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Complaint - State of the Lore [Important]

Discussion in 'Concerns and Suggestions' started by Khaltor, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    State of the Lore

    (This is a bit long, but I do urge you to read through it, as I do feel strongly about this and believe this is rather important. There Is a TL;DR! at the bottom.)

    As many of you may know, wiki-editors, as well as other members of staff, have been working towards creating our own server canon. For this purpose, the Lore forum section was created.

    Generally speaking, the process for creating new lore follows a certain pattern, following a set of what I thought to be "unspoken" rules or steps.
    1. The wiki-editor/staff member creates a lore draft.

    2. The wiki-editor/staff member posts this draft in the Lore forum section, where it remains open for discussion for a decent period of time.

    3. The wiki-editor/staff member awaits feedback and adjusts his lore draft accordingly.

    4. An administrator approves of a final draft, which has received mostly positive reactions from the community.

    5. This lore will be added to the wiki, or a forum section to replace the wiki, which will officiate it to be recognised as server canon.
    Recently, the human lore, or more specifically the lore of the United Systems has skipped a few of these steps.
    More specifically step 2 and 3, which deal with community feedback.

    While this has certainly happened before, with more neutral lore subjects, such as general technology and things regarding our setting, I don't feel this is appropriate for something in the lore that refers specifically to a certain species, in this case "humans", due to the fact that there may be bias. The fact that these additions of human lore have also actively improved the human's own background, in terms of how dire their situation is, as a species, significantly "buffing" them, makes this all the more unacceptable.

    I take issue to these alterations in the lore:

    1. USCM is a part of the USAF, the USCM is the only military organisation known in the original lore, with the USAF being a past faction in our server lore. This creates conflict and is contradictory, as I do seem to recall the USAF answering to and at one point, being fugitives from the USCM.

    2. "The United Systems of Sol, Alpha Centauri, and Tau Ceti, or just the United Systems, is a military-centric representative democracy shadowed by a martial monarchy governing the mentioned systems in its title along with multiple frontier colonies (named the 'territories'), and houses nearly twenty billion Humans within this expanse."
    3. "The United Systems has largely recovered from the tragedy of Earth in the aspect of economy. Mainly a war economy, agriculture and industrialism is emphasized, and the driving forces of the government-backed corporations has brought unemployment to the lowest it has been since before the resource wars."

      This directly contradicts the original human lore:
      "They were the first race to engage in space travel, both for science and entertainment, but their limitations restricted them to their own solar system."
      "Eventually they began to war amongst themselves more frequently, and with Earth's resources depleting, returned to the space race as each of the world's superpowers attempted to claim and colonise new planets. While in the midst of a particularly lengthy struggle to claim Mars, the humans observed a Beast From Beyond The Stars crash land on Earth."
      "Finally, General Kale made contact. She escaped Earth with a fleet of her best soldiers, and they've taken refuge in a space station not far from Mars. From there, they're planning and strategising what to do about the giant damn monster that's eating our planet.
      I overheard all this as my superior officer spoke to her on the comm-link. He asked her what she suggested the rest of humanity do. 'Do whatever,' she said. 'It's going to be a long road home'. I don't think we're going back to Earth any time soon."

      It also contradicts new lore that has come to light:
    Creating our own lore is fine, however, I believe that this takes that a bit too far.
    I understand that it has been... 9 Years since Earth has been hit and I also understand that humans have been dealt a fairly horrible hand in the Starbound lore, but despite this we keep seeing a lot of highly militarised human factions, with questionable amounts of resources.
    This new lore that is being pushed through, wants to minimize the catastrophe the humans have experienced and as a result would support the presence of these militaristic factions.
    I do agree that we should rewrite the dire circumstances surrounding humanity somewhat, by allowing them to at least have been able to properly colonise 50% of Mars and being on the road towards recovery, however, I'd say that having Humanity recover miraculously, just like that, totally clashes with their original design, theme and "feel" as a whole.

    For those who disagree with me:
    The Hylotl were in a similar situation, after losing their homeworld to the Florans.
    When Clem made the new Hylotl lore, which made the Hylotl more militarised and somewhat vengeful instead of their original, peaceful, pacifistic nature, which focused on self-defense after the conflict instead of trying to retake their homeworld, people rebelled.

    This also stands in STARK contrast with the issues surrounding the Glitch lore, as the Glitch have been severly gutted and disadvantaged by the views or bias of our current staff team or our current server canon:

    What do we know about the Glitch?

