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Contractors Database

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Mitzi the Floran, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
    Likes Received:
    This is a list of important persons or contractors maintained by myself to make available to anyone a person suiting their needs for any and all situations. Frequencies for the people on this list are included with the information in case Radio contact needs to be established with any of the following people.

    (( Please list information to be added to this topic in the following format: ))

    Mitzi - The Floran Master of Farshooting
    • Ranged Weapons specialist (Sniper Rifles) - Master
    • Biology ( Botanist, Biotechnology, Genetics, Cybernetics ) - Major
    • Anatomy and Physiology ( Floran ) - Major
    • Science ( Physical Science ) - Minor
    • Melee Weapons specialist ( Daggers ) - Minor
    Oweyn -
    • Anatomy and Physiology ( All Races ) - Major
    • Melee Weapons Specialist (Broadswords, Hammers, Axes ) - Major
    • Biology (Genetics, Biotechnology, Glitch Augmentation ) - Major
    • Hand to hand combat - Minor
    Cutter ( & Rin ) -
    • Biology (Genetics, Cybernetics) Major
    • Ranged Weapons specialist (Assault Rifles, Pistols,) Major
      • Biology (Genetics, Biotechnology, Cybernetics) - Major
      • Medicine (Diagnostician, Surgery, Medical nanite applications) - Major
      • Science ( Physical Science, Earth Science, Formal Science ) - Major
      • Anatomy and Physiology (Apex, Human) - Major
    Blue -
    • - Biology (Xenobiology, Ecosystems, Terraforming Theory) - Major
    • - Science (Earth Science, FTL Theory, Astronavigation) - Major
    • - Construction Engineer (Human) - Minor
    • - Ranged Weapon Specialist (Pistols) - Minor
    Ashe -
    • - Hostage situations and Negotiations - Major
    • - Ground, HE (Hazardous Environment) Operations, EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activity) Operations, Amphibious Operations - Major
    • - Medical, Engineering - Minor
    • - Rescue Technician, Rapid Response Team - Major
    • - Humanitarian Operations - Minor
    • - Community and Justice Services, Policing - Minor
    Aiko Yori -
    • Hand to Hand combat - Super Dee-Duper Major Supreme
    • Espionage, Infiltration, Reconnaissance - Major
    • "Stress Relief" - You know you want it
    • Alcohol Tolerance - Supernatural phenomenon
    • Medical, Hylotl - Minor, simple on sight procedures for self preservation
    • Engineering - Minor
    Ekai Bloodleaf -
    • Melee Weapons Specialist ( Swords, Daggers, Hammers) - Major
    • Hand to Hand combat - Major
    • Medicine ( Floran ) - Minor
    • Ranged Weapons Specialist ( Bows, Pistols) - Minor
    • Construction Engineer (Floran, Glitch) - Minor
    • Tutoring / Teaching - Minor
    • Medicine (Human)(Diagnostician, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Other) - Major
    • Anatomy and Physiology (Human) - Major
    • Medicine (Diagnostician, Surgeon)- Major
    • Engineering (robotics, programming, wiring, cybernetics)- Major
    • Anatomy (human, glitch, floran)- Minor
    • general chemistry- Minor
    • Biology (bio-mechanics, genetics)- Minor
    Leonardo Vincia

    • Hand to Hand Combat (Major)
    • Ranged Weaponry Specialist (Major)
    • Melee Specialist (Major)
    • Survival Skills [Minor Cooking, Primitive Medical Skills, ect] (Major)
    • Mechanical Repair [Ships and Cars] (Minor)
    • Vehicle Operation Specialist [Ships and Cars] (Minor)
    • Looking good in a Fedora (Priceless)
    • Espionage [Stealth] (Poor)
    • Computer Sciences (Poor)
    • Technologically Declined (Can hardly work the navigator)
    • Medicine (Moderate)
    • An Extreme Dislike of Apex.
    Kibo Ryoko-sha
    • Hand to Hand Combat - Major
    • Swordsmanship - Major
    • Communications - Minor
    • Medicine - Minor
    • Stealth - Major
    • Ranged Weapons - Minor (Except for Bows and Throwing weapons)
    Allen Frost

    ~Combat Skills~
    • Martial Weapons (Broadswords [Major], Axes [Minor])
    • Plasma Sniper Rifles - Major
    • Plasma Assault Rifles - Major
    • Plasma Pistols - Major
    • Solid Projectile Firearms - Minor
    • Ambush Tactics - Minor
    • Improvised Explosive Devices - Minor
    • Aggressive Interrogations - Major

    ~Intelligent Skills~
    • Medicine (Human, Apex, Hylotl) (General Medicine [Minor], Surgery [Major])
    • Biochemical Engineering - Major
    • Nanotechnology - Major
    • Astronomy - Minor
    • Xenozoology - Minor
    Chris Lynn

