Is it possible to make a custom hair/fin/plumage/plantthing/whatever? The answer is yes. The subsequent question is how. Yukari was being stubborn, and I'm no good with code magic. Can someone help me? D:
It's basically just messing around with transparency in SBSE. Find a helmet you like, recolor certain parts of it to whatever color you want, and turn transparency down all the way on whatever parts you don't want. Alternatively, you could make a hand-held item using something like SBG and Starcheat. Adjust the placement (melee weapons work best because you can set them to not follow your mouse cursor) and drawables, and you've got a custom vanity item that won't hurt the server (but beware, your character's arm/arms won't move while walking).
I found the helmet, so sherlock. Yukaris fins suck though. Im trying to make something more elegant. I'll give it a look see, thanks for the feedback guys!