    • According to vanilla lore, the Glitch were the first race to come in contact with the Florans.
    • They also discovered the Avians and contacted them, allowing them to study the Glitch FTL drive, to improve the Avian FTL drive.
    • In vanilla lore, they have spaceships with a flying castle aesthetic.
    • There are also Glitch wizards, who most likely use chemical weapons, explosives and staves.
    • Glitch armour descriptions state they have additional brains, which can be interpreted as a built-in AI, sort of like Jarvis or Friday from Iron Man.
    • The armour is generally described as being very tough and heavy.
    • I believe this implies the Glitch use a form of power armor, with hydraulics to aid their mobility.
    • Glitch are stuck in the medieval era, in terms of their aesthetic, philosphy and traditions, however they do have access to advanced technology, Outcast Glitch are shunned for their ideology, not for using advanced technology, like Glitch wizards.
    As such, Glitch using moderately tough power armour, which allows them to be somewhat viable combattants with a melee focus and in addition to possessing powerful melee weaponry, also possess crude weapons, like fully automated crossbows that fire explosives, being powerful, crude and rather inefficient ranged weapons could be plausibe.

    If properly defined could allow people to actually RP knight-like Glitch without feeling incredibly useless when compared to the overwhelming amount of humans and suits wearing kevlar and using ballistic weaponry that turns them into cheese grates.

    This has not always been the case;
    In the days of the Order, Glitch Knights, despite their many limitations, were able to function to a reasonable degree. However, nowadays, I believe the majority of our staff members have a certain bias towards the more "human-like" way of doing things and people are forced to wear kevlar vests and spend time researching gun trivia, in order to properly combat RP with all these gunnuts running around who want to play army.
    Admittingly, due to the fact that human-style RP is generally more "realistic" in nature, this results in the fact that other races, who use more "unrealistic" or "fantasy" elements in order to make up for their flaws, get shafted.

    However, why should we approve of Avian Crystal Tech, or Bio-forging, or Apex hyper advanced technologies, or the Novakid as a species, when we don't recognise Glitch Power Suits/Power Armour as an actual thing?
    If anything, exceptionally functional Power Armour which integrates with the Glitch's own systems, which would give them an edge against other Power Armour users, could be this Species' "unique property".

    A lot of people have been discouraged from being able to RP as Glitch Knights due to the unfair limitations placed upon the species and their aesthetic as a result of our setting which is gradually being adjusted to unfairly favour humans and force members of the other races to conform to what is considered the "human way" as it is the most "realistic" and "efficient" way of doing things.

    Humans are being favoured due to bias reasons whereas the Glitch are being screwed over and their main theme is generally made useless.
    #1 Khaltor, Jun 15, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2016
  2. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    It is what I have seen myself develop over the past few months, but I was unsure on whether to act on this or not. That Khaltor also sees these things means I am not having conflicting thoughts on these matters.

    But this current course needs to be corrected and set straight before it goes out of control with as a result, more fractures appear upon the surface.
  3. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    I don't feel l have the influence to speak on an entire species-- and I'm never sure just how long each race's "backstory" is from the current timeline (but it's clarified here, yay). No matter what Humans have colonized-- Earth and the Sol system stands as the "Capitol" of Humanity-- and losing it is a very crucial blow.

    I feel like be one of the defining traits of humanity, and each character should carry something of that with them (of course every individual can adjust and be fine, I'm not saying have PTSD-- but be aware and realize that Humanity doesn't have a whole lot of resources to offer). It's what I was aiming for when I started the HOPE colony (albeit splintered off from any other group period)

    So in short-- an idea of buffing Humans and giving them more power(even if it's not perceived as direct power) does not have my support.

    And speaking on Glitch--
    I figure Glitch would have the most durable armor, the most dangerous technology. You know? Like-- barely anyone has access to power armor, but Glitch Knights have power armor as a staple. Yeah their weapons are crude-- but I agree they're strong enough to make a spear feel just as dangerous as that laser rifle on your back-- and as "Knights" and strong "Melee Warriors," a great deal of durability and defense is needed.