    -- Combat Skills --
    • Hand-to-Hand Combat - Minor
    • Ranged Weapons ( crossbows, rifles, projectile explosives, bows, pistols & the standard revolver ) - Major
    • Melee Weapons ( spears, axes, daggers / shortswords, greatswords, all in order from best to least skilled ) - Major
    • Agility & Stealth - Major

    -- Intellect-based & Non-Combat Skills --
    • Engineering ( mechanical limbs, vehicle creation and repair, firearm engineering, etc. ) - Major
    • Architecture / Building ( Human, Avian, Apex ) - Major
    • Firearm Manufacturing ( to go with engineering ) - Minor
    Ardub Axyot - Adult Hylotl Male

    Combat Skills
    • Bow/Crossbow - major
    • Long blade (hylotl) - major
    • Defensive melee (aikido) - major
    • Pistols - minor

    Non-combat Skills
    • Music (koto and ocarina) - major
    • Carpentry - major
    • Farming - minor
    • Hylotl architecture - minor
    • Dao - The dao is not what the dao is.
    Maj. Adler - Former USCM Situational Response Task force (Complicated status)

    Medicine Skills
    • -Combat Medic training (Minor~)

    Combat Skills
    • -Highly proficient with most firearms, ranging from Pistols, to rifles, to heavy weaponry, esp assault rifles. (Major)
    • -Experienced with short-blade weapons, namely a standard-issue USCM Jungle Tactical Machete (Major)
    • -Tactical Command skills (operational) (formerly second in command of USCM-SRT) (Major)
    • -Basic training in Mech operation and tactics (Minor)
    • -Trained in Marine Hand to Hand (Major)

    Construction Skills
    • -Experienced overseeing and planning the construction of military-style defensive fortifications and structures (Minor)
    A new classification of skills has been added by the Coalition of Contractors, the "Master" Rank.
    No longer will contractors seeking to show their differences in skills be labeled as a paltry "Major" Rank.

    They have placed a limit on the skills that can be classified to one individual as to not destabilize the Coalition of Contractors, so be advised the information reflected will have to be updated. A description of each license of skill available can be found below:

    Master Rank - Notated as the top 1% in a given field, the equivalent of having an "Old Earth" PhD in your chosen field. Due to the level of training necessary to attain a Master rank in a given subject, a Maximum of one skill can be noted as "Master" Rank, in this database. It can take anywhere from 30 to 50 years to be considered for a Master rank certification. Those qualifying will be given a unique title in the database to signify their achievements in a chosen field.

    Note that Master ranks can only be applied to a single subject of study, such as Ranged Weapons ( Assault Rifles ), or Anatomy and Physiology ( Hylotl ).

    Major Rank - The top 30% of a given field. The old earth equivalent of having a Masters Degree in the field of your expertise. Training required is less than that required to be considered Master rank, however with it being easier to attain, approximately a decade of training is required for you to be considered "Major" in a contractors skill. A limit of three Major rank certifications can be held in this database by a single individual.

    Minor Rank - The remaining 70%. This rank ranges from Minor training in a military academy up to almost full training towards a Major rank. It's equivalent would be a Bachelor's degree by Old earth Standards. A minimum of four years of study in a field is required to attain certification for Minor Rank.

    Untrained - Any skill that one does not have a classification in does not have to be listed on this database and will be considered as "Untrained" in regards to employers seeking to hire contractors.

    Below is an example list of applicable skills in which you can state your level of knowledge or aptitude:
    • Biology ( Botany, Genetics, Biotechnology, Other )
    • Medicine ( Diagnostician, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Other )
    • Science ( Physical Science, Earth Science, Life Science, Social Science, Formal Science )
    • Anatomy and Physiology ( Glitch, Floran, Apex, Hylotl, Human, Avian )
    • Ranged Weapons Specialist ( Bows, Pistols, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Flamethrowers, Rocket Launchers, Grenade Launchers )
    • Melee Weapons Specialist ( Shortswords, Broadswords, Daggers, Hammers, Axes, Spears )
    • Vehicle Operation Specialist ( Mechs, Cars, Other )
    • Contruction Engineer / Architect ( Glitch, Floran, Apex, Hylotl, Human, Avian )
    • General Contractor ( Electrician, Plumber, Excavation )
    • Other ( Coming soon! )
    (( If you have skills to suggest please let me know in OOC quotes when you post.))
    #1 Mitzi the Floran, Jan 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2014
  2. Bloodrazer

