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Resolved Concerning the anonymous posts

Discussion in 'Other Questions' started by Blaine871, Dec 5, 2016.

  1. Blaine871

    Blaine871 New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    So I have a question on the anonymous posts on the forums.

    Is there a way to edit it or get word out on how we should use them IC? In a recent post ive been forming up on a mini event on the black market page, someone posted an anonymous post right under the first message I put on there, leaving a character name anon. A later post with a brown robot as a different image messaged without putting a name down. I figured it was a different person, and kept going until Shortly after I messaged IC that there were 3 people willing to take the job and that it was able to start getting underway, I later found out that the two separate posts were the same character. Meaning there were actually only 2 people messaging the whole time... I have a bad feeling this image change issue could mess with other IC posts when it comes to planning events.

    So I just talked to the individual. This was a complete level of confusion. Different person messaged as anon, when I IC talked about some anon character the other person thought I was talking about the word anonymous.

    So. Ima change this posts direction to maybe asking people to not use the anonymous function when going IC on the forums, or removing the function entirely for the starnet forums. so that this way it is possible to actually contact them when they leave a message, instead of having to sit around and wait for a second response. Not knowing if they are going to leave another message or if they have forgotten about the post entirely because I couldn't contact them further about the post.
    #1 Blaine871, Dec 5, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2016
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    The anonymous function was created specifically to be used in the black market, which is where you posted. The whole idea is that the section is full of shady characters and less than legal activities, so anonymous accounts would be common. While it may cause some issues contacting other players in that forum, that's kinda the point. Users can feel free to share their accounts or stop posting anonymously if they wish to take something to PMs or whatever else.
  3. Blaine871

    Blaine871 New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    Well... figured people couldn't know about who was speaking IC wise by the forum account unless they put the IC character name there themselves. That individual posted with an anonymous forum message and then ICly posted as anon. Because of that I can't OOCly message them about the situation or planning. I also have no idea if they are even watching the post anymore. I would have messaged them immediately when I saw that first post, so they knew I was still focused on it and to watch it. But since the post is anonymous I cant OOCly message them. I understand the IC reasons behind it. But the function doesn't help me talk with them about planning things.

    I feel the normal setting for the Black market makes sense, but Might I suggest adding a Black market event tab without that function to aid with planning? or something in a way to that.

    The way I did this kinda fits in more with roleplay planning but I ICly messaged to see how many people would take interest, if I didn't get enough I would have scrapped the idea. I got 3 but that anon guy never messaged back and I cant double check with him about it. :p I only ask because I fear someone else planning something in there and someone messages without OOC details on how to talk to them and they are left sitting there with everyone else not sure if they are coming back to be added in or not.

    Any suggestions to better handle this situation next time would be appreciated as well.

    Edit: I mostly take blame for this situation though, communication confusion kinda screwed up my mini event planning since I actually only have 2 confirmed people coming for it instead of 3 wich screws up some IC stuff xP. But I will wing it and continue through anyways. Appreciate you taking time to look into this.

    Sincerely, Blaine871/Coleslaw.
    #3 Blaine871, Dec 5, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2016
  4. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Well, if that anon stopped posting, it's likely they're not interested. Players who are interested in participating will certainly opt to give their forum account out when asked, so you can message them then. Or, simply tell people to message you if they're interested. The anonymous function is fine, it just requires a level of coordination to change from the black market to private messages.
  5. Blaine871

    Blaine871 New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    Arighty. Moreorless It was mostly miscomunication. One guy thought I meant anonymous when I typed anon in an IC message. Then he typed he was that person when I asked if anyone knew who anon was. and I thought he was the original guy who messaged before. X/ either way, problem solved and thank you for looking at this.
  6. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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