    I am in support of the idea of Glitch power armor and multiple AI's (as I've always interpreted it, especially with their cascading rows of eyes) and such.
  4. CouchPotato360

    CouchPotato360 Last Man Standing

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I will directly quote the United Systems wiki entry and I strongly urge you to read and analyze what is said here.
    "The United Systems Armed Forces (USAF) is the main military body of the United Systems, consisting of five branches, each with a defined role in defending the territories internally and externally. The USAF relies on the doctrine of mobile offense and tactical deployment."
    In layman's terms this means the USAF is the entire Armed Forces of the United Systems, hence United Systems Armed Forces. I know there has been confusion regarding this, but we've only ever IC represented the Colonial Marines and the Navy, USCM and USN. Yes, a lot that doesn't directly pertain to the USCM was made in large chunks of our own established canon.

    My rebuttal to the new lore is: Ew no.

    My thoughts on the existing lore is: "Do whatever,' she said. 'It's going to be a long road home'. I don't think we're going back to Earth any time soon." "Do whatever."
    Honestly I'm not a huge fan of Chucklefish's writing prowess, and the way things have been set up are pretty.. grim. While I'm not in support of instantaneous recovery from this catastrophe humanity is suffering from, the downright dire circumstances sort of demand the cooperation of the surviving humans to continue their survival as a species. I agree that the lore writing process for the human lore should be more community inclusive, you are right there.

    That's my input on this.
  5. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    I'll give my own opinion here, in a fairly short and simple post. This is just the position I support and the one I have argued when discussing this with Khaltor in the past.

    Losing Earth was an incredible blow to Humanity. Their colonization of other systems does ensure their continued relevance in the galactic view of things, yes, but they're still hurting after losing their homeworld, the gem of their empire of systems. It hit hard and it had a deep and lasting effect on every Human everywhere. They're still a major player in the long term, but even a decade after losing Earth, they're gonna still be recovering from it.

    As for the USCM being apart of the USAF, this is a simple matter of military structure. Every nation that has a military, generally speaking, structures that military in a similar way; they have their armed forces, which is the entirety of their military, and then individual branches such as Army, Navy, Air Force, etc. If Humanity's entire military is -just- the Colonial Marines, it deviates from every standard, every norm that had already been set in the past by Human nations. It wouldn't make sense.

    Now, Glitch power armor. I'll say exactly what I said before: Glitch are based entirely on the medieval era. Hivemind Glitch, in my opinion, do not have any right to possess power armor when they're still stuck in the dark ages. You can make the argument that this severely underpowers them as a species, but you'd only be half right; this underpowers the hivemind Glitch. The Glitch that are usually playable are not hivemind. They've broken free of that software-induced restriction that prevents development beyond the medieval era, freed Glitch are able to use anything they want because they're enlightened and are capable of evolving beyond what the hivemind allows. They can remain relevant with the others species because of this.

    I'll give my reasoning here, in terms of balance. If we were to allow hivemind Glitch to use power armor that, as Jetniss above suggested, is more durable than other species' because it is a staple in Glitch combat, the balance of the races in terms of roleplay is entirely skewed. Those that wanna play hivemind Glitch now have the option to play knights that are apparently capable of effectively using power armor that they definitely have access to. For the other races, power armor is not a staple and it is not common, or it shouldn't be, anyway. Just because other races have firearms doesn't mean Glitch are out either. As I said, most playable Glitch are not hivemind Glitch. They are able to acquire guns and modern ballistic armor as well. They are still capable of being effective in a fight without skewing the balance in favor of hivemind Glitch for the sake of making melee combat effective when there's a reason it isn't.
  6. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    I myself would think that having it always set as "power armour" may not be necessary. One could look to the actually construction process of the armour itself that is advanced rather than a machine that drives it.

    Body armour for example - as I believe was discussed before in the big chat - did exist in the WWI and II periods, and did supposedly offer a degree of protection against firearms. The jackets themselves also resembled plate mail somewhat.
    If one were to want to have a better armour for "melee" focus, then I believe the better explanation would be forging techniques or what have you.

    At the same time, you then have the issue of what happens if you put that suit on someone with a gun, or give someone with the suit a gun. It seems a bit much in that regard, as that ruins the supposed "balance". In other words, such armour should appropriately.

    Otherwise I have very very little to contribute to this debate.
  7. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    Power Armor for Glitch would probably be unique to the Glitch. I imagine their power armor would be a natural extension of themselves-- with each module containing an AI and each AI needing to connect to a Glitch AI.
    And even if one were to make a Hivemind Glitch, I assume-- just as any other race, being someone in possession of Power Armor isn't "normal." Knight's are "status" just as "General" or whatever in a non-glitch army-- and thus not every Hivemind Glitch would have high-tiered Power Armor worthy of being called "Knight armor"

    If I'm speaking off tiered armor in game-- the Power Armor would be their rare gear-- their post durasteel gear-- which for everyone, Durasteel and what's beyond it is rare. Or so Smokestack has mentioned it in the past.

