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Corruption in the USCM

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Idenix, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. Idenix

    Idenix New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    *A message slowly appears on your device stating the following*

    Recently, I was "honorably discharged" from the USCM. This is not a statement of lies, but rather a bucket of water to the face with a man yelling WAKE UP!!! After the "Mysterious Disappearance" of Fort Mattis, all of the members were scattered into the universe like dust in the wind. They eventually went on to build a camp that not many knew of and few knew the location. I waited for hours sometimes in my cabin onboard my ship waiting for someone to say all members report to the following coordinates. However, that signal never came. I was abandoned, much like the countless members of them that have been left in the dust or just plainly forgotten. After a while, I got a private message via StarNet from a "Staff Sergeant Eleven" saying that I was to be "honorably discharged" from USCM effective immediately. I had been left in the dark and I paid the price for it. Later I had left a message in StarNet leaving a statement for why I had been discharged, but after a few High Ranks stated how it was lies, it was shortly removed to cover their tracks of lies and deceptions. So I am relaying this message to you, the innocent (or not so innocent) people of the universe on a channel that they can not remove the truth: The USCM are corrupt. They have even stated how the RA are just a ripoff of them but yet they copy their laws and many other things about them, and since they are bigger, they claimed their brilliant ideas as their own, they treat their own recruits like dirt and So I am going to say this straight up, the USCM are NOT to be trusted. After many years of being the dominant military force in the universe, they have been corrupted and their judgments clouded. If you still wish to side with them, then go ahead, I will not try to stop you. This is just a message containing the truth. Take it how you will.

    *The message then fades to darkness*
  2. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    (( Uh, the only thing I recall USCM copying from the R.A is the pay grade thread and LAW ( weapon, but yeah your original post was deleted for some reason, as was mine. My post saying "there is no general eleven") ))
  3. Space Captain Katsura

    Mar 22, 2014
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    ...Who caresss...The USCM isss bunch of weaklingsss....Katsssura ssstab ssstab ssstab USCM
  4. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ((okay [​IMG]
    ((for the record, Mattis still exists in the lore. The United Systems came out way before the RA, and there has never been any IC claims that they are a copycat. You're mixing IC and OOC, if you're gonna be a raving crazy, do it right m8 ))
  5. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    (( I think he's just mad about being discharged, and the fact that his original post was deleted. He probably posted this because no one can delete it this time ))
  6. Idenix

    Idenix New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    (( I posted that IC'ly please respond to it IC'ly
    #6 Idenix, Mar 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2014
  7. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    (( Apparently so. I got no pm about you being discharged, nor did I authorize any discharge. You wanna pm me with specifics to work it out? The PM was relevant in that you were told to get a hold of someone IC and as to my knowledge, never did. ))



    I will respond to this StarNet posting in list form.

    1. Fort Mattis never disappeared, the 87th was reassigned to a frontier military installation. Standing orders were to report to your CO and get there ASAP. Either you fell through the cracks or failed to report.

    2. If you were honourably discharged, it was most likely due to your tour being completed and you not signing on for extended service.

    3. I never saw a message, and if I did I would have requested you come in to update your status. In the future, it has proven prudent to contact ranking officers directly.

    4. The RA is a recently formed organization. How we steal laws that were passed years ago from a group that hasn't been around for more than a month is impossible.

    5. There has been no empirical evidence to back all the claims of corruption within the marine corps. If anyone has it, I'd love to see it.

    Furthermore, an anonymous posting on StarNet should be given no merit. I however am not willing to take the risk that this is a disgruntled recruit. I also see it as an opportunity to answer any questions people may have.
    #7 Punished Tacc, Mar 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2014
  8. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    (( If you didn't authorize a discharge, you should say it icly and say it's a misunderstanding. ))
  9. Bloodrazer

    Bloodrazer Son of Rakkis

    Dec 28, 2013
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    This sounds like nothing I have heard, yet it seems to be made by another disgruntled worker.
  10. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    The RA is in no way affiliated with the USCM and would prefer to avoid any such associations that would sully the RA's reputation.

    H.L. Hollow