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Complete Floran Lore Draft (Polishing)

Discussion in 'Unofficial Lore Discussion' started by Khaltor, May 20, 2016.

  1. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    The Florans:

    Floran History:

    Throughout history, Florans have been at odds with the Avians, who tried to prevent them from spreading their species across the stars. After escaping their Avian oppressors, the Florans conquered what was formerly known as the Hylotl home world, led by the prodigious Floran known as Greenfinger. This cataclysmic event created lasting tensions between the two species. Shortly thereafter, despite their initial meeting which ended in tragedy, a bond of friendship between the Florans and Glitch was formed.

    Floran History:

    Era of Isolation

    Ever since first contact was made with this peculiar species of highly aggressive, sapient plant life, the Florans have been at odds with other sapient lifeforms. Sometime after instigating hostilities with the Glitch, the Florans were discovered by the space-faring empire of the Avians, who, upon learning of the highly aggressive nature and eerie ability to break down and integrate alien technology into their own, decided to continue observing these terrifying, yet intriguing species from afar, labelling their home world “FL1-4”.

    However, catastrophe struck without notice or warning: a gas leak in a reserve ship resupplying the Avian research vessel caused a huge explosion, instantly killing the crew and disabling the ship’s autopilot. The supply ship burned through FL1-4’s atmosphere and crashes on the surface - the secrets of space travel were are suddenly laid bare for the Floran civilization to unearth (literally).

    Observing this with some alarm, the Avian research vessel called for military intervention.
    Forced to take a more active role in restricting the spread of the Floran species, a nearby Avian military patrol set course to FL1-4 to intercept the stolen supply ship. The patrol arrives in time to initiate armed intervention. The already heavily damaged supply ship sustained more damage, however, through sheer luck the Florans manage to engage their FTL drive, resulting in the first successful Floran exodus. This triggered an ongoing conflict between the Avians and the Florans, with the Avians trying to restrict the Florans to their home system.

    Era of Conquest

    Despite the Avians’ heavy military presence, the Florans have managed to spread across multiple worlds. However, the Avians were successful in restricting the Florans to their home system, for now. As a result of the Avians' interventions, these new Floran worlds were isolated from their kin, resulting in the formation of numerous new great tribes. Cultural differences and tribal disputes arose and as such, the Avians had succeeded in dividing the Florans.

    Confident in the fact that these primitives would be preoccupied in their inner struggles, the Avians loosened their tight grip on the Floran home system, which in turn would lead to their salvation. An extraordinary Floran, hailing from the Floran home world, FL1-4, had heard stories from his elders about these bird creatures from across the stars, who had been oppressing his people for decades. This prodigious Floran, by the name of Greenfinger would rally his kin, unifying the many different tribes and form the first Floran Horde.

    The Avians, negligent of these developments, were taken by surprise when one day, seemingly out of nowhere, a massive emigration occurred, on multiple planets, simultaneously, in the Floran home system. Destroying many in an attempt to intervene, the Avians were overwhelmed by the sheer number of ships that engaged their FTL drives and left their home system together.

    When the Avians had learned where these Floran ships had gone off to, they were shocked.
    A species of sapient amphibians, known as the Hylotl, who had cultivated a rich culture of enlightened, pacifistic ideologies, were under attack by this overwhelmingly numerous offensive force of Floran military forces.

    After initially being forced to take shelter in their underwater settlements, the Florans quickly found ways to infiltrate and assault these last Hylotl strongholds as well, forcing them to surrender their home world to the Florans and to evacuate. This event would later be remembered as the Great Invasion, which nearly led to the extinction of the Hylotl species.

    Era of Growth

    After conquering the Hylotl home world, the Florans, following Greenfinger’s directions, started salvaging the Hylotl home world, which resulted in the Florans upgrading their own equipment and ships. Still majorly inferior to other concurrent militaries in terms of the quality of their technology, combined with their overwhelming numbers, the Florans, for the first time in their history, became a significant threat. In response to this regrettable development, the Avian military was ordered to pull back from Floran territory, in order to prevent further casualties and to safeguard their own territory against the threat of the Floran hordes.

    This brought about an era of relative peace, with Florans generally engaging in minor skirmishes with other species, when they formed an obstacle in the pursuit of their expansion. Under the guidance of the first Greenfinger, the Florans continued to consume, to spread and to multiply. Greenfinger was also responsible in restoring relations between the Florans and the Glitch, which led to a lasting friendship and cooperation between the two peculiar species.

    Additionally, Greenfinger brought about many innovations, in areas of Floran traditions, war tactics, technology and cultivation of plant life. These teachings were of great importance, in particular to his descendants, who would later receive the title of “Greenfinger” themselves.
    They would be responsible for the technological and cultural progression of the Florans, gaining positions of significant authority within tribal hierarchies.

    Current Era

    The Floran by the name of Greenfinger has long since passed and no Florans exist who have experienced the Great Invasion for themselves, resulting in the fact that many Florans are ignorant of the event, or have heard stories which have been passed down by their elders.

    The great Floran Horde has been divided into many greater tribes, led by extraordinary Florans, commonly counselled by Greenfingers. These greater tribes have also spawned many minor tribes, each with their own customs and levels of aggression.

    In addition to this new development, Florans have been known to question the more savage and aggressive tenets of their society, leaving their tribes in order to attempt to explore the possibility of harmonious coexistence with the other sapient species of the galaxy.

    Floran Society:

    Florans generally live in tribal societies, follwing a set of customs and beliefs, determined by their tribe. At one point in their history, the first Greenfinger succeeded in unifying the great Floran tribes into what would later be referred to a the Great Floran Horde. However, after this great Floran passed away, the Great Floran Horde split apart into a large amount of greater tribes, who in turn also spawned an even greater amount of minor tribes.

    Many of these minor tribes are subservient to a greater tribe, directly supporting them, however plenty of these minor tribes, due to their sheer numbers, are unknown, even to the greater tribes. As a result, these minor tribes, as a result of their isolation, usually revert to their most primitive state.
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    Floran Society:

    The Greater Tribes

    After the death of the Floran known as Greenfinger, the Great Floran Horde fragmented into a large amount of greater tribes. These tribes are, by comparison to the smaller tribes, highly advanced both in terms of their own technology, but also in terms of combat effectivenes.

    However, much like the minor tribes, these Greater Tribes are highly diverse in terms of their own customs, levels of agression, preferred war tactics and willingness to cooperate with other members of their kin.

    The Greenguard:

    One of Greenfinger's many experiments, a subsection of the Great Floran Horde, consisting of a large amount of highly trained and generally experienced Florans, altered by the Drysap, is known as "The Greenguard".

    Initially meant to be the elite fighting force of the Floran Horde, these Florans quickly succumbed to the side-effects of the Drysap, which resulted in the fact that they were quickly converted into prison wardens, in order to lock up enemies of the Florans, who could be of use, as well as those Florans who had lost themselves to the Drysap.

    Despite acting like ferocious beasts, these Florans are excellent combattants however, should they not die a glorious death in battle, these Floran are doomed to sooner or later succumb to the side-effects of the Drysap, after which they will be detained in the Dust, guarded by their Drysap-altered Kin.

    Floran Culture:

    Floran culture revolves around the philosophy of “Survival of the fittest”.
    Florans live to “spread, consume and to multiply”, often glorifying combat and the Hunt.
    The Hunt holds an important place in Floran culture, as it refers to the Ritual of the Hunt, which was created by a Greenfinger in order to decide which Floran was "the best Hunter" and the Floran way of life in general.