    But I don't think any species should be underpowered-- not even Hivemind Glitch. I'd think Hivemind Glitch are a -very real threat- to anyone, and simply gunning them down doesn't seem like... It'd make sense, or that it'd be... Fun.

    I mean, for what it's worth-- if Hivemind Glitch didn't have a way to fight Guns and such, don't you think rebel Glitch who broke free of the Hivemind could grab a few rockets and get their hands on some military grade weaponry and just destroy the Hivemind group by group?
    (I'm just throwing arguments)
    2 people like this.
  8. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    This is ridiculous.
    Many species are dualistic in nature.
    Aside from the Humans, Novakid and Hylotl, there are:
    • Flightless vs Grounded
    • Savage vs Civil
    • Miniknog vs Rebels
    • Hivemind vs Outcast
    Hivemind Glitch are the majority.
    Hivemind Glitch have been described in the lore to possess advanced technologies, but they just refer to them as magical constructs, they have been a space-faring empire long before the Avians achieved FTL. As such, they are most likely the oldest species, perhaps an experiment of "The Cultivator" in a stupid part of the vanilla the lore, before he started cultivating other humanoid races.

    Your statement that the Hivemind Glitch are entirely medieval in nature, in terms of technology is just FALSE.

    If you do not feel that the Outcast Glitch minority, could use resources from the Hivemind Glitch, in terms of what they could smuggle or take with them as they run, to form their own Outcast communities, then Humanity has no reason at all to be buffed, and Humans shouldn't have access to all these pretty things like Kevlar and Munition as a result. The Hivemind society is as important to ALL Glitch as the Apex homeworld is to the Rebels, and how important Mars would be to the humans.

    I don't think you understand what "devastating" means, or are that this US draft on the wiki implies that humanity isn't nearly devastated enough.

    Even IF we were to allow humanity to have recovered more than what the orignial lore states, the idea that they've got multiple grand colonies and worlds with expansive industry is ridiculous. I'd say they'd still be in the process of colonising mars, due to continued struggles between different fractions of the human forces. Inhabiting Mars and repopulating that planet on a significant scale, worth of note, with perhaps a couple of minor mining colonies and military outposts is more than enough of a boost.

    You do realise you're pretty much promoting Robot-suiting, yes? This actively takes away from the assymmetrical design of combat interactions in Starbound. You're literally HUMANISING everything because of your precious "realism" in a setting where such a thing is pretty ridiculous.

    Glitch specialising in a form of power armour, and perhaps power weapons, or them possesing technology which reinforces their shields/armor against ballistic weaponry, to give them an edge against "conventional" firearms would be befitting of their aesthetic and would render them to be at least somewhat functional. I agree that the concept of power armour is dull and that it would probably require quite a lot of balancing to make it work properly. I don't intend every random Glitch to be on par with what a Space Marine from 40K in terms of what they would be capable of, they'd be minor tank-like melee fighters, but grenades, rocket launchers and other heavy armaments, and properly aimed shots, would still be able to take them down. You also have landmines, there's a decent amount of things you can do to counter them still. No matter how you put it, the Glitch need some love in terms of what you allow them to possess, especially because of what they were SUPPOSED to be in the lore.

    Yes but you are either ignoring the point, or missing it somehow.
    Glitch need something, as a species, doesn't matter if they are Hivemind or not, to make them viable.

    They "wouldn't" need that in the vanilla state of the game, however, somehow current Staff thinks it's OK to send an entire species into the stone ages because it's not "realistic" enough yet it feels the need to help out humanity by pulling a complete 180 on both the Glitch AND Human lores.

    Limit Power Armor as a concept to the Glitch species, impose other limitations and find a way to achieve an assymetrical balance.
    100% Symmetrical balance is so "medieval" in nature, like chess for instance.

    It is stale, boring and it promotes "suiting" more than ever. There is nothing to be gained from not just joining the USAF and enjoying a "formal" human military training, because apparantly humans are the best, and that's final.
    Playing a Moba with different characters available to choose from or an MMORPG with fluctuating power levels of classes depending on the update is more modern and is generally more dynamic.
    I do understand that this does require some effort to achieve, however I believe we owe the Glitch species at least that much.

