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Conspiracy's Theory: Sunshine's Private Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Node, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Entry oo1: Located

    It took a lot of searching. But it's done. I've finally located where some of my friends have been hiding out. Those rascals sure gave me a what for, scurrying about the galaxy. The fact that many of them do not even have ships makes the fact that I couldn't find any of them... highly troubling. I'll remain frosty as ever though.

    The first of the trio seems to be the one tying the small, yet distant group together. How poetic that Node would be kind enough to live up to his name. He is just as unpleasant as he always was, obsessed with the balance of the universe and being... generally uncool. He seems to be organizing some sort of event, but I cannot tell what. He seems to be shielding himself from me with some sort of nefarious... shadow technology.

    The next is Overseer. He seems to be... highly unstable, though I am not sure why. It is not within his nature to be so malicious. Though he appears to currently just be a minor threat to the universe, I fear that someone might realize his true potential, and put him to use. It is likely I should try to put a stop to that before... it happens.

    Finally, the last of my friends that I've located is the lovely Miss Cation. Or Ion, for people who don't like... stupid names. She seems incredibly naive. Much to my confusion. She unfortunately seems to have made the mistake of moving to Luminaria, which is... super lame. I can't do anything to observe her from here. From what I hear on the radios, I fear the worst for her right now, and feel ashamed that I can do little to help her.

    I suppose it would be inadequate to fail mentioning myself. I have decided for this operation to go with the name... Sunshine; since I have a... glowing personality. I will be watching the others, and any of the others I find.

    And of course screwing with the locals. That is good too.
  2. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Entry 002: Shocking Developments

    Wow! What a day. Not for me of course. Today I did a whole lot of nothing. I polished my gun for a while. That was fun for a while. Listened to some tangy tunes. That was... also excellent. No, today was quite the day for a young Miss Ion. As I had previously suspected, she was for sale on the slave market. Of course she wasn't a few days ago. So what happened; I hear you cry. Well if I had to take a guess... One certain untraceable Node of the Dark Star kidnapped her, and then sold her. No doubt because of his... master plans. Which I highly doubt involve the girl. She probably just got involved.

    Looks like one of her friends struck a deal with him though, since she seems to be free from the market. I saw her wandering around giving interviews to some people. She is still wearing a shock collar though.

    I'll have to keep my eye on her.
    #2 Node, Apr 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2014