    Generally, Floran culture is considered to be unrefined, savage and tribal, with strict tribal customs and hierarchies. Because of this, individual Florans have been known to split apart from their tribes to lead their own lives in isolation or in the solace of other species, at the cost of being cut off from their communities and considered enemies of all “real Florans” for good.
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    Floran Culture:

    Floran Customs:

    One would expect a species of sentient humanoid plants to be peaceful, nature-loving environmentalists – that presumption is what allows this hyper-aggressive tribal civilisation to thrive. Unwitting explorers are prey of choice to the carnivorous Florans, who frequently salvage or reverse engineer the technology they bring to enable their colonization of the stars. The introduction of space travel to the primitive Florans had the undesired effect of Floran colonies spanning across star systems, each with their own customs and levels of aggression.

    Despite this, individual Florans have been known to split apart from their society to lead their own lives in isolation or in the solace of other species, at the cost of being cut off from their communities and considered enemies of all “real Florans” for good.

    Though a unisex species, Floran culture values survival through reproduction and expansion, as well as a strong bond between kin. Cannibalism during funeral rituals and wars with rival factions are commonplace, though it remains unclear whether it’s out of conservation or simple tradition.

    Their aggressive nature appears to be borne from a lack of a concept of non-plant life as opposed to outright contempt. Owing to their traditional, tribal society, this tenet dominates their culture and justifies their treatment of visiting species, though there are signs of some beginning to question this, implying that Floran individuals might not be inherently “evil” as previously thought.

    Floran Tribal Structure:

    Before completing the rite of passage.
    Sapling – newborn Cocoonkin (Nearly or recently hatched Floran)
    Sprout – a young Floran who has caught their first prey and has offered it to their Chief.

    Upon completing the rite of passage.
    Nomad – a Floran who primarily specializes in travelling, scouting, observing their surroundings and enemies and learning from them.
    Hunter – a Floran who primarily specializes in tracking, hunting, trapping, etc.
    Cannibal – a Floran who primarily specializes in man-to-man combat, using a variety of weapons and techniques.
    Herbalist – a Floran who primarily specializes in gathering and cultivating herbs and other natural remedies which may improve the health of their Cocoonkin.
    Bonesmith – a Floran who primarily specializes in more simple forms of craftsmanship, using bones, metal and simple Bio-forging tasks as instructed by their superior.

    Upon further developing and specialising.
    Gatherer – a Floran who primarily specializes in looking for salvage, identifying and locating suitable targets to raid, collecting valuable information.
    Huntmaster – a Floran who primarily specializes guerilla tactics, planning ambushes, identifying an enemies’ weaknesses.
    Sentinel – a Floran who specializes in the combat. As they are part of the Floran collective’s main organized offensive force, no expenses are spared in providing them with proper equipment.
    Witch Doctor – A Floran who specializes in the spiritual and in tribal medicine. Despite preferring treatments based on herbalism, they are also quite practiced in conventional medicine.
    Wiseman – a Floran who primarily specializes in unraveling the secrets of the technology of other species, in order to reverse engineer them and provide the Bonesmiths with blueprints to mass produce these stolen technologies for the benefit of Flora.
    Shamans – a Floran who primarily specializes in mystical matters, as well as the art of Plantshaping and the craft of Bio-forging which is related to it.

    After having distinguished themselves
    Chief – a Floran leads the tribe, primarily specializing in militaristic matters, advised by the tribe’s Huntmasters, Sentinels and Council of Elders.
    Council of Elders – a group of Florans who have grown old and experienced and are generally considered trustworthy by the tribe’s Chief. Primarily consists from Hunt Masters, Witch Doctors, Wisemen and Shamans.

    Interspecies Relations:

    The Glitch:
    Initially regarded as intruders on their home world and brutally disassembled, to assimilate the technology in their systems, the Florans have formed a lasting friendship with the Glitch, which has also been endorsed by Greenfinger.

    The Glitch, usually Outcasts, have been known to share their knowledge with the Florans, in an attempt to educate the species. Occasionally they teach a Floran to write and basic mathematics, for better or worse.

    The Avians:
    The first species to antagonise the Florans, the Avians have hindered Floran expansion for a large part of their history. During observation of the Floran’s home world, a supply ship crashed into Floran territory, which granted them the technology required for space travel.

    Realising their mistake, the Avians have tried to blockade the Florans’ home world, to no avail.
    However, the stubborn Avians wouldn’t stop at that and continued to hinder their colonisation across the stars. It is only since news has spread across the galaxy of the demise of the human’s home world, Earth.

    The Hylotl:
    Despite being a peaceful, pacifistic species, Greenfinger of the Floran launched an incredibly effective propaganda campaign, which made the Hylotl out to be plant-eating, slimy, monsters. Their home world was overwhelmed by the Floran hordes, forcing them to evacuate and in their hurry, leave their technology up for grabs for the Florans to assimilate.

    Despite the fact that this propaganda has ceased after the conquest of the Hylotl home world, there are still lingering tensions between the Hylotl and the Florans, despite the generally forgiving, pacifistic nature of the Hylotl. Most Florans still believe the Hylotl to be slimy monsters, whereas some Hylotl believe that Florans are nothing more than a scourge upon the galaxy that ought to be exterminated.

    The Apex:
    Generally regarded by Florans as prey, both in terms of them being a source of food, the Apex are also seen as a source of technology which the Florans desire to assimilate into their own.
    Despite the fact that the Apex possess great physical strength, the Floran outmatch them in all areas.

    Both Miniknog facilities and rebel bases have been known to be overrun by Floran hordes, as it would seem that the Florans are either unaware of the rebellion or the more likely option, which is that they don’t care about it at all.

    The Humans:
    Initially mistaken for “hairless Apex”, humans have been involved in minor skirmishes with Florans, usually caused by territorial disputes or because they were subjected to a Floran raid on their interstellar facilities.

    The Novakid
    The latest species to have come into contact with the Florans, eliciting a wide variety of responses.
    Some Florans might compare the Novakid with the sun, and appreciate the warmth and light they provide. Others might compare them to walking, talking, evil fire starters.

    Considering the fact that Novakid society seems to be even more chaotic than the Floran’s and because their level of technology seems to fluctuate, in addition to the fact that they can’t be consumed by Florans, they don’t seem to be hostile towards these weird space cowboys.

    Floran Physiology:

    Florans are part of a group of organisms named “Plantoids”.
    Sharing some similarities with plants and others with animals, Florans possess quite the unique physiology.

    Noteworthy physiological traits are:

    • Their ability to see in the dark, up to 60m.
    • Their lack of a nose and ears.
    • Florans do not have a nose, but have a forked tongue instead, with a jacobson organ. This grants them an improved sense of smell.
    • They need to breathe a gaseous mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
    • They perform photosynthesis which enhances their physical prowess.
    • The inability to perform photosynthesis will be detrimental for a Floran’s health.
    • Florans are quite sensitive to drought and extreme cold.
    • Florans have sap in their circulation instead of blood and starch instead of bone marrow in their bones.
    • Florans are able to regenerate, however they are unable to completely regenerate their internal, vitally important organs.
      (I.e, the brain, the heart, …)
    • The effects of the Drysap on the Floran’s physiology.
    • Florans are hermaphrodites, however they can identify as either male, or female.
    • Florans are born from pods often referred to as cocoons, as such Florans may refer to eachother as cocoon-kin.
    • Due to their origins as plants, Florans possess a potentially long lifespan of around 300 years, however, due to their way of life, the majority of Florans die before they reach the age of 30.
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    ((Updated physiology paper on Floran physiology, by Prof. Oak))

    Floran Physiology


    Florans are often regarded as the intergalactic apex predator, a species of proud and powerful hunters. But who are the Floran really? Are they defined by their savage ways? Or are they perhaps a unique specimen in the ever-changing circle of life? The Floran have been a fascinating subject of study to biologists for decades. Their rapid development, physiology and way of life are practically an embodiment of Darwinian theory. Almost every aspect of Floran life and culture always boils down to “survival of the fittest”.