    If anyone has any doubts regarding my personal bias, as I am pretty much accusing others of being biased: I don't even play Glitch and Ragnarok has long been deserted. I have nothing to gain from the Glitch becoming more relevant, aside from perhaps a possible resurgence of Glitch Knights.

    Edit: in terms of setting it would be potentially beneficial to limit the amount of grand-scale system-wide expansions / big, relevant colonies, as it would give our setting as the "Frontier" more meaning, this could be the first "Galactic goldrush" or great wave of colonialism. Council space may become more important and prevalent as a result.
    #8 Khaltor, Jun 15, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2016
  9. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Khaltor, I want to make it very clear that I understand your point of view fully. I simply do not agree with it. I will oppose it with a simple argument: Glitch, as a race, are built around one key trait. They exist stuck in an era equivalent to the Human medieval ages. Your proposal is to reduce this to nothing more than a shallow facade when in reality, they'd be yet another generic sci-fi race with power armor and advanced technology.

    Glitch are an interesting idea. A robotic race created to simulate organic life, that, due to a bug in their software, are stuck in the dark ages with swords and plate armor. Some Glitch, however, break away from the hivemind and are able to, somehow, advance beyond what is normally possible for hivemind Glitch. They are able to accept actual advanced technology, they're able to understand it. By making it so that they have access to this advanced technology from the very start, you remove one of the most interesting aspects of the species. Do you really think the aesthetic will make up for the fact that you're making them just as advanced as everyone else? That you're removing the most interesting aspect of them?

    You claim my point of view encourages "robot-suitting", yet your entire suggestion does that to the entire species. You put this custom texture on a copy of something that already exists. You want to make them different by appearance alone. If the hivemind Glitch remain medieval and stay true to the key concept behind the species, then that transfers to the freed Glitch as well. They are able to acquire weapons and armor that can properly oppose modernized species, but that does not mean they're immediately familiar with them. The freed Glitch are simply accepting of them and are able to become familiar with modernized equipment.

    You want to put every single species on an equal playing field. I understand that, but that's not how things work. There will be those that are inherently weaker than others. I intend on putting every player on an equal playing field while ensuring that each species has some unique property or properties that keeps them from becoming something bland and boring based on a generic sci-fi civilization template.
  10. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Armour is developed as a response to improved weaponry, and weaponry improves as a response to better armour. The Glitch Hivemind as far as I know in the lore has never had a conflict with anything but other Glitch (which in and of itself is just part of the hivemind playing out). If you do not regularly face ballistic weaponry, your armour will not be efficient towards it.

    The Hivemind Glitch specialise in sword and bow weaponry. Furthermore, this level of tech was never intended for one on one combat. It was a tool of war, war that involved thousands of men standing on a battlefield. Swords were also used it terms of civilian conflict and lawkeeping, but in those cases the majority of people were unarmoured.

    Any race that is supposed to have immediate proficiency in swords is already a huge boon. There are a lot of misconceptions on how sword combat works, but the short of it is that in a stressful situation like combat, keeping proper edge alignment is a bitch and half. It took me a solid three-four months to be consistent with it in a setting where my life is not actually at stake. Swords are very rewarding when you have experience in a very real way, a veteran of the weapon will destroy a newcomer 100% of the time. The race like the Glitch is pretty much assumed to have this level of advanced proficiency, which is amazing.

    What are you trying to accomplish by pushing the Glitch to be something they're not? They don't fight other races (as far as I know), so why develop means against ballistics? Well, Outcast Glitch have a pretty decent reason. Physiologically, they have an advantage in endurance, carrying capacity, and recovery.

    Power armour is not the answer for these Glitch, layered armour is. Four 1/16'' sheets are enough to stop civilian arms. A Glitch with armour of this level is fully capable of handling sword and board weaponry, while still being impervious to bullets. Wow, that's pretty good. The disadvantage is pretty clear, it's hard to use a gun with metal around your fist. That's where the sword is a decent tool, but isn't the best of the era. A civilian is better served with a well balanced axe. It's mildly throwable, and cares less about armour than the sword.

