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Concept Vessels by Eitan Levy

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Avis, May 14, 2014.

  1. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Posted by Eitan Levy

    Hello again, universe. For those of you who don't know me, I am a pilot and ship designer. I am trained to fly nearly all kinds of military craft, and I know the attributes and design of even more. I work frequently with blueprints, but I can rarely manage to construct an actual ship due to price of materials, which I am working out at this time. After designing several vessels, I decided I needed a place to store concepts electronically, and what better place than the StarNet, for all to see? I understand this makes the concepts fairly easy to steal, but they are not the blueprints themselves. These blueprints are in my possession, and the only savory way to acquire them is to be willing to purchase them. You can see what I intend each room to have, but there is no way to know how each piece of machinery works, how to build its FTL drive or shield generator, etc., unless you are myself. I have the price I am willing to take for the blueprints, but understand THIS IS NOT THE SHIP. Unless you are affiliated with a shipyard or major organization, the materials to build each ship are incredibly expensive, and take years to come by, so keep in mind that just because you have blueprints, that makes you neither financially capable nor skilled enough to build these ships.

    DISCLAIMER: None of these vessels are military. Furthermore, none of the vessels I am putting here are in use by the organization known as the Relzurautt Armada. Should any of them take the unlikely course of being taken into service for any reason, I will remove the concept from the site, and it will no longer be available to the public.

    Without further ado, the start of this site.

    The CT-001 (Civilian Transport).
    The CT-001 is a luxury civilian transport. It has an insulated titanium hull, temper treated to bear violent heat in the event of a crash landing. Features many designs for the comfort of the pilot, designed as a portable home. Estimated Price: 500,000 Pixels. Blueprint cost: 100,000 Pixels.
    Command. This vessel is manned by one pilot, and the controls are relatively simple. The ship can enter manual controls or autopilot.
    2- Communications system. This concept has a state of the art communications system, capable of broadcasting both video and vocal signals to the farthest reaches of the galaxy.
    3- Shield Generator. This shield generator is a smaller version of a system designed by myself, which is not nearly as strong, but is proportionately effective. Due to the civilian manner of the vessel and its significantly lower power supply compared to military vessels, this shield generator is only capable of holding off small objects such as debris, and for a short time bullets or plasma rounds.
    4- Escape Pods. Generally lacking in most ships, this vessel bears two escape pods, capable of holding two persons. The terminals by each pod require a four-digit PIN, and are used to auto-calculate the trajectory of where the pods will land. In the event of a security breach, this data will immediately be eliminated on the evacuation of the pods.
    5- Engine Room. As a civilian vessel, the engine room is fairly simple, with a large computer for any manual override. The engines are automated and coordinated with the bridge, so manual override only needs to occur in the event of bridge damage.
    6- Captain's Quarters. Where the pilot sleeps.
    7- Storage. Small cargo bay capable of carrying the pilot's personal effects and small cargo, such as spices.
    8- Beaming platform. Designed for one man or a small party.
    9- Kitchen. Outfitted with an oven, a sink, a counter, and an overhead refrigerator/freezer combo. Stores enough food for a month.
    10- Lounge. To escape the loneliness that is space.
    11- Lavatory. Pretty self explanatory ((Rhymes, boiii))

    The RV-001 (Rescue Vessel).
    Command. This ship is designed to be simple in nature, as far as ships go. Literally anyone who has any experience flying a ship could figure out how to pilot this.
    2- Crew quarters. The crew of the ship, ideally doctors and a rescue team, would stay up here. Room for a team of ten.
    3- Hangar control. The hangar features two large bay doors, only able to be opened from here. There are also latches holding the ships in place inside the hangar. These latches are only operable from control.
    4- Surgery Room. For individuals who require immediate surgery/technical attention, These beds are available. The rooms are superbly lit, with screens to show status, curtains for privacy, and tables with surgical tools.
    5- Passenger Bay. Individuals retrieved from planets or in recovery are to stay here, with monitors on their health. Room for ten.
    6- Crew Storage. These lockers contain a mixture of personal effects and uniforms, such as environmental protection suits.
    7- Hangar. The hangar features two small shuttles, room for a rescuer and rescued, with monitors on their condition. The two ships are latched in, and the latches are only operable from Hangar Control, as well as the bay doors.
    8- Communications. This ship has a much more compact communications room than many other ships, but with relatively similar strength. This comms system can pick up transmissions from nearly anywhere in the galaxy, for optimal performance in response.
  2. Silver

    Silver Ain't no thing like me 'cept me.

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Greetings Master Shipwright,

    I am Ogawa Fugu of the Okawasaki Kabushiki Gaisha and I am interested in purchasing blueprints to both these handsome vessels. Should you wish to discuss terms and prices, I or one of my representatives will be available to meet with you at your convenience.

    I shall await what is hopefully your favourable response on the matter. Until then.

    Humble regards,
    Ogawa Fugu
    Okawasaki Incorporated
  3. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Mr. Fugu,

    I am more than happy to meet with you. In fact, I could meet with you today if you so wished ((Any time before 4 EST)). I have listed vessel prices, but I am very willing to negotiate prices with you. If you also wished, I am capable of working for commission, or a vessel that is designed because you asked for it.

    With My Best Regards,

    Eitan Levy
  4. Silver

    Silver Ain't no thing like me 'cept me.

    Jan 30, 2014
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    My most sincere apologies; I was engaged in pressing business at the time. My schedule, however, is presently open.
  5. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Mine as well! If you would like to meet, I can do so immediately.

    -Eitan Levy