    General physiology:

    In order to discuss the unique biological makeup of this species one must first address the term “plantoid”. Plantoids are a group of organisms, that have evolved in a radically different way than the more traditional members of the plant kingdom.

    Florans are plantoids. As such, some aspects of their physiology are remarkably similar to that of members of the animal kingdom. More specifically, Florans resemble other bipedal humanoid species. The basic parts of the Floran body are the head, neck, torso, arms and legs. Other bod parts include the Floran's foliage, flower(s), etc... Despite to the striking similarities Florans have come to share with their animal counterparts, their true origins as plant-based lifeforms are readily apparant.


    The Floran respiratory process functions mostly like one would expect.
    Florans breathe a mixture of gasses, primarily compsed from oxygen and carbon dioxide.
    These gasses are required to allow the Florans to participate in the processes of cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

    Gas exchange, primarily an automated process, occurs through pores known as "stomates". These stomates are located on the skin, leaves and other organs. Additionally, Florans are also able to controll their inhalation and exhalation, which has allowed them to be develop the ability of speech, to facilitate communication between other members of their species. Florans have also developed vocal chords for this purpose.

    Oxygen and carbon dioxide are spread throughout the Floran’s body through diffusion, a process which is also responsible for the regulation of their body temperature. Florans are capable to function during a period of suspended respiration. They can hold their breath for more or less the same amount of time as an average human adult.


    While the process of photosynthesis within Florans is fairly standard, the product is relatively unique to their species, even among other plantoids. Floran photosynthesis allows for the production of a special substance, containing a high concentration of nutrients and special hormones, which enhances their phloem sap. This rather mysterious substance is gradually released into the Floran’s system and allows for increased physical prowess or in rare cases, enhanced mental capabilities. In turn the absence of this substance can prove detrimental for a Floran’s physical and mental health.

    Additionally, one should keep in mind that despite the advantages the Florans gain from photosynthesis there is also a rather significant disadvantage assosciated with photosynthesis.
    When the process of photosynthesis is concluded, transpiration occurs. This results in a loss of water vapour, which can prove problematic in case this loss isn’t compensated through inhalation of humid air or water consumption.


    Many observations have confirmed that Floran tribes tend to leave planets with certain undesirable climates alone. They tend to avoid the following biome types: magma oceans, volcanic landmasses, arctic, tundra, snow, sunless, airless, dry savannah’s and deserts. This is mostly due to the extreme climates they represent, however, they are more sensitive to these biomes than others.

    As mentioned previously, Florans tend to lose a significant amount of water vapour as a result of photosynthesis. Contrary to another plantoid, the Trictus, Florans haven’t evolved to withstand prolonged exposure to drought, which can leave Florans in a mummified, barely living state, before they eventually succumb to the elements, crumbling to dust. This is the reason why it is vitally important for Florans to remain properly hydrated at all costs.

    Additionally, due to the way the Floran body regulates body temperature is spread throughout the body, they are also extremely susceptible to hypothermia as a result of cold temperatures. This is an issue a simple fur coat won’t be able to remedy.

    Finally one must emphasize the importance of natural light to a Floran. It allows them to partake in photosynthesis, a process which proves to be vital to sustain the Floran biology. Prolonged absence of sunlight will result in them being unable to partake in photosynthesis. This will cause them to grow weaker and increasingly frustrated as a result.


    It has been established that plants are capable of detecting colours. While Florans seem to possess monochromatic eyes, they are not colour blind. The eyes are responsible for providing a Floran a picture, which is necessary to put the colours they receive from sensory information into context.

    Additionally, Florans possess a form of natural night vision, to help them hunt in the dark.
    However, their night vision doesn't provide them with sufficient sensory information required to tell colours apart, therefor they are colourblind when there is a lack of light.

    Similar to the Floran’s sense of sight, their sense of hearing receives its sensory information from multiple sources. Visible on either side of the Floran’s head, Florans have inner ears, similar to those of humans but without the outer ear. Additionally, Florans sense vibrations through their roots, which enhances their hearing. This also allows them to sense an upcoming earthquake, much like some animals.

    Florans possess a forked tongue similar to that of a snake in terms of functionality, resulting in an extremely keen sense of smell, which allows them to gain a directional sense of smell and taste simultaneously. This in turn grants them heightened abilities to identify prey, recognize kin, choose mates, locate shelters, follow trails and more. The Jacobson organ is located in the Floran's inner mouth, near where one would expect to find a nose, should Florans possess this sensory organ.

    This forked tongue is also the main cause for the infamous Floran lisp. When a Floran lisps, it is a result of them attempting to speak whilst also reflexively trying to smell the area. This reflex can be suppressed, but requires a conscious effort and quite a lot of practice from the Floran.

    As previously stated, Florans are capable of experiencing a sense of taste, from smelling prey, due to their forked tongue. In addition to this, Florans have a highly developed palate for meaty and sweet foods as a result of their physiological needs.

    Florans have smooth skin, which is more durable when compared with the human equivalent. Their nervous system seems to be more sensitive to temperature than average. In contrast however, Florans seem to have a higher tolerance for pain. Burns and frostbite may cause a Floran to lose their sense of touch on the affected areas permanently.

    It’s also worth mentioning that, despite its clear similarities to the nervous systems in other animals, their body parts are incompatible with regular cybernetics, resulting in the necessity of specialised cybernetics, developed specifically to replace Floran body parts that have been burnt away.

    Skeletal structure:

    A Floran’s skeletal structure is strikingly similar to that of other humanoids, which isn’t all that surprising. Its bones are infused with lignin, giving it a wood-like appearance. This unique structure causes them to be more flexible and less prone to fractures, yet more flammable than conventional bones. Additionally, their bone marrow contains a starch-like substance.

    Similar to some insects, a Floran’s jaw is outfitted with strong mandibles, which share the same colouration as their skin and are commonly used for cracking bones open, in order to consume bone marrow, or for performing similar tasks. The mouth is filled with a vast amount of sharp, tiny, yet durable teeth. These teeth have a brownish colouration, as they are made from a similar material as the rest of the Floran skeleton.

    It is also worth mentioning that despite the fact that Floran’s jaw muscles have evolved to be powerful enough to snap bones, the muscles responsible for opening the jaw are comparatively much weaker. As a result, an average adult can hold a Floran's jaws shut bare-handed.


    Another area where plantoids differ a lot from traditional plant-life is their metabolism.
    In nature, plants are known for their ability to regenerate. However, this is a rather slow process, as a result of their comparatively slow metabolism. This of course would prove detrimental to the lifestyle of a mobile, carnivorous plant which feeds on prey.

    In order to speed up this regenerative process, Florans have developed an extremely accelerated metabolism. This results in the fact that they are required to eat large quantities of food in order to sustain themselves. Another result of this increased metabolism, is that despite the fact that Florans are plant-based organisms, often compared and slightly similar to trees in some ways, do not live quite as long as a tree, possessing a lifespan of around 300 years old. However, most Florans don't live long enough to die of old age, as a result of their way of life.

