you get from parents, which is a bogus deal. I told him all about honor, and justice, and all the stuff you have to do to be a good guy. Maybe if he becomes a famous hero of the universe or something I can treat him to some snowcones, by then I will have found someplace that still makes them I think. Do you know of any snowcone venders nearby?

    I met an avian named Leto who really seems to like all the stuff I talk about in my stage performances. He wanted to see me eat fire and everything. One day maybe I can put on a show for all the United Systems people out here to liven up their fort (it's very grey and gloomy). He says he has a big book with the history of all his people in it, like a giant storybook, and he's mentioned in it! Maybe some day I'll be in the book to, and Leto and me can go on space faring adventures!

    I have made a friend with a human too, so it's okay! His name is Serric. He was very hurt when I first met him, so I helped keep him company. He's a soldier too, and very nice. He seems to already have a very good grasp on what it is to be chivalrous, so I suggested he join the United Systems as well. maybe him and Dirtleaf will become friends and they can be epic warriors of justice. I haven't seen him in a few days, but he should be fine. They are taking good care of him.

    Last, but not least, I don't know if you are going to believe me either. I met a talking penguin. He was tiny, and white, and adorable. His name is Shark, which I like a lot. We didn't get a chance to speak for as long as I would have liked, but he told me he was pretty downtrodden because some of the people at Fort Mattis (the United Systems place) were mean to him. Someone named Matt especially, which I learned later he is sorta a jerk. I told Leto and Dirtleaf about it, and they said they would look into it for me. If I meet this Matt guy, I am going to give him such a talking to. It's not nice to make fun of someone because they are a tiny penguin person. I hope I see Shark again. I'm really curious about talking penguins, because I only ever saw the non-talking sort back on earth.

    Oh, Itty says "meow" which is hello in kitty. He doesn't seem to mind living on the ship, but I hope to find someplace to live soon. I don't have much money, just all the trinkets and stuff from dad's workshop, and the props and setup equipment for my show. Right now it's between Dexter Gardens, a nice farming community, and Fort Mattis, the military place. Both have some pros and cons. Dexter is pretty, and the owner told me he'd buy a karaoke machine for the cafe, which I am super excited about. It rains alot in Dexter, which is okay because I have my rainbow umbrella. Fort Mattis is very sandy, and quiet, and gloomy... but I bet if I ever lived their I could brighten it up. Plus, most of my friends are there, so that's a big plus. I still haven't decided.

    I am thinking of opening a small community service, but that is all very hush hush right now. I'll let you know more when I find a place to live.

    Love you, (your bestest most lovely daughter ever),

    P.S. There is a faction of Apex out here called the Miniknog, but they aren't tiny monkey people, which is very disappointing.