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Criminal Records-Dr. Adolf von Fleischer

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Lawsonkc6, Oct 16, 2016.

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  1. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Vaneworth Asylum for the Criminally Insane
    Public Warning: Dangerous Individual Loose

    Vaneworth Asylum is currently being decontaminated due to toxic residue

    Adolf von Fleischer

    Species: Human
    Race: Caucasian
    Gender: Male

    Height: 6'0
    Weight:184 lbs.
    Skin: Pale
    Hair: Blonde
    Eyes: Blue

    Reason for incarceration: Poisoning of =REDACTED= (Avian Temple) water supply with nerve toxin, human experimentation, bio-terrorism
    Mental Issue: Criminally Insane Sociopath
    Security Level: Alpha
    Description of Patient: Confined to his wheel chair, the subject is a sickly looking man. Pale in complexion, most likely from his time spent underground. Blonde hair is combed over to the right side.

    Description of Incarceration: Shows signs of Sociopathic tendencies, showing no empathy for those he has harmed/killed in his experiments. Highly intelligent. One of the forefront minds in Nerve Toxins, has no qualms about live experimentation. Highly manipulative.


    [*A doctor, followed by a guard, enter the room. Adolf is sitting in his wheelchair, dressed in a white dress shirt and black slacks*

    Adolf: Hello Doctor. What a pleasure to have such a brilliant mind visit me, ja?

    Doctor: The pleasure is mine, Adolf. I would like to-

    Adolf: Please. Call me Dr. Fleischer. It is only customary.

    Doctor: Very well, Dr. Fleischer. I would like to discuss the incident at the temple, if that is alright with you.

    Adolf: Not at all! Please, ask away.

    Doctor: It says here that you poisoned the temple's water supply with a nerve toxin.

    *The doctor straightens her glasses nervously*

    Doctor: Any particular reason as to why?

    Adolf: I needed a controlled environment.

    Doctor: Is that the only reason?

    Adolf: Ja. Were you expecting something more?

    Doctor: I was expecting-

    Adolf: That I am filled with hatred for another species so I slaughter a group of them? Nein. It was a needed sacrifice.

    *The doctor jots down several notes before standing to leave.*

    Adolf: Enjoyed the conversation, frauline. Perhaps bring more interesting topics next time.

    *The doctor and guard leave*

    [ *The doctor returns with a new guard*

    Adolf: Good afternoon, Doctor. Or evening. I can not tell in this place.

    Doctor: It is the evening, yes.

    Adolf: I thought so.

    Doctor: I would like to discuss the temple again.

    Adolf: Ah, I was under the impression you would like to discuss more interesting topics.

    Doctor: Well, Dr. Fleischer, we would like to help you. And we think that the temple incident was what began your problems.

    Adolf: Problems, you say? How extraordinary. Perhaps we can discuss your problems then?

    Doctor: W-What do you mean?

    Adolf: Your recent divorce. Or is it death? You are not wearing your wedding ring, unlike last time. And from what I have heard, you are not one to forget it at home. By the way the skin is lighter....I would say you never took it off.

    Doctor: I do not think-

    Adolf: You also have a bruise on your collar bone. Do not try to hide it. It is peaking out from underneath your turtle neck. I assume that is why you left him? Am I correct to assume that your children suffered the same?

    *The doctor stands abruptly. The guard opens the door and they both leave. Before the door shuts, the beginning sounds of sobbing can be heard from just outside the door*

    *The same doctor enters the room with the guard of Day 1*

    Adolf: Ah, hello doctor. I apologize for my behavior during our last visit.

    Doctor: Its fine. I would like to see if you can be treated today.

    *Adolf frowns at this*

    Adolf: Treated? Medications never where my preference.

    Doctor: That is what it has come to. I am sorry, Dr. Fleischer.

    *A buzzing noise comes from the doctor's pocket. She quickly stands and exits the room, pulling a phone from her coat pocket and leaving the guard and Adolf alone. Silence reigns supreme, for a time.*

    Adolf: Married are you?