    Do a little research on how much metal it takes to stop certain bullets, and you'll start to find that power armour is hardly an issue. The reason we don't use metal for personal equipment for Humans is that we developed lighter armour that works just as well. Smithing is also much more difficult than weaving for Humans, but for Glitch I imagine it's the other way around. I don't think it's outlandish to say that the average Human is incapable of keeping up a edged weapon and armour themselves (which is a true thing, it's a lot more demanding than a gun), while Glitch have the skills basically ingrained in them. Seperating from the hivemind does cause them to lose some of that collective knowledge, but they'd know where to start.

    I guess my biggest question is what you're trying to accomplish. I don't think Glitch are in that bad of a spot, just that people want an easy cop-out when the actual answers are right here to grasp.
  11. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Alright, then why bother allowing humans to have even colonised Mars?
    According to the lore, even Mars was evacuated. Humanity is in a shitty place.
    If we're following your proposition, we shouldn't bother helping the humans out either.
    There's no reason for humans to be that favoured in comparison to the other races, just because of "muh realusm".

    Again, Glitch could have power armour due to their culture promoting melee combat and due to environmenal or inter-species relations.
    Glitch have been known to have been in skirmishes with Florans, which ended rather badly for them. They also possess relatively advanced ballistic and explosive weapons, generally in the form of modernised crossbows. The incentive to develop a medieval-looking armour that is also somewhat functional is there. Additionally, you keep saying Glitch were supposed to be completely medieval in their origin, which I've explained over and over again to be false.
    You're not just disagreeing, you're actively denying the facts.
  12. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Then I suppose the problem is that people generally tend to use weaposn that greatly surpass "civilian arms", which does create this situation where Glitch armour, in its current state, is pretty useless.

    The difference between Hivemind and Outcast is their Ideology and the fact that they no longer need to follow a set role in society.
    A Glitch who was a baker one day can be a blacksmith the next. And Blacksmiths, aside from being responsible for creating weapons and armour, are also responsible for Glitch repair. It seems illogical to me that a species of robots, who are supposedly 100% medieval in terms of their understanding of technology would be able to reproduce through building new Glitch, or be capable of repairing themselves.
    They do have knowledge of advanced Tech, it is just generally fleeting.
    The difference is that Outcast Glitch have the potential to unlock this knowledge, over time, through some effort or through "luck". (Being gifted.)
    The whole process is somewhat "glitchy". (That was a pun.)
  13. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Against guns, yes metallic armour on a personal scale is strictly bad. Glitch armour advanced to stop non-ballistic weaponry. They are absolute dreadnoughts when it comes to their area of expertise, they are one of two species that has a strong martial arts tradition in a practical manner (fuck off Hylotls, not you). No amount of glitch-borne civilian viable armour will stop bullets, while following the standard high tech puts them on the same level as everyone else. Now if you're establishing Glitch military specifically designed to combat people armed with guns, well that's an entirely different monster.

    It would take a lot of brainstorming, but I don't think it's impossible.

    So there is a strong argument to be made that the Hivemind limits what they're capable of on purpose. This gets into "why do Glitch exist in the first place?" sort of questions. It's not my favourite way of approaching the issue regardless, because it's strictly unfun (which I think is what you're touching on).

    I think a viable alternative is to think in terms of an arms race. The Glitch were designed to exist in a static universe, where they simply did what they were programmed to do until the end of time. For this reason, Hivemind technology has stopped progressing at some points. If the victor of every battle is predictable and predetermined by the Hivemind, why bother advancing past the sword and spear? Whoever created the Glitch either intentionally preferred this, or it is a coincidental result of their progression.

    Outcast Glitch are the exception to this. They are capable of thinking beyond the box the Hivemind puts them in. The problem is that guns were one of the specific catalysts that brought about the death of the knight. I would rather see people take a Glitch-like approach to these new issues. This does not mean "Go do invincible power armour". It means take what you see going on around you, and adapt it.
  14. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I disagree, there are a couple of external factors which may have led to the creation of a form of power armor which would be effective against ballistic weaponry, perhaps in combination with enhanced shielding through force-fields, which would be more easily penetrated by melee weapons, to conform to their general aesthetic. Glitch have interacted and have skirmishes with other species in the past, and as such, I wouldn't put it past the Hivemind to be able to adapt. As I said before, the Glitch hivemind remains static in terms of its philosophy, traditions, aesthetic and their society / roles in society. Other things, like the Hivemind creating new technology through the experiments of some Hivemind Glitch assigned to discover new technologies, which would be beneficial to the Glitch while still remaining "medieval" in terms of its aesthetic, as we know that the Glitch have inspired the Avian FTL drive design and they were the first to encounter the Florans. There is no lore that condems them to a 100% medieval technological level.

