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Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Sizniche, May 27, 2014.

  1. Sizniche

    Sizniche New Member

    Feb 22, 2014
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    ((Note: I use the Unix Time Stamp as my time measurement instead of the usual Earth time. This is because the entire universe does not/should not run on Earth time, peeps. I also use the year 2500 as a fill-in number to calculate the time stamp value since the true year in Earth time is unclear. Earth time is still included in OOC text, so that you have an idea when this was written. If you haven't a clue what the Unix Time Stamp is, look it up.))

    (This is a downloadable file that can be recovered from Dante's Mobile Device)

    Time Stamp Reading: 16737970845 ((Aprroximately May 28th, 12:20:45 GMT, Old Earth time))
    I just wrote a notepad program for my mobile device, because I need to start keeping track of what I make on some level, so that if I were to die, someone may find this file, and be able to continue my research.

    Now that I have set up my mobile lab in my spaceship, I have gotten right to work on my first project in a long while.

    I have been working on a way to make the brains of intelligent beings faster and allow them to see in a sort of slow motion, and I believe I have found that the answer might be locked in the human genome!

    You see, the human body has this strange yet amazing adaptation where, if they are in a situation of panic, extreme fear, or when they need to think fast, their mind is able to (get this) slow down time!

    Well, that's kind of what happens. It is really just the human brain processing faster so that the human has time to think instead of danger coming at them in a flash. In turn,this makes the eyes process faster, and have a higher (in lack of a better term) frames-per-second count, making them perceive time to be going slower.

    If I could amplify this effect in humans, and allow it to be turned on and off on command, then many universe explorers can have instant decision making, lightning reflexes, and an amazing perception of the world at their disposal.

    The problem becomes this: unless other races, like the Apex, Floran, Avian, or Hylotl have the same trait as a human, they might not be genetically compatible with... whatever device I make. Well, I can work around the snags later. The good thing is that the technology Is compatible with Humans and Glitch at the very least. For humans, it will probably be a brain implant that sets off the part of the brain that causes panic when turned on, although this might have some undesired side effects (see below), and as for the Glitch, its simple reprogramming at most.

    Another snag in the plan might be that being in constant panic from turning the device on and off might drive a Human user insane. Think about it: you are a supersoldier, given nothing but the best technology, and the only feelings you have anymore are panic and fear.

    Now that, my friend, is enough to drive anyone insane.

    Well, it seems I have plenty of work to do tomorrow, so I better rest up.
  2. Sizniche

    Sizniche New Member

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Time Stamp Reading: 16738000215 ((May 28, 20:30:15))

    I've hit another snag. I've realised that every possible way of turning on the system would require a reaction, which would require the lightning reflexes the device gives you to be already present, which renders the device useless.


    Well... what if it was always on?

    Its worth a shot, I mean, I've got the pieces to the device ready to be assembled.

    In the meantime, In case that doesn't work out, I've modded my guns to connect to my mobile device to activate the device with the press of a button on the gun, in case you have a hunch you're walking into trouble. It ain't much, but its a helluva lot better than the off-chance you might turn it on fast enough.