    Florans are carnivores and as such, their digestive process is similar to that most carnivorous predators. They have saliva, with strong enzymes to aid in the digestive process, paired with potent stomach acids. As a result of this highly efficient digestive process, a Floran’s stomach lining has to be thick and able to quickly absorb nutrients that have been digested. Waste is accumulated and is lead through the intestinal tract as it is eventually expelled from the Floran’s body.

    Because a Floran’s stomach is filled with exceptionally potent digestive acids, they are capable of consuming raw meat without a problem, despite preferring the taste of cooked meat. Coupled with other unique aspects of their physiology, Florans are immune to some diseases and resistant to some toxins which would harm animals. However, Florans are also vulnerable to other pathogens that specifically target plant-life and other substances that would have a harmful effect on other plants.

    Florans, despite being classified as carnivores, occasionally eat some plants, however these are generally other plantoids, fellow Florans, or a few exceptions, like the Oculemon, which has a texture that is very similar to that of a large animal’s eye or a Pussplum, which resembles a bloody chunk of meat, with a juicy, yet fruity taste.


    Resulting from their rapid metabolism, the Floran healing process is known for its remarkable regenerative abilities. This process of regeneration is often hindered or completely halted by multiple factors: a lack of nutrition, drought, cold temperatures, burn wounds or frostbite. It is also worth mentioning, while being impressive, this regenerative process takes a long time to complete and relies on a Floran’s ability to keep itself fed and rested throughout the regenerative process.

    However, despite the fact that Florans are generally a hardy species and can recover from serious wounds, if the damage dealt to the Floran body overwhelms their regenerative capabilities, or if their vitally, internal organs, which they can't fully regenerate are damaged, they will almost certainly perish.

    It is also one of the reasons why cybernetic replacements are considered impractical.
    Despite the fact that the cybernetics would be adapted to become compatible with the Floran nervous system, the process of regeneration would interfere with the integration of the cybernetics with the Floran body.


    Contrary to common belief, Florans do possess a heart, at least in a biological sense. It is essential for the proper circulation of sap through a Floran’s body. Sap runs through stems and a network of tubes branching from them, similar to the network or arteries and veins in animals. However, unlike most animal lifeforms, this sap, although similar to blood in that it transports nutrients and water, does not transport oxygen.

    Additionally, when a Floran suffers a wound that results in bleeding, their sap will function similarly to blood when exposed to the air. Due to a process similar to coagulation, these wounds are rapidly sealed off, allowing the healing process to start.

    Mental capabilities:

    Florans are widely thought to be a species of naïve, savage, simple and generally unintelligent beings. Unfortunately this proves to be true for most Florans, as some do seem to have potential, however, due to the ruthless process of natural selection, from the moment they are born, not many Florans gifted with an exceptional mind reach adulthood.

    However, Florans are generally somewhat clever, or at least more than they get credit for. Despite the fact that Floran society discourages the pursuit of knowledge and instead glorifies the Hunt, Floran wisemen and shamans are held in high regard among their kin, as they generally manage to reach an above average age, as many other Florans die in the Hunt.

    Contrary to one’s expectations, due to Floran society not supporting organised education, or rather, seemingly attempting to actively thwart it, some exceptional Florans generally succeed in reverse engineering stolen technology, which their kin is all too eager to put to use, if it can be of use to them on their next hunt.


    A substance that is similar to Avian crystals, in terms of its mysterious nature and scarce availability, was pioneered by Greenfinger to become the wonder drug that would allow Florans to expand their habitat, by injecting Drysap into their system, is a very dangerous substance. While it does allow a Floran to survive for an extended period of time in warm, dry climates, it has a wide array of terrible side-effects, unknown to most Florans.

    Drysap quickly reproduces within Floran veins, replacing their own with a stronger, hardier substance that leaves the Floran body requiring almost no water. Unfortunately, this is no miracle serum… Florans are bound to reject the serum sooner or later and will suffer severely from its side-effects. Those whose bodies reject the Drysap soon grow frustrated and antisocial, reporting visions and night terrors. Additionally Florans may experience a loss in appetite and spirit and as rejection continues, these Florans will grow increasingly aggressive and confused, until they eventually go insane.

    It is noteworthy that after having been injected with Drysap, it is still possible for a Floran to recover, so long the harmful side-effects haven’t yet set in. After a period of experiencing some harsh withdrawal symptoms and forced bed rest, at this stage most Florans will make a complete recovery. However, the further the stage of rejection has progressed and the longer a Floran has been using Drysap, the more risky and unlikely a full recovery becomes.

    Rejection of the Drysap is triggered, as it attempts to mutate Florans into something different.
    As a result photosynthesis is completely discontinued within these Florans, which would cause them to grow weak if it weren’t for the Drysap’s influence. Instead the sap sustains their strength, hardens their skin and allows them to withstand the drought. It would seem that the more intelligent the Floran, the more rapidly their physiology seems to reject the substance.

    Some Florans have been recorded to have undergone some form of transformation as a result of multiple mutations caused by the repeated usage of Drysap. Their body becomes covered in a tough, bark-like substance, which is somewhat resistant to fire, similar to the bark of a Baobab. These Florans have been referred to as “the Oaken soldiers”.

    Due to its addictive and destructive qualities, Drysap usage has been banned and is only to be used by the Greenguard, in the Dust. At least there, any Floran who succumbs to its side-effects can be marched straight into a cell.


    The issue of sex, in Florans is often quite deceptive, as Florans aren’t a species that has a binary division of males and females and are in fact a hermaphroditic species, comparable to a “perfect flower”. However, Florans have, throughout their rapid evolution, come in contact with other humanoid species and have adopted different methods of hunting, dividing the species in two different types.

    At first glance, members of other species would assume that Florans are divided into males and females. As previously explained, this is false. Often colloquially referred to as Orchids and Roses, these two types often share some physical resemblance with males and female members respectively, of the mammalian humanoids they have preyed upon, particularly Apex and more recently, humans.

    As a result, this deceptive appearance has also influenced the Floran’s behaviour, which attributes male and female mannerisms to the pseudo-males and -females respectively. In terms of gender identity, most Florans, when asked about this, will conform to the gender of the sex they appear to be. So, socially and psychologically, Florans can be divided into two genders, however they all technically share the same sex. The more effeminate members of this species often rearrange the foliage located on their torso, to create the illusion of possessing breasts.

    Florans typically reproduce sexually with a partner, thus they partake in cross pollination. However, in rare cases, Florans have been known to self-pollinate. Florans instinctively realise that cross pollination is superior to self-pollination, as well as the other advantages of this method.

    Contrary to popular belief, progeny that resulted from self-pollination is not a clone of its parent, due to the homologous recombination that takes place during meiosis, the DNA in these specimens will not be identical to the DNA of the parent Floran. Therefor it might be more accurate to compare them with a sibling than it is to compare them with a clone, in terms of genetic similarity.

    Florans are known to reproduce at an astounding rate, which has resulted them often being contemptuously compared to weeds. The amount of offspring a Floran has at a time depends on a few key factors: the abundance of prey, quality of nearby soil, population and tribal tradition. It is common practice among tribes, when there is an abundance of new sprouts (Floran younglings), to have them fight each other to the death, to weed out the weak.

    After reproduction, a seed is planted, often at a tribal birthing ground with fertile soil and in a clearing, as to allow sunlight to reach the cocoon-plant wherein the Floran develops at an astounding rate. Upon emerging from this cocoon, a Floran has reached what is considered the physical equivalent of a young adult in humans. However, Florans become semi-conscious only after reaching a late state of development within the cocoon, which explains their child-like mental age despite already being able to communicate with their kin.