    I do agree that Power Armour isn't necessarily the answer, however, I do feel they need something.
    It does somewhat fit their theme and seems like a pretty straightforward answer, though it does come with its complications in terms of balance.
  15. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Force fields used in conflict are out, until such a time that we have a consensus on how they work in this universe, but you're on the right track.

    "There's a reason why modern armor only protects the torso, armies made the tactical decision that having a full range of motion is more important than extra protection in non-critical regions of the body. In medieval combat, a strike at the arms or legs is likely to kill you, while in modern firearms combat, a bullet to the extremities can be dealt with medically without too much trouble. The trade-off simply isn't worth it."

    Found this quote after doing some google trawling, and it illustrates the points fairly well. The solution is to find a way for Glitch to either overcome the mobility issue, or the protection issue. The latter is solved by just using the same modern armour others are using, while the former is a bit trickier. If you find something that provides full body protection at the same mobility value, well you're improving on modern tech instead of balancing to its level. I don't have a great answer right now, but I do think one is out there. I'd look into scale armour as a starting point. Make sure to try and utilise the concept of advanced metallurgy in a realistic extrapolation of current knowledge, coming from the Glitch's tradition of working with metals instead of other materials.
  16. FoRgE

    FoRgE Whack-A-Yak-5

    May 5, 2015
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    Lets do some explaining! Forge is in the house!

    The United Systems is a mix between the United Nations and the military structure of the United States, the only difference is we took reference to intergalactic military structure to reference which division would undertake what challenges. Even now Colonial /MARINES/ play a smaller role than the rest of the military combined. Here is a page referring to what Marines are: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marines (It shouldn't be surprising that the United Systems has a military structure consisting of Air, Land and Space. We ourselves use these today, and since the United Systems is a Military Government it should pose as no surprise they have specific divisions regarding different fields.)

    This is slightly odd, I agree. But whilst we are currently in a year of 2416 it should also pose as no surprise that the United Systems has a large standing ground in their home sector, it was already stated that they colonized Venus and Mars.

    Clues in the word 'Emphasize'. It's shown to be much better than it really is, and since we're talking about Sol here is it really surprising that the United Systems would focus all efforts on recovering over 9 years? 9 years is a long time, it's more than enough time to have a vast military fleet consisting of several different First World Powers from Earth to establish a firm foothold amongst other planets, especially with prefabs being used more.

    I agree, it's not very well explained and it needs work, but don't bash it for what it is when it's merely explaining what the United Systems is. (Also, we didn't skip the lore, these rules weren't in place when we posted it, and it went majorly unnoticed since then, we haven't really written on it for a while.)
    #16 FoRgE, Jun 16, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2016
  17. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I would imagine it'd be possible that the USCM is named as such because they're basically space navy.
    They would be part of the military, but they'd be the section of the army that deals with extraterrestial threats and space travel. Regardless, this isn't too important. The bottom line is that the military forces at this point would be inferior to the Hylotl even.

    It is still an active improvement on the human's background situation, an excessive one at that.

    You think they had a contingency plan for if earth got blowed up?
    No. Because the original lore has humans struggle amongst eachother, slowing down their colonisation, and they don't even have Mars.

    Improving their situation to where they would be gradually recovering on Mars, having terraformed it, would be enough of a compensation. However, this lore implies multiple major colonies and that humanity has already mostly recovered, which is totally ridiculous.


    Totally fucked => "Stable", but not Thriving, gradually recovering = OK

    Totally fucked => Spread across the stars, with multiple worlds colonised and mostly recovered, over a period of a mere 9 years. = NOT OK
  18. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    I just wanna focus on the glitch thing personally-- Their racial armor:
    Ignore if you don't care about the Glitch part

    Does not look like normal armor. After "Lancer" their armor starts to take a weird turn to something more than just "suits of metal."
    Maybe it's not power armor, but you're definitely dealing with multiple AI's programmed into each suit.