    Bloodrazer Son of Rakkis

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Bloodrazer AKA: Blood

    • Melee Weapons Specialist ( Shortswords, Broadswords, Daggers, Axes ): Major
    • Vehicle Operation Specialist ( Mechs, Cars, Other ): Minor
    • Ranged Weapons Specialist ( Bows, Pistols, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Grenade Launchers ): Major
    • Science ( Social Science ): Minor
    #2 Bloodrazer, Jan 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2014
  3. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Captain Silas C. Sedgewick
    Education / Knowledge
    • Anatomy and Physiology Minor; general knowledge of well-populated species'.
    Combat Skills
    • Ranged Weapons Major; specializing in pistols.
    • Melee Weapons Minor; specializing in swords.
    • Unarmed Combat Minor; no training in any formal martial arts.
    Stealth Skills
    • Intel Gathering Major; via charisma based skills and espionage.
    • Stealth Major; keeping out of sight and being quiet.

    Utility Skills
    • Piloting (Ships) Master; trained to handle the controls of small to medium sized ships. Able to pilot large cruisers, but with minor skill.
    • Mechanics (Ships) Major; specializes in small to medium sized ships. Treat large ships as having minor skill.
    • Hacking (Computers) Minor; personal computers and small-time firewalls.
    Joseph Crawford Brigsby
    • Piloting: Major. Flew as a cargo shipper for a few years before Earth fell.
    • Mechanics: Untrained, but knows how to do minor repairs on FTL engines.
    • Ranged Combat: Minor. Uses shotguns mainly. Gotta keep that cargo safe.

    • Stealth - Master
    • Ranged Weapons - Major (Sniper Rifles, Assault Rifles)
    • Melee Weapons - Major (Katanas, Knives)
    • Unarmed Combat - Major (Sagasa, Krav Maga, LINE, Ninjutsu)
    • Medicine - Minor (Basic Battlefield remedies)
    • Piloting - Minor (Boats, Bikes, Small ships)
    • Mechanics - Minor (Basics)
    • Hacking - Minor (Basics)
    Name: Flux

    • - Liberally Applied Genetics: Major; You want some lab-brewed monsters, or a quickie cloning? I've got you covered.
    • - Harmonica playing: Minor
    • - Piloting: Minor; I've been behind the consoles of all sorts of "borrowed" ships, and know how to navigate in asteroid fields. I wouldn't vouch for my skills in a ship-to-ship combat scenario though.
    • - Matter Manipulator... Manipulating: Minor; I'm not a half-bad interior decorator.
    • - Monster Training: Major; Once you get past the projectile blood-vomit, most abominations of nature are pretty cuddly.
    • - General Medical Practice: Major; When you spend most of your time interacting with creatures that can manipulate gravity, spit plasma, or tear you into pieces, you get very good at patching up injuries.
    • - Partying Hard: Master; If you invite me to a party, safety is not guaranteed.

    Other Qualities:
    • - I am Apex trained, and fully familiar with Miniknog-grade laboratories and computer systems!
    • - I don't ask a lot of troublesome ethical questions like "where did the bodies come from?" or "How did you get so badly mangled?"
    • - Willing to work for voxels, favors owed, monster specimens, avesmingos (can't get enough of 'em, they are so good), or "donated" organs!
    • - I have a small squad of well trained combat monsters, ready and waiting to eat the faces off of whatever I happen to point at! They make great bodyguards! Just be sure to feed them properly.
    Mucklurk - Mucklurk, Ssspurgle
    • Ranged Weapons specialist (Sniper Rifles) - Mucklurk
    • Biology ( Botanist, Biotechnology, Genetics, Cybernetics ) - Much Ssspurgle. Very Mucklurk.
    • Anatomy and Physiology ( Floran ) - Very Ssspurgle.
    • Science ( Physical Science ) - Eh, Mucklurk.
    • Melee Weapons specialist ( Stick ) - Mucklurkest
    • Ssspurgle Places: Much Ssspurgle, Very Mucklurk.
    • Sewers: Almost as much Ssspurgle as Ssspurgle. Most Mucklurk.
    #3 Mitzi the Floran, Jan 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2014
  4. Oweyn

    Oweyn New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
    Likes Received:

    • Anatomy and Physiology of all Races (Major)
    • Melee Weapons Specialist (Broadswords, Hammers, Axes ) (Major)
    • Biology (Genetics, Biotechnology, Glitch Augmentation ) (Major)
    • Hand to hand combat (minor)
  5. Sen