    Floran Technology:

    Reverse engineering:

    Ever since the Florans first encountered the Glitch, it became clear that they possess an uncanny ability to reverse engineer alien technology and to assimilate it into their own. However, due to stagnant scientific progress of their tribal society, it is extremely rare for Florans to invent new technologies or applications for existing technology on their own.

    This aspect of their nature has made it possible for the Florans to experience space travel and allowed their civilisation to spread across the stars, as the Avians, regrettably, provided the Florans with the FTL-technology required for space exploration.


    Florans have been known to communicate with, and to some extent be able to manipulate plant life. However, rumors of Florans being able to command vines to strangle and do unspeakable things to their enemies have been widely exaggerated. Florans are able to communicate with plants through pheromone exchange. As such, Florans possess a certain connection to plant life, which animal based organisms do not share.

    Through the secretion of their own, mutable pheromones, Florans are capable of instructing plant life, forcing subtle alterations in its DNA, which allows the Florans create a wide variety of plant-based tools, weapons, furniture and housing.

    Generally, more specialised products of this ability, are created through a process which is referred to as “Bio-forging”. This is a process of selectively breeding and genetically altering a certain breed of plant over time, in order to create something new. Additionally, it should be noted that Florans have learned to increase the effectiveness of this ability by integrating it with more conventional parts. Despite being a natural ability, not all Florans have the required talent, knowledge or skill required to perform Bio-forging. This ability is therefore usually limited to the tribe’s Shamans and Wisemen.

    Floran Technology:

    Reverse Engineering

    For the longest time, Florans have lived an isolated existence. Living in a stagnating, tribal society, the Florans have never shown interest in scientific progress aside from the occasional innovation in hunting tools or trap crafting.

    This came to an abrupt end, after the Florans had annihilated a group of Glitch scouts and discovered the technological wonders of the Glitch’s inner systems, which allowed them to live. Some Florans were somehow able to comprehend and reverse engineer this technology, and used it to create new weapons, armour and so forth. However, due to limitations in available technology to assimilate and lack of knowledge and understanding of advanced technology, the Florans overall level of technology remained primitive and began stagnating shortly after this new discovery.

    It wasn’t until the Avians, who had observed the Florans from orbit and realised that providing the Florans with more technology would be dangerous, visited them that this stagnation would once again come to an end. As the result of an accident involving a crashing supply ship, the Florans had acquired the means to travel across the stars. Ever since the Floran’s were capable of large scale FTL-space travel, they have been continually expanding and “salvaging” technology, in order to assimilate it into their own.

    The ability to reverse engineer and replicate existing technology in itself isn’t all that special, as many of the other species are quite capable of doing this as well. However, the Florans seem to have a special knack for it, as they have next to none pre-existing comprehension of similar forms of advanced technology. As such, innovations are quite rare and Floran technology is usually inferior to the original product, often breaking and requiring a lot of maintenance and repair after prolonged usage.


    Unlike the Floran’s ability to reverse engineer and assimilate alien technology, the following ability has been part of Floran culture from before the time Floran history started to be recorded. Through exchanging pheromones, Florans are able to “communicate” with and manipulate plant life. As such, Florans are able to gain some information from plant life, however it can be quite tricky to decipher the meaning without proper context.

    For example, a Floran who has been tracking down prey can smell pheromones released by plants, which function as an alarm system. A Floran may deduce that the local plant life has been disturbed. This can mean that there are intruders nearby, who have trodden and damaged flora as they passed through the jungle, or some herbivore has been feeding on plants in the vicinity. This will allow Florans to somewhat aid them in tracking their prey in the jungle, which is one of the factors that contributes to their natural home advantage.

    Florans are also able to secrete their own, mutable, specialised pheromones, in order to “manipulate” plants. These pheromones will incite slight mutations in a plant’s DNA, altering it. This allows Florans to create primitive tools, weapons, furniture and housing or just promote growth and cultivate plant life.

    However, once a Floran desires to create a more complicated product through this ability, it requires multiple generations of genetic manipulation through alterations of their DNA and selective breeding. Ballistic weaponry, and the occasional plant-based mechanisms created through this process are often still quite inferior to their conventional counterparts. However, through a combination of plant- and conventional materials, Florans can create impressive weapons and tools, which could potentially reach the same efficiency of their conventional counterparts. This ultimate expression of the Floran’s ability to influence plant life, and to craft it into all sorts of products, is referred to as “Bio-forging” and it is an ability which requires a substantial amount of experience, knowledge, intuition, talent, intelligence and creativity, which is rare among the Florans. These individuals are referred to as Shamans and Wisemen.

    Examples of Bio-forging:

    Ballistic weapons:

    These are any grown object that can launch or throw a projectile, usually a sharpened spine of some sort. Growing these is a complex, time-consuming, care-intensive process that requires a very high level of skill and care. Instead of growing a single item, the Forgers grow separate parts. Floran bio-forged firearms consist of several pieces including the barrel, stock, handle, primitive trigger system, and natural gas-filled organ capable of propelling the needles, spines, or other projectile out of the weapon. Fire rate and power all can differ depending on the intended use and intensity of the ‘gas-bag’ inside the stock. ‘Needlers’ are a common example of Floran automatic weapons, with the gas-bag constantly propelling a stack of needles out of the barrel. Comparative to a carbon-dioxide vial in an airsoft gun, the gas-bag imparts the kinetic energy into the projectile. They can be tuned to fire small, fast needles or even single, large projectiles such as acidic pods. The gas-bags can refill themselves over time, although Florans have been known to carry multiple of theses gas bags in case they run out of ‘charge’ in the middle of a fight.

    Floran weapons do not have much, if any, penetrating value, instead relying on the kinetic energy to wreak havoc in their enemies. Stopped by most body armors, they are inferior to nearly all conventional kinetic weapons, but can wreak havoc on unarmored foes. For a reference, the gas-bags work like a CO2 canister in an airsoft gun, propelling the projectile alongside a magazine or stack of the projectiles shoved into the weapon.

    Structures or rigid items:

    These are any sort of house, chair, lamp, bench, ramp, bridge, or solid, non-moving, rigid item. These things take much longer to grow than the weapons, but only due to the size they need to be grown to. They do not require nearly as much minute care and attention, as they can simply be grown around a frame or coaxed along as they grew. Objects grown from living plant matter are usually stronger than their wood counterparts, and can be compared to brick or hard clay. They are not as susceptible to fire as wood, since they are usually still alive and therefore damp and wet. Luminescent objects such as lamps can also be grown, however they require a different set of skills to enable to plant to emit the light constantly while still growing as is wanted.