    *Guard does not respond*

    Adolf: Your wife must be lucky to have you. A strapping young man such as yourself must be very happy to be married.

    Guard: I am.

    Adolf: Children?

    *The guard glances at the door before responding*

    Guard: Two. A little girl, and another one on the way.

    Adolf: Oh, she must be the apple of your eye! Sweet little girl, ja?

    Guard: That she is. Perfect child, really. Never complains. Always thankful.

    *Adolf smiles, the grin spreading across his entire face*

    Adolf: How adorable. She is lucky to have someone like you as her father.

    *The guard grins for a moment, but the door open and the doctor returns.*

    Adolf: Shall we continue, Doctor? I believe we were on medication dosages....

    *The guard from before enters, looking somewhat ragged*

    Adolf: Matthew, is something the matter? You look rather pale...and where is the doctor?

    Matthew: I'm....not doing so good, doc. I'm in a pretty bad way, and I don't have anyone else to talk to about this.

    *Adolf sits up straight in his wheelchair*

    Adolf: Is it about Marie?

    Matthew: Yea, it is....She isn't getting better, doc. The doctors say that the baby probably won't make it. She has been depressed, talking about offing herself if the baby dies. It's....I don't think I can handle this.

    Adolf: Oh lord. Not the baby.

    *Matthew covers his eyes and his body shakes every-so-often*

    Adolf: Matthew....I think I know how to turn the situation around. But it will require something...unorthodox.

    Matthew: Anything, doc! I swear to you, if it saves my baby girl, I will do it.

    Adolf: Good....good. I know of a procedure that will greatly improve the fetus'....I mean child's...chances of survival. The only obstacle is....

    Matthew: What? What is it?

    Adolf: I am in here, and the poor child is out there. I do not think I can do the procedure here.

    *Matthew goes silent for a moment, wracking his brain in thought*

    Matthew: I don't think I can...

    Adolf: Think of the child, Matthew. Think of your wife. Do you want to lose them both?

    Matthew: No! I won't let that happen!

    Adolf: Then I will get ready. The baby is due in three weeks, ja? The night before, we leave. We will save your little girl, Matthew. I promise you this.

    Matthew: Thank you, doc. It....It means a lot that your doing this for me.

    Adolf: Anything for a friend, Matthew. Anything for a friend.

    *Matthew opens the door to the cell, stepping inside.*

    Adolf: Good to see you, Matthew. Let us hurry. I do not wish for you to get fired.

    Matthew: Agreed.

    *Matthew turns to push the door back open. As he does so, Adolf rolls behind him and after yanking the pistol from Matthew's holster, aims it at him as he wheels backwards.*

    Matthew: Doc, what are you doing?!

    Adolf: Enjoying myself too much!

    *Adolf fires a round into Matthew's leg, forcing the guard onto the ground in agony. After the guard falls, Adolf leans over and pulls back the heel of his shoe, revealing a small compartment, where he retrieves a small syringe and gas filled cylinder. He injects himself with the syringe.*

    Matthew: What the fuck are you doing, doc?!

    Adolf: Injecting myself with the antidote to the nerve toxin I used at the temple. Really Matthew, you need to use your brain from time to time.

    Matthew: So that's the plan? Kill me with your gas and leave my baby girl to die?

    Adolf: No, no, no Matthew! That would be much too cruel.

    *Matthew grunts in pain as he tries to right himself, but fails, falling back to the floor*

    Adolf: This room is so bland and monotone.

    Matthew: Wha-

    Adolf: It could use a bit more...

    *He aims the gun at Matthew's head, grinning.*

    Adolf: Color.

    *He fires, blood spraying across the walls. Without another word, he wheels himself out, pistol and nerve toxin in hand, and a large grin on his face*
    #1 Lawsonkc6, Oct 16, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2016
  2. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    *A new notice has been posted underneath the old one. It has the Council seal on it*

    Adolf von Fleischer
    Crimes: Genocide, murder, bioterrorism, threats against Council Officials, and assault
    85,000 pixels
    Death of Criminal will not garner you payment.
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