    Sen Guest

    • Botany major, Genetics major, Biotechnology major
    • Diagnostician major, Surgery major, Internal Medicine major
    • Physical Science major, Earth Science major, Life Science major, Social Science major, Formal Science major
    • Glitch major, Floran major also floran is best at everything, Apex major, Hylotl stabber major, Human major, Avian major
    • Bows major, Pistols major, Assault Rifles major, Sniper Rifle major, Shotguns major, Flamethrowers major, Rocket Launchers major, Grenade Launchers major
    • Shortswords major, Broadswords major, Daggers major, Hammers major, Axes major, Spears major
    • Mechs major, Cars major, Other major
    • Glitch major, Floran major, Apex major, Hylotl major Human major, Avian major )
    • General Contractor ( Electrician major, Plumber major, Excavation major)
    • stabber major because floran best stabber
  6. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    So For Sen we're just going to add

    • Big Talker - Major
  7. Bloodrazer

    Bloodrazer Son of Rakkis

    Dec 28, 2013
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    ((perhaps adding tactical acquisition ( theft) and information dissemination I.E. propoganda
  8. GateKeeper

    GateKeeper New Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Likes Received:
    • Biology (Genetics, Cybernetics) Major
    • Ranged Weapons specialist (Assault Rifles, Pistols,) Major
  9. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Updated with Cutter.

    (( Bloodrazer don't you think having the highest proficiency in 16 skills is a little.. OP? ))
    #9 Mitzi the Floran, Jan 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2014
  10. GateKeeper

    GateKeeper New Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    (( Can I add Rin She is my character's AI))
  11. Bloodrazer

    Bloodrazer Son of Rakkis

    Dec 28, 2013
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    I am an ambassador, a bartender, a mercenary, a member of both the avalon and the tallest tree defense force, and I am also an information and goods broker. Would you like me to quit one of those jobs in order to conform to your standards or may i keep earning a living the way i am now?
  12. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    (( Go for it champ ))

    (( No but look at yourself in comparison to some of the other serious posts about their characters skills.
    You can perfectly drive all vehicles, you know the recoil of all guns in existance and can compensate to adjust for any firing changes.
    And you're an ambassador but your social science skill is minor?
    Having major in a few weapons is great and all, but doesn't it make more sense that you would find a few weapons you really like to learn them instead of knowing them all? I mean you don't need to learn all the guns possible to play call of duty, you just gotta learn the ones that feel comfortable to you. ))
  13. GateKeeper

    GateKeeper New Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Likes Received:
    • Biology (Genetics, Biotechnology, Cybernetic's) Major
    • Medicine (Diagnostician, Surgery, Medical nanite applications)Major
    • Science ( Physical Science, Earth Science, Formal Science )Major
    • Anatomy and Physiology (Apex, Human)Major
  14. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Updated with the latest information available.
  15. Blue

    Blue New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
    Likes Received:
    - Biology (Xenobiology, Ecosystems, Terraforming Theory) - Major
    - Science (Earth Science, FTL Theory, Astronavigation) - Major
    - Construction Engineer (Human) - Minor
    - Ranged Weapon Specialist (Pistols) - Minor
  16. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    The Entirety of the USCM

    - Hostage situations and Negotiations (Major)
    - Ground, HE (Hazardous Environment) Operations, EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activity) Operations, Amphibious Operations (Major)
    - Medical, Engineering (Minor)
    - Rescue Technician, Rapid Response Team (Major)
    - Humanitarian Operations (Minor)
    - Community and Justice Services, Policing (Minor)

    The Entirety of the USN

    - Space Escort, Ship-to-Ship Combat, Cargo Protection (Major)
    - Medical, Humans (Major)
    - Medical, Xeno-biology (Minor)
    - Orbit-to-Surface Strikes (Major)
    - Research and Development, ONR (Major)
    - Clandestine Operations, Espionage , ONI (Major)

    I am sure I missed a few, and if I did I'm sure the Gunnery Sergeant will offer up the rest.

    With the added benefit of the United Systems coming free of charge.
  17. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    Aiko Yori
    • Hand to Hand combat, (Super Dee-Duper Major Supreme)
    • Espionage, Infiltration, Reconnaissance (Major)
    • "Stress Relief" (You know you want it)
    • Alcohol Tolerance (Supernatural phenomenon)
    • Medical, Hylotl (Minor, simple on sight procedures for self preservation)
    • Engineering (Minor)
  18. xShockwirex

    xShockwirex New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    Ekai Bloodleaf
    • Melee Weapons Specialist ( Swords, Daggers, Hammers): (Major)
    • Hand to Hand combat ( What Aiko said.)
    • Medicine, Floran ( Minor)
    • Ranged Weapons Specialist ( Bows, Pistols): Minor/Major (Kind of in between...)
    • Construction Engineer (Floran, Glitch): Minor
    • Tutoring / Teaching (Minor)
  19. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    • Medicine (Human)(Diagnostician, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Other) - Major
    • Anatomy and Physiology (Human) - Major
  20. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Updated with the latest information.