    Ships or mobile structures:

    These encompass any plant-matter growth that is to be used as a vehicle, ship, or other mobile structure. Floran spacecraft are mostly reverse-engineered ships scavenged after they have crashed on planet. However, it is possible for a very highly-skilled Forger to grow the basic structure of a spacecraft. It takes years, and requires very minute care and attention. The growth must be inspected to make sure it is airtight, and must be kept alive until it is complete. Florans are not capable to growing machinery or engines for their ships, so scavenged FTL systems, engines, displays, navigation systems, and other electronic devices must be taken from other ships. Any mobile Floran structure is comprised completely of dead plant-matter, and as such care needs to be taken by the entire Floran ‘crew’ to make sure the ships does not decay away. Floran plant-matter ships are therefore extremely rare, belonging only to the biggest, strongest tribes with grunts to waste.
    Suggestions and feedback in general are greatly appreciated.
    #1 Khaltor, May 20, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2016
  2. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    The Florans are a brutal and cunning species renowned for their savagery and unexpectant strength. This florosapient species practice a culture that is exclusively power orientated, treating their strongest and largest with the utmost respect and admiration. A typical example would be the praising of a Floran by its people after having defeated or killed a tribal superior, and subsequently taking on the now vacated position of power. Because of this, florans are prone to vulgar displays of wealth and power, as a means of intimidating and thus deterring potential challengers. Floran belief systems hold death as far less tangible and ultimate. They place an almost spiritual faith in the cycle of life and naturalism, believing that death through combat is one of the greatest honors. “Life from dirt, Fight, Die, Become dirt, Become Life.” is a phrase common to Floran Shaman and wise men, which most young florans or ‘sprouts’ are raised upon. Almost all Florans retain their primitive tribal mindset and aggressive tendencies. Although it is not unheard of for a Floran to curb it’s instincts and adapt to non-floran life, tribal florans look upon their ‘civilized’ kin as abominations and traitors, with no hope for redemption. Even with their instincts suppressed, Floran are largely uneducated in comparison to the other sentient species; they often find it difficult to contribute much more to a non-tribal community than manual labor or hunting.

    From a diplomatic standpoint, Florans are largely considered barbarians, incompatible with civilised life. Floran and Hylotl share a mutual burning hatred for one another. Although the war that lost the Hylotl their homeworld has long since passed, grudges and resentment still linger in most Hylotl. Avians regard Floran with disgust, so much so that their religious commandments forbid them from dining with one. Human and Apex, given several small scale skirmishes with Floran war tribes, treat Floran with a wary caution. Though they do not explicitly deny their company, Floran are invariably met with the utmost caution, security and prejudice. Glitch and Novakid seem quite neutral with Floran kind, possibly because they pose no threat of being eaten.

    Floran territories are scattered, widespread, and abundant. So much so that some theorists believe that they outnumber every other sentient race combined. Warring clans and tribes litter planets and systems across the galaxy; a large portion of which having sworn their allegiance to an enigmatic and mysterious figurehead known as “Greenfinger.” Little is known of Greenfinger, other than his apparent vast intelligence, the unity he brought to Floran kind, and the existence of his fearsome warband known as the “Greenguard.”


    Given their anatomy and biologic composition, Floran are blessed with the gift of cellular regeneration. Though it’s far from rapid, and could potentially lead to deformities and rot if mistreated, an injured Floran is capable of regenerating entire severed limbs given the energy and biomass to replace it. Unfortunately, crucial organs such as the heart, stomach, and brain analogues prove irreplaceable. Whether this is because these organs are too complicated to replicate, or because the Floran simply dies before they can, is unknown. Heat appears to be the bane of the Floran species, and they are highly vulnerable to fire. Cauterization seems to hinder their tissue regenerative properties entirely, while burns are next to permanent.

    Given the peculiar structure of their vocal apparatus, Floran speech has a distinct hiss similar to a snake. This is unavoidable for all Floran, especially when speaking in common tongue. For example, “Floran issss tired of ssstupid fisss-oo-log-ee book.”

    Hydration is key to their survival, an inactive Floran can survive entirely off of water, but the absence of protein in their diet will cause them to grow frail and weak. A substance referred to as “Drysap” by the Floran can allow them to survive with minimal hydration, and is often used by Floran warriors seeking an edge in combat as it inhibits pain and toughens a Floran’s skin into something resembling tree-bark. Studies show that drysap is incredibly addictive and prolonged use is known to drive intelligent Florans mad. It is interesting to note that less intelligent, feral florans seem to go largely unaffected by drysap’s maddening influence; perhaps because they have less intellect to lose.

    Floran are capable of influencing and promoting the growth and shape of numerous forms of vegetation. A common example found amongst most Floran tribes is found in the construction of their villages. Small, tightly packed forests of trees grown hollow and stout for shelter, bioluminescent plants grown into light fixtures. Though not instantaneous, nor readily apparent, plant life under their guidance matures significantly quicker than normal, and can grow to incredible sizes. This does not mean they are capable of bending plant life to their will, however. Any claims of trees bearing weapons as fruit or vines coming alive and attacking the Floran’s enemies are entirely unfounded.
    Cataloging this before the site implodes or something
  3. Recluse

    Recluse New Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Thanks to Khaltor for this thread. For anyone who reads through all this, it will explain the tribe "Sempervines" in accordance to OE lore. This does NOT mean it has to stay exactly the same! I am in your guy's home, and will simply show you my ideas for furniture re-arrangement.

    So without further a due... let's begin, so hand me the pen!
  4. Recluse

    Recluse New Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Sempervines History
    The origins of how Sempervine came to life are one that is hidden in actuality, obscured by time, reiterated tales, and false statements. But, thanks to ooc, we may learn more about them. Coming from a heavily occupied system of space located outside the jurisdiction of Orions Edge, the might chief sends off his largest fleet with his strongest, most well crafted Florans. Each one able to be a chief in their own right, they were tasked with occupying space outside of their own, in an attempt to take over more space outside their range.

    One place that one Floran would indeed be dropped off at, is in the system "Orions Edge."; a, unknown to them, USCM controlled system of space with occasional Miniknog presence in varying degrees. Landing on Pallaea, the first chief was the first of his kind to set foot on this arid, dry planet to his own knowledge. He set off wandering, studying the ecosystem, the conditions of the temperature, and scoping for any large trees. Finding just that, the largest tree she's ever seen fixated on a mountain, with strong, sturdy roots draped across all sides, he pollinated himself, and set to carving into the tree, one claw scrape at a time.

    After the grueling, straining process of rebuilding not only his fellow Florans, but his future generations home, he fought against extreme heat, extreme cold, sand storms, lone lion like creatures that looked to eat them, and of course, the task of removing the worm hive located in the mountain. Large, crawl space sized caverns filled this mountain, with hoards of worms living inside. The 'war' of the worms was one that was tough, mainly because of the lightness tunnels, and the unknown factors of how they fought. However, once they found coal, it was quick to be crafted into make-shift torches, and the fight became one that the Florans could take. Assaulting the tunnels, they were ambushed repeatedly, flanked, and out numbered drastically. Due to the chiefs talent as a leader, fighter, and survivor, he was able to keep his team of 3 florans along side him, and keep a square like defensive structure, able to jam their spears at their brains, retract, and repeat in quick succession. At the end, they had a massacre of worms, so much that pools of blood collected at the bottom of the worms former caves.

    Occurring roughly 350 years after first settlement, human adventurers landed within viewing distance of the tribe. Many more explorers, campers, and shady business men landed, and ultimately met their demise, securing the tribe unique and tasty feasts. After the first tribes chief met his demise after 500 years of settlement, another chief was selected, and took a different approach for the tribe for prisoners. This technique wouldn't be employed until a staggering 500 years later, when one lone human made the mistake of landing his ship on the relatively flat surface of Pallaea.

    Not only was he immediately flanked by returning hunters and gatherers, but he was taken in alive, due to him taking the 'flight' instinct instead of 'fight'. Once taken in, he was interrogated, tortured, and isolated to break him down, turn him into a tool, a weapon. It didn't plan exactly as the chief wanted it to go, as the psychological and physical damage was too severe, and he was found to have broken his cage, and stabbed himself with the bamboo shards in his eyes until brain functions ceased.​
  5. Recluse

    Recluse New Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Located 3.27 light years away from the orange star classified as "Mirzam Threshold", in the goldilock zone of 2.89 L.Y. to 4.01 L.Y. is the self named planet "Pallaea".

