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Dataram's Ornate Notebook.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Narfball, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    (( Posts are allowed so long as they are OOC. Dataram's notebook is hidden in one of the coffins on his ship. :^) ALSO! Credit to my Steam pal, Knifehead Mcgee for doodling shit for me. (he uses MS Paint too, it's the best tool for art) ))
    (( Edit: The page doesn't differ from the translation below in grey. Just read the translation, and enjoy the page's appearance, since I can't make the text legible in the picture without having to do some serious modifications. ))​
    (( Entry One. Present Day. Present Time.
    Greetings, fair book. I am Dataram, though you are not an electrical device, you are my device nonetheless. Your utility will be greatly appreciated as I write within you, may you resonate with peace and happiness as the terms used keep you content.
    Relevant events today. I had left the hivemind today, it is very good to now have a free will, but also it is very terrifying, no longer having the protection of the guards behind me at all times, I am now alone in this desolate mass that refers to itself as "Space". It is empty. It is scary. I fear for the unknown, the abyss that lie deep within the beast, and yet, it calls to me. As if fate is drawing me towards a destination that I do not know of yet. I will follow my metaphorical gut. I will proceed down the path I have chosen, as there is no true way for me to know, what is right, or wrong, as that is subjective to the person and task at hand. I wonder what destiny has in store for me, but, wonder is wrong, is it not? For if we wonder too deep, we begin to wander, wandering leads us into the face of danger, as we have no clue as to what we are doing, where we are going, wondering is dangerous, by this logic. Sometimes I believe, my logic is flawed. It is. It is very flawed, and I embrace these flaws like I embrace my perfections. No one is perfect in any way, shape or form. However, I have gotten off track, my fair device. I have also discovered my ship has a fantastic storage mechanism, and I will use it to it's full extent, yes I will. I believe it will be beneficial in it's lifetime for me, as I am going to be harvesting many things until I come across a friendly settlement.

    ~Dataram ))

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    #1 Narfball, Sep 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2014
  2. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    (( Entry Four. Present Day. Present Time.
    Hello again, fair book. As you already know, and I establish in every entry, I am Dataram. I would hate for you to forget me, dearest book.
    I am here to bring you dreadful news. My ship has been sucked into the gravitational pull of a planet whilst flying by. Fortunately, said planet was pre-inhabited and established as a colony in said sector. I am ever-so-pleased with how things have turned out for myself. I have met three fair travelers whom had inspected my ship to see how it was, it was unable to be repaired, to say the absolute least. I am in a state of sorrow, if you are unable to tell, friendly old book. I wish for the best for those who have seen my ship and myself. Dirt-Worker is a friendly Avian who happens to enjoy the violin, a true classic instrument. He has found himself in an odd state of mind, however. He has no protection -- yet is okay. Maybe it is I who is odd, and he, who is not. I'll never know, Dirt-Worker is a polite person. There are also two Hylotl adventurers with said Avian.One is named Waterguard, and the other is named Calmswimmer. The first one I had listed is similar to that of a brute. A large, hard-working woman, no doubt. Her top eye seems to be blind, as it has a very silky appearing white coating over it, but that is okay. Her burly build no doubt will be of use to her friends in the future, and I hope for the best for them. As for the final person whom had inspected my ship, they were small, and frail in appearance, as though I could shatter them with ease with just a mean glare, should I be able to convey one. But he is very smart, and for that I commend him, though he is rude, to extreme extents. I have no qualms with him however, I am sure he means well by his group, and is putting on a tough front to make his group seem as though it is stronger than it is. Though -- maybe he is truly rude, and I haven't an idea as to who he truly is -- or his true colors, in reality. I believe it is meant to be a mystery -- something I should never learn. Though I digress, and ramble. I believe now is the time of writing for me to elaborate upon my ideas and feelings, yes? I myself, believe the vast coldness of the universe, truly is warm in the right areas. As though there truly are people outside of the hivemind... I had convinced myself -- the hivemind was the only source of civilization in existence. What a fool I was, was I not? But that is okay, everyone makes foolish mistakes, and should they not, they are clearly doing something very.. Very wrong. I have pondered for hours about one thing. The existence of these people. Do they truly exist? Is this all just a figment of my imagination? ..Can Glitch imagine? Do we genuinely feel, and think for ourselves once we are free? That is a terrifying prospect, it truly is. I do not wish to scare myself any longer, and am now done. Thank you for existing, book. You are a truly a boon in my favor.

    ~Dataram ))

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