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Cy's Tall Tales

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by SP3CTR3, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. SP3CTR3

    SP3CTR3 Flipping Tables at ignorance!

    May 13, 2015
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    The Time Cy Got Blownup(then put back)

    When Cy was young and foolish, he found his self trapped between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, there was the human mercenaries, the Gargoyles
    , lookin' for guns and on the other, Uwajima law. O'course Uwajima law was that Hyotl ninja girl Whisper, I told her it ain't fitting for a ninja to be a lawwoman about the time she found me setting up at the meeting point. Ain't a whole lotta people out on Uwajima, which is why I thought it'd be a pretty great place to sell guns from. Course Whisper didn't agree, and o'course she didn't like what I told her about being a lawwoman. Not one dang bit. Of course, the Gargoyles were devastated, 'specially their leader, Stone. You can imagine the face he made when he found me in custody.

    Now Stone was not a patient man. I feel that's the mark of true character, but that's off track a bit. Where was I? Yes, Stone was not a patient man. He was considerably well muscled though, I'd seen him bend an old glitch like me in half on the battler field, and I didn't much feel like testing his strength now. So I told him that I got a dead drop, wherein he could have that shipment of guns that I'd stuck in the sand. I told him I could tell him where to find it, but I told him that there's a considerable amount of persuasion that could serve as grease in these here sticky wheels that I found myself currently grinding within.

    So'n he went to pay for my release, I got fixin to travel after. I don't rightly know where he went that it took so long I began to rust, can ya believe? Off topic, but anyways I soon found Whisper opening my cell, the feel of the ocean wind on my tactile sensors once again. It was a kind of peace. Till the Gargoyles got me outside. They began to beat me within an inch of my life. Course they took me off a ways. Sure beats all that Chief Whisper weren't nowhere in sight and so near civility.

    Course I told 'em where the drop was, course I did. An they dragged me there. Then they got to diggin, first I told em it was over here, then, no, no, I musta-been mistaken. What they never knew was that the mother of all fish was swimmin round the island we was on. I decided to affectionately call her Bertha. Bout that time, it began to think about maybe checkin' out all the meaty gargoyle tidbits walkin round on the island. Right after, she found two of em to be mighty tasty.

    Eventually Whisper had to answer the call of guns again but this time she ended up finding a way to help me out. Those kids were running and screamin all over the island. Sure I got a beating, but I don't rightly remember why dynamite had to be used, but I think it was on account of Bertha was probably not takin kindly to weapons-fire either. When that occurred, I was rightly attempting to crawl my way to a high point where my ship might be able to pick me up (I knew full well that Uwajima didn't have no teleporter jammers), with only the land to work against me it was a literal uphill battle. At that point I didn't pay no mind to the shouts that was being tossed around, but I did pay some mind to the dynamite that was meant for Bertha that fell in front of me. I suspect that the one who lit it was now makin a permanent home inside Bertha. So I didn't expect an apology.

    It wasn't until sometime later that an novakid found me, Dylon, nursed me back to health, pieced me back together best a machinehead from the inner systems could. It took him about three weeks to get me whipped back into working order. Even then I had a ways to go, cuz he'd replaced me with lots of pieces he'd found salvaging, my personality modules were pretty messed up and required some circuitry from his own vessel. The other side of it was the price of his doctorin'. Since gettin crossed by the Gargoyles, I didn't have much use for a large shipment of guns, but this fella was willing to pay top dollar for what I had buried. Seems he knew a person, who knew a person. So I was more than happy to let em go to him.

    Anyways, once I got put back together I noticed some strange stuff, parts that were a little mismatched, and also some o'my parts had some weird side effects. It weren't none o'them nanomachines, but Dylon got me some grizzled stubble, thinkin' it might give me a bit more bravo, er, somethin, need to ask him if I see him again. I've kind of gotten used to it now, I like it.

    So that's my story.

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