    Entering the atmosphere, the planets gravitational pull is slightly lighter than Earth, yet not noticeable enough to cause any sudden realizations for any former Earth dwellers, or any other goldilock zone planet occupants. The air is dry, the dirt cracks at every step, and the wind carries harsh, inhospitable hot air with sand that seems to strike with ferocity.

    Vulture like creatures perch atop the tree branches, keeping cool and safe from the suns rays. They're large, with tanned and darker hued color schemes, their beaks being strong and resilient with bright orange colors, as if to warn others of their danger.

    In the bowls of Pallaea, squirms and wiggles the giant earth worms that have become the underground kings. Their large size is a result of evolution, not where the smallest and biggest quantity win, but the larger and smaller quantity succeed. This is due to the insufficient food sources found underground, and worms forcing to adapt or be eradicated. The result, was large worms that can stretch over 5 meters long, and 1.5 meters wide. The worms are not direct fighters, they aren't capable of using their full muscle, torque, and leverage they have, however, they can 'smash' against walls, people, animals, and threats if provoked. They are suited for swallowing prey whole, than using their acidic secretions and sharp, contracting walls to cut, dig, and maim their food. If the suffocation doesn't kill you first, the sheer fear and shock will.

    On land however, a different predator stomps about in large herds. Most similar to the per-historic Earth animals that are typically named in laymen terms the "Woolly mammoth". However, there's distinct differences that make them suitable for Pallaeas environment. Their skin is hard, durable, and almost similar to leather. This however is all callused skin, about 2-3 inches below it is pink, shiny, vulnerable skin that's just above their flesh. Their tusks are closer than a woolly mammoths, allowing them to more easily fight the smaller prey that they commonly defend themselves and their herd against. Large clumps of fur cloud their eyes, protecting them from the sun and sand storms.

    Nocturnally, a different predator strikes at night. It follows a similar appearance to that of a lion from Earths former species, except it also has an extremely low count of fur, only protecting its paws and eyes. Its slightly reflective eyes are the only giveaway at night, and it leaps across the landscape at extreme speeds, capable of very easily tackling and mauling its prey. Their elusive nature, tackled with their nocturnal hunting patterns, makes them a worthy, scary, and ultimately the dominate predator on this planet; if it weren't for the Florans.
  6. Recluse

    Recluse New Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    And that's it. What do you guys think?
  7. Kralion

    Kralion Lore Writer

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Alright this is straight up copy-pasted from the last server I put this on, so lets start.

    Floran tech
    Floran technology falls under two categories: Reverse-engineered or biotech. Reverse-engineered are all those that are made from scrap or pieces of salvaged tech, like their spaceships, while biotech is strictly that which is grown and made exclusively from florans, like needlers or their green plant lights.

    Reverse-engineered techology is a sort of shortcut for florans. It helps them enter the same advancement level of other races, but the end result is always inferior. There is nothing that stops a floran in the middle of a battle to use an assault rifle he found from an enemy, but florans, just like humans are naturally curious, are naturally stubborn in their belief that what they create is best. Even with ships or weapons that are obviously superior to their own, florans will always attempt to modify them in several ways, both to understand how it works and to "improve" it. The end result is technology that is prone to be faulty and inferior, but can be used by the floran. Sooner or later, however, this technology will fail and the floran is forced to to reverse-engineer more, as they have no means to understand how, or the precise tools, to fabricate advanced technology.

    Biotech is floran technology that has been created through the process of bioforging. Bioforging can be seen as a of advanced genetic system: Florans intergrate different features of plants and work until they get the result they want. For example, lets say I integrate a "Volcano plant" into the needler design. After mix and matching, a floran may end up with a result that spews forth needles with a molten core. Or, another result a floran ends up with a needler that shoots spines that ignite on contact. It's a process trial and error, almost, but florans can give nature a little "Push" in the direction they want by selectively cultivating two results together. In short, a mix of gene therapy and selective crop growing. Basic bioforging could produce weapons like a whip made of vines and needles, maybe with some special characteristics like making the thorns feed on blood. Medium-tier bioforging would be floran needlers or "rifles" that spit out acid that eats through non-organic material. Advanced bioforging can produce anything, even advanced spaceships that feed on biofuel. Below is an example.

    (Please note that a floran tribe being capable of producing spaceships out of nothing but plant matter would be the equivalent of a modern country gaining nuclear power. In other words, very few floran tribes are capable of it.)


    Greenfinger and the Greenguard
    Greenfinger is the most sucessful floran huntmaster to this day. His warband achieved the incredibly task of ransacking the Hylotl homeworlds hundreds of years ago, thanks to their cunning and incredibly advanced biotech. It is even said that the design of the floran needler and the saplights that provide florans light without burning them are his creations.

    In the current date, Greenfinger hasn't been spotten for years, likely still keeping a low profile from the enormous bounty on his head. Some spaceships and colony words, however, have still been raided by the Greenguard, the description of the attackers matching the ones from the Hylotl homeworld, but these are nothing but skirmishes. While some suspect Greenfinger may have simple perished, florans are known to violently deny this claim, insisting he is "ssstill killing ssstupid frogmen like good Floran!"

    Greenfinger is still seen as a great figure in floran lore, something that all florans should aspire to. Joining his Greenguard would be seen amongst the greatest of honors.

    Floran numbers
    Whatever process the florans use to mate, two things are clear: One, the end result are several "fertilized" seed which are then planted into the ground. Two, florans can "cultivate" their seedlings like almost any crop. All they require is sunlight, water and compost. Floran mating usually produces around three to nine seeds. The seed will eventually grow into a large pod, which in about six months produces a small floran which, compared to humans, would be physically around six years old.

    Floran seedlings are notorious for being voracious from the moment they emerge, often fighting with their own brothers and sisters mere minutes after they are born to feed on their flesh. Some floran tribes allow the young ones to fight, only letting the fittest survive, while others take great care in ensuring that all their young ones live to see the day.

    In but four mere years, the voracious seedling will use all the acquired biomass and protein to turn into a fully grown floran adult, dubbed a "sprout". Mentally, of course, they are very different. Most tribes allow their wisemen and shaman to teach these young adults in the ways of the hunt, bioforging and survival in a period of over several years or so. Once their training is complete, usually at the age of 18, these sprouts have finally earned the title of floran. However, it is not unheard for tribes engaged in conflict to simply dump these wild, foolish adults with the mind of children into the conflict, letting their instincts run wild.

    Being a unisex race, the florans have no need to protect their females nor are slowed down by pregnancies. Floran pods require little maintenance other than feeding them and scaring predators. With just two florans stranded in a planet, they can have a full tribe running in but a mere decade. It is no wonder why they are considered the most numerous, and potentially dangerous, race in the universe.

    The myth of the pacifist Floran
    A tale usually told by Hylotl with too many fetishes. The idea is that, simply enough, some florans have managed to leave behind their violent ways and tribal culture to "ascend" and join the other races in civilization. The truth is a resounding no. While floran tribes may have different degrees of violence, they all share the aspect that "rotten" sprouts or seedlings that cannot adapt to their violent lifestyle must be "returned to the dirt", usually by killing them, eating the corpse and then planting their bones, usually their skull, into the dirt, hoping that next time they hatch they will be "improved" This is not to say that any floran that is not a hunter is killed, but those that simply show a complete and utter refusal to violence or violence. Even outside of tribes, florans are known to still follow this violent part of their culture.