    I don't know how you guys define power armor though; there's always a Warhammer 40k reference, and I've never been into that title. I don't see power armor and think "Space Marine," especially as an old Starcraft player. I think an enhanced suit that enhances some kind of physical or cognitive ability in any degree. Even the Spartan Armors of Halo fall into the power-armor category for me-- and the power of a Spartan isn't insane (to be compared to a Space Marine from W40k). That said-- with each piece of armor in their successive list having an AI programmed into it-- you can't deny that these armor slots are in fact mechanized to some extent-- maybe if they don't improve physical ability they improve the processing andoverall computing power of the glitch-- or create a private hivemind so different minds can handle different functions which lead to an overall increase in performance anyways. And this isn't just speculation off of the appearance either-- (even though their last set's chest piece looks kinda like the actual Power Armor set in game-- with a set of eyes in it), the description of these armors back it up.

    Their Dark Knight set is Durasteel-- and that's the soft-cap for most normal players according to Smokestack.
    Starting at their final tier of normal but rare armor:
    I like to think a Glitch slamming a lance int oyou is as dangerous as any bullet-- moreso even. So if this armor can "shatter a lance-" from what I assume is another glitch, I'd assume this armor is the shit. (But this is Ferozium, so-- you know. This doesn't quite fit into the hyper-realism that a lot of the lore-people like to build off of.

    The Crusader set utilizes two extra brains.


    The paladin set forgoes mentioning brain to speak on a more contextually appropriate description for a "Holy Knight"

    Templar set references an "active AI."

  19. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    So when it comes to breaking a lance, it's more about keeping the rider from being knocked back more than anything. It's unclear if CF had sport jousting in mind, where wooden lances break frequently against humans. If we're talking metal lances, there's a level of impossible physics involved. Most metals utilised in weaponry will bend before they break, because for practical reasons that's a good thing. Even in a loose realism sense, there's the sort of "diamond cuts diamond" phenomenon that applies, when you strike Ferozium armour with a Ferozium lance, which would break?

    I do think that with some debate, people could be turned to accept the AI in advanced Glitch armours. What I do not think is that people will accept this being available to players on character creation. Part of the way the AI functions is drawing in minds from the Hivemind itself, which Outcast Glitch do not have access to. Even if you escaped with the armour, it's like taking your laptop with a netcard into the woods. You have the means to connect, but you are no longer getting a signal.

    Now if you want to organise an Outcast faction, give them a progression that takes place on the server, and slowly build your way by contracting other players to help with the construction to make your own "Mind Network", then I'd think that'd be rather acceptable. The problem is that so far, Glitch players have been content with sticking to the medieval themes, which only requires a blacksmith as far as tool creation. No one has tried to focus on the technological aspect of Glitch yet in a non-theoretical sense, either out of fear of reprisal or just willingness to play knights in space (right, wrong, or indifferent).

    It's important to emphasise how important the Hivemind is to Glitch function and culture. We have a proclivity to think in terms of individualistic society, but someone coming from a collectivist society has a very different way of approaching the world, and being cast out from that collective is to lose one's own meaning and identity.
  20. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    I agree with everything, particularly the Glitch part. Applicable to all the topics you discussed, everything is becoming too Human. When someone strays from the path they get criticized or ignored in all ways that aren't strictly comical. When was the last time anybody but a Human did something that really impacted Antares? I honestly can't remember unless we include Oak's Umbra tech. I think this mainly stems from familiarity. Plus gun nuts want to put their knowledge to use and I can't imagine the automatic weapons users are happy when Sir Cogspin lands a hit with his sword.

    What everyone needs to realize is form doesn't always translate to function. I'd really like to see a Glitch dagger that functioned like the ripper or a heated energy sword that could char or slice through kevlar like cotton. Maybe a pneumatic crossbow. The possibilities are vast and we're really not exploring them.

    -Nova aren't Human
    They're wild, untamed, generally disregard rules. They're also one of the most alien races encountered. Think if your average Joe bumped into one of these guys. They are, in a simpler sense, made of fire and lack a real face. Obviously many residents or Antares wouldn't be as shocked as you and I to see this, but it also wouldn't be as routine as speaking to a Human

    -Avian aren't Human
    Their society revolves around religion. Why is every other Avian an atheist? If they are an atheist, they went through all sorts of trials to get there so why is it always shrugged off. To these guys, religion isn't just an activity that occupies some of your life, you are the property of Kluex and by extension, the state. Anyone who breaks away from that should have a d*mn fine reason.

    As for Hylotl and Glitch, I kind of covered Glitch already and Khal has the fish covered. Practically nobody uses Floran anymore and Humans are the point of this discussion.
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