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Computer logs of Octavius Augustus Caesar

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Gorbachev, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. Gorbachev

    Gorbachev New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    ((these would be on octavius's ship, heavily encrypted, don't metagame plz))

    <logging in...>
    <username: BigApetavious
    <username accepted>
    <password: ******>
    <password accepted>
    <logging in>

    Log 01:

    I met a unique Floran today. It was quite large, and seemed it hasn't finished growing. I must examine further. I also got in a fight today with a Floran. The feral beast shot me with a electric based gun many times. I am considering placing a bounty on this Floran, and subjecting it to the Ludovico technique. Good news. My lab is almost done. I have erected a shrine to Big Ape, and will continue perfecting it. The time is soon. Big Ape shall rise again.

    Log 02:

    Potential targets for purification.

    • Nikolai. Strong, would serve Big Ape well.
    • The sapling. It would be interesting to see what may come of a purification of a Floran.
    List subject to change.

  2. Gorbachev

    Gorbachev New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
    Likes Received:
    <logging in...>
    <username: BigApetavious
    <username accepted>
    <password: ******>
    <password accepted>
    <logging in>

    Log 03

    Praise Big Ape, I have been contacted by the MiniKnog. An officer for the Ministry of Genetics came to my lab today. Seems like other people in the Ministry share my goal of purification. I am very happy. I took a human today. The human was resistant to the Ludovico technique. I sent for better tapes. Hopefully my new bed arrives soon.

    <logging off?>
    <logging off...>
    <logged off.>
    <enter username>