    It is not unheard of, however, of florans managing to somewhat adapt to civilization. Some florans find their place as hunters or traders, but their violent culture is still very much present. Minor offenses that other races would shrug off would maybe earn you a savage bite that a floran may consider a "warning", not to mention the somewhat casual relationship florans have with the cycle of life and death. In fact, a quite common act between florans is to "spar" with their claws, teeth and fists until one of them is finally unconcious. Sufficient to say, a great deal of florans are usually jailed for murder.

    (Now start discussing this and tell me how shit I am.)
  8. Recluse

    Recluse New Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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  9. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Posted something on the main post.
  10. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I'd be alright with Florans potentially reachng the age of 200 years old, with the majority of their species dying at a drastically younger age.
    I don't know about the physical adaptations like night vision.
    I think plantshaping and bioforging, which creates things like the plantlights and weapon/machine/armor parts would be okay, however that would have to be fleshed out in terms of what would be acceptable.
    Perhaps make it so that Florans are genetically maleable, which would somewhat make sense in relation to the Incarcerus notes, in terms of how fast Greenfinger was able to replicate/alter the Floran's genetic code. But that'd again have to be approved and more fleshed out, in order to properly regulate it to avoid abuse.
  11. Kralion

    Kralion Lore Writer

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Florans probably have a somewhat developed sort of night vision. Think of it as D&D Darkvision, as they can only see 60 feet ahead of them or so.

    I understand how people are wary of bioforging due to its OP potential, so I'll try to raise some points.

    First, to create a weapon that could fire "spikes filled with acid-melting armor and poison" would take far, far too much time for a floran shaman. Floran bioforging sort of forces the floran to focus on one specific objective with his weapon and not branch out too much or risk losing what he already made. A floran shaman may be able to produce a needler that bursts into smaller needles after it impacts a target, or maybe make the main needle have a poison which will make the target dizzy and cause nausea. If the shaman focuses too much on developing an extremely powerful toxin for the needle, he would risk making the needle lose some of its properties. It may not even be able to survive the velocity at which it is launched from the needler. Another last example may be a floran bio-acid weapon that spits acid, think of pitcher plants, that can corrode through non-organic with enough quanity, but would leave naught but a chemical burn on contact with skin.

    Second, a floran cannot decide to bioforge with just plants that grow on his backyard. A floran would have to scur through the different plant species of their planet to find the one right for its job, if it is even on the same planet. It may require special temperature, compost or soil. In other words, no floran shaman is going to be shitting out needlers in just a week.

    Third, how difficult the process of bioforging is. It is a task delegate only to tribe shamans for a reason, after all. Floran sprouts are usually taught by their shaman how to grow incredibly basic equipment, such as a strong vine covered in hooked horns that can be used as a whip or a pair of bolas that burst into entangling roots on contact, but anything that could be classified as a sort of "firearm" would require the patience and knowledge of a triban shaman.
  12. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    I think that Floran wouldnt be capable of advanced bio-forging as creating poisons. Rather try and get things fit with what they have gathered from prey or scavenging. Like corrosive needlers being more akin to AP rounds, while regular needles of varying sizes fall under the standard fire-arms. Like there is some variant of a pistol needler and a LMG with some sort of bipod made out of.. wood or sturdy vines.

    Bolas ETC would rather be created with some vines on rocks since Florans do not really strike me as a species to take a lot of time in crafting their hunting equipment. They rather grow a vine connected to stones, allowing them to create 5 instead of 1 that takes a longer time to create. In survival situations, 5 chances is usually better than 1.

    On the subject of poisons etc, I think florans would create these pastes from various toxic plants or hunt creatures containing poison sacs to create these poison mixtures. With varying effects and strength levels. Since I'm sure there would be some toxic plants and/or creatures would be present on each planes. (Like some kind of snake-like creature or whatever floats your boat).

    Stuff like thorned weaponry etc could be made by cross-breeding certain plant species but that'd take some time until the right mixture of plant DNA is found for the right use. (Like kral's mentioned whip).

    While this subject allows for much variation and such, lets not forget that a piece of sharpened metal bound on the end of a stick is easier and more interesting to craft.
  13. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Well I mean, considering the canon, it is stated by in-game sources (and stated on their livestreams) that some Florans are capable of manipulating plants to the extent that allows them to create the Needlers, Acid grenade launchers and staves/spears (combined with tech) Teslaspears, plant-based tech (plant control panel). I'd also attribute modified thornfruit, filled with explosive gas/gunpowder, whips, bolas, etc. to Florans as possible Floran products.

    Personally, I don't believe this to be unbalanced/unfair, considering the main argument against this is "asspulling", which is dumb. Everyone asspulls to some extend, whether you "buy"/"build" an AK-47 and ammunition through human industry/economy, or you acquire a Needler with poison-tipped needle projectiles through the Floran equivalent of humanities' method of weapon creation, is basically the same thing.

    A compromise where Florans don't grow entire products in one piece, like Needlers, but instead grow different parts that require assembly and some other Techy parts (like the Teslaspear) sounds more than reasonable to me, but in truth a compromise wouldn't be necessary.
    Even if you allow the most "powerful" form of plant manipulation, like how it is portrayed in the lore, we see this ability mostly at Floran dungeons with the Greenguard. So smaller tribes would only be capable of using it on a limited/smaller scale. Humans and Apex would still greatly outshine whatever Florans could come up with, which is rather dull. I guess what I'm saying is: throw the Florans a bone here.
    You can achieve somewhat of a working combat character through salvaged/stolen equipment, however then you lose a lot of the Floran aesthetic. Avians use their Crystal tech, which is mostly exclusive to them(which is bs because Florans have been known in the lore to work with it), yet plant manipulation is somehow not okay?

    In terms of realism, we have Novakid, giant tentacle monsters, Glitch, etc... So we can totally come up with pseudo science bullshit to "justify" this, similar to Orks/Tyranids/Zerg, but different, in a way that works for our RP and setting. Lore tells us Florans can grow plants that can become as strong as steel and are resistant to lava, which isn't just a game mechanic thing, I've asked + there's the volcanic plants.

    What it boils down to is that a human can't claim to be a USCM general and have a fleet filled with heavy artillery etc, but the USCM does have those resources and people can ICly acquire some militaristic equipment. It'd basically be the same witb Florans.

    Obviously growing entire ships is out of the question.
    I think you're wrong.
    This may be true on an isolated planet where they don't need to compete with other species, in a primitive tribe, but in this setting they'd need to create/acquire equipment that is somewhat efficient/reasonable in terms of quality.

    Florans have a very combat/hunt-centric society, they have the tools canonically to be considered quite a threat, but these fractured tribes can't measure up to the might of the USCM, however this is a Frontier, resources should be scarce, Florans should be able to thrive somewhat in this environment and 'militaristic' and Florans should be on par with one another.
    Otherwise you're just neutering an entire race / selling them short because you're afraid of abuse.
  14. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    I agree now that you brought it differently. I wrote my text with balancing in mind but with your explanation on the matter makes it balanced as well, unless I am wrong on that matter.
  15. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Added some history, needs reformatting and rephrasing as well.
  16. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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  17. Recluse

    Recluse New Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    • Florans are hermaphrodites, however they can identify as either male, or female.
    • Due to their origins as plants, Florans possess a potentially long lifespan of around 300 years, however, due to their way of life, the majority of Florans die before they reach the age of 30.'
    Finally, Stem can be himself without anything telling her what its proper pronoun is!
    On a serious note, I've read everything, and I give it the big thumbs up approval. Everything is either exactly in the way I envision florans, or they're compromised in a way that I believe still drives the point home.