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Council Loses Contact with Fringe Colony After Unprovoked Attack

Discussion in 'StarNet News' started by EyesofMarch, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    The Most Trusted Name in Galactic News

    15 September, 2416

    Council representatives are scrambling today after receiving news that spacecraft from the unexplored Sacramentus Sector arrived in force over the Council fringe colony, Intrepid, and promptly initiated a military engagement with its security forces.

    Colonial security forces, at first confused by the arrival of these unidentified spacecraft, were suddenly engaged and promptly decimated by the alien fleet, after which a small-scale invasion of the fringe colony began. No contact has been made with the colonial government in over seventy two galactic hours.

    One of the final images to leave Intrepid was a photo, taken by a crewmember of the planets orbital elevator, just seconds before the Council destroyer "Leviathan" was destroyed in combat.

    Johnathan Harris, governor of the Allaris Cluster colonies, which directly border the Tormentus and Sacramentus Sectors, declared that the Council was preparing an immediate response. "These alien spacecraft initiated an unprovoked attack against a Council colony and its defensive fleet," he said. "While we shall attempt some form of diplomacy, we are, in fact, preparing for a military response to re-take our colony, and defend the people of Council Space."

    Council representatives are currently unsure as to the nature of the alien fleet, or which species it may belong to. However, Council representatives have announced that a large military fleet is currently gathering over Allaris Prime, the regional capital of the Allaris Cluster, in preparation for retaliation. The fleet is planned to consist primarily of ships donated by Apex and Avian crews. Human representatives are surprisingly missing from this reaction force, although anonymous reports show that there has been heightened Human military activity in the Sol System; where remains of the Human homeworld, Earth, reside.

    We will update information as it becomes available.
    #1 EyesofMarch, Sep 15, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2016
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  2. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    The Most Trusted Name in Galactic News

    18 September, 2416


    A recorded image of the joint Avian-Apex fleet deploying triumphantly over Intrepid
    Victory over Intrepid today as the Council response fleet hangs triumphantly over the remains of what was once the attacking fleet. The Council fleet, consisting of around thirty warships ranging from fighter-bombers to fully staffed destroyers, attempted communication with the small enemy fleet, which consisted of a measly four frigates. When the enemy fleet failed to respond, the Council fleet promptly destroyed the enemy force, and took control of the planets orbit without suffering any casualties. At this time, the fleet is preparing a disaster response force for the now war-torn colony on Intrepid's surface. While details of the situation planetside are currently difficult to find, Council representatives say that many villages on the farming colony were completely destroyed, and the death toll may be in the hundreds.

    At the same time, recovery teams are now moving on to the remains of the original defense fleet in order to search for survivors, and recover any black boxes and surveillance data to ensure the Council has a full understanding of the situation, and what it may face in the coming days. Some experts have expressed concern that the attacking force may initiate several other attacks due to the small size of the fleet, with worries that it may be merely a scouting force, but Miniknog Admiral Zaeed Mithuran of the Joint Task Force that retook Intrepid disagrees.

    "If the enemy was truly interested in war, they would have brought more than four capital ships to the original engagement," he said. "No, no, we are most likely facing a small insurrection, if anything. I doubt, after this show of force, that the enemy will have any serious considerations in another major offensive on our colonies."

    We will update information as it becomes available.
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