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Colonial Data Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Tacoburger, May 6, 2014.

  1. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    *The entry is brief, and dated on the public computer terminal as being 5/4/2414(or whatever relative date it is in the entire universe)*
    Just got a call from the forward scout craft and it turns out that one of our fuel tankers were taken out. They sent out a distress signal, of course. It was too late though, no remains were found by our people. Only their clothing... in loose amounts as well which bothers me because the escort that was supporting the damned thing was shot down! They, too, sent out a distress signal. And all of the signals were responded by random alpha-sector inhabitants... It's really bothering me. My brother was on the tanker. My brother...
    *The speaker cut off...*
    The scouts told me that the people who went to help... left as soon as they came. Took no time to examine their remains... too busy fighting off what had taken the ships down... *at this point his voice was very scattered and depressing.* No remains, yeah. Just clothing.
  2. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    *Another entry, a day after the previous which is of course dated 5/5/2414.*
    One whole day after the incident, and still no signs of the perpetrators according to our scouts. Stripped everything from those ships as well... like carrion birds. I had a nightmare last night and my wife woke me up. I was crying... crying for the first time after my mother died almost twenty years ago on earth. *The sound of rustling papers, as a faint pen scraped across them*
    *A long pause*.
    Managed to get some work down when I woke up though as I didn't want to go back to sleep. I've filed some reports on the incident and forwarded it to the USCM like a good little boy. The Colonial Marines will see this. I can't seem to grasp the fact we still use paper. Something about budget cuts from our home world colony? They'll convert my papers to message transmission.
    *A door was opened in the background, the sound of sliding*.
    *Another voice spoke, of a deeper tone. Male in origin* Jerry. How goes it?
    *The figure now identified as Jerry speaks who was speaking the entire time responds, more than likely forgetting to turn off his recorder.*
    Overseer, hey. It's been going good right now... normal day, normal routines. We had an incident with the engine turbine in the main research facility, but we're going to be fine. Engineers fixed it up goo-
    *The identified man called Overseer spoke* Jerry, I'm not here to listen to normal base routines, I'm here to talk about your brother. You can not hide the fact he's dead and he was a good man. We all appreciated him, his work, his job and role in our society... that fuel tanker was attacked by Florans. FLORANS. Just got the call from investigatory scout teams, very obvious marks of spears and plant matter. A dead body of Floran origin was on the roof near the main fuel canister. We're working on getting it here for examination.
    *The speaker was dumbfounded, not responding...*
    *Overseer* Jerry? Are you alright?
    *Jerry* No... Flor..- Florans did this...?
    *Overseer* Yes... Jerry, do you need a minute? Your wife ... she's a strong woman... look to her for your guidance.
    *Jerry went quiet... the sounds of footsteps and a closing door.*

  3. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Another day, another issue with the back up generators under the main base. We've had to refuel with leftover bio-reserves we were saving in the event of a major political de-stability and fuel stopped coming in. Damn it, we're not a mining colony. We're a research facility. A research facility needs fuel!
    *He stopped...*
    That fuel tanker. All of that fuel. It leaked all out onto the damn floor of the bridge according to authority figures. What a god damn waste!
    *He growled angrily, as if the situation was getting to his head.*
    Wife was... ahem... sent to the home-world for emergency duty. The issue is... what emergency? She didn't tell me anything. It's upsetting me deeply, I can feel it clawing at me. The only thing I can think of is... yeah... government just destabilized. Never liked our leaders, but the pay is immense. I could feed my children and wife... children...
    *The recording went quiet with the faint buzzing hum of a computer screen.*
    My daughter was left here with me, my wife knows I can take care of her. A beautiful little girl, only fifteen. Can't believe they grow up so fast. Her uncle loved her... they always went to the orbital mall over the home-world. Malls... five hundred years since their invention and they still exist. Just like an advanced market, they are.
    *The sound of a glass crashing into the ground and breaking.*
    Ahg! Shit! What the hell was that!?
    *The faint sound of yelling, not too far from the recording device where he sat at.*
    God dammit, another infight outbreak. Mess hall... *He pressed a button, a click sounding.*
    *Intercomms sounded* Requesting security units, cafeteria. Got a code-5.

  4. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    *5/6/2414, Several hours after last entry*
    Blasted Duvale brothers went at it again, this time... one of them didn't make it. It's surprising how two brothers can hate each other so much to the point of resorting to savage behavior, and murdering one another. It's sad, though, because the winner of the two was bawling his eyes out... he didn't mean to kill his brother with a knife. Yeah right, stabbed his right in the jugular with so much precision it instantly slit and he bled out before medics could even get there to stop it. God... this place is getting worse.
    *The speaker sniffed, audibly putting his hands to his face with a low slap noise*
    My daughter knows what happened, but I kept her in the barracks. At this rate I'm going to request transfer to a new base to keep our family safe from this kind of behavior... humans suck... heh... *He chuckled a little, but he then sniffed again.* Oh boy...
    *Suddenly the speaker cut out.*

  5. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Woke up today with a blaring headache, told the overseer I didn't want to go to work. Didn't stop him from finding something for me to do... I feel like it was a pity job because of the fact my brother died. He easily knows painkillers could of stopped the headache and he could of put me to work immediately in the office. God damn. It still hurts... but I feel like painkillers can't help this because it feels almost... emotionally related. Not of my brother... but of my daughter.
    *The speaker slammed down something in the background, slamming it again in a similar sounding fashion.*
    Paperwork, pencil pushing, approval and disapproval of proposed plans of action. That's my job for now while I lay in bed. Our infirmary is still in commission and all medical related endeavors have to be conducted on the spot or in the damn barracks. Hell, surgery was done in the middle of the mess hall once after one of the folk here blasted a kid because he stole his tools. It's a mess...
    *Another slam, then some paper rustling*
    Better gets these sent off to someone for further transfer to someone else...
  6. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    *5/7/2414, Six hours since previous entry*
    At about six or so planet-side time, one of our engineers had stumbled across something while investigating the mysterious disappearance of a local doctor... I think it has something to do with the fact he was secretly dealing out illegally modified stims. I don't understand their appeal really, I tried it once, never again. The feeling afterwards is not as pleasant as you might think.
    *A slight rustling as the speaker is heard adjusting what is apparently his clothing.*
    I have a bad feeling suddenly. Like... something bad is about to happen, but I can't place a finger on it. It's almost uncanny how I feel. It didn't strike me, this feeling, until I talked to my daughter and she said she was having nightmares and didn't want to tell me. Nightmares about running away from something, from terror, something fearful, deadly... she described it in vivid detail and I'd rather not go into it.
    *He sniffed and coughed at the same time.*
    My daughter is a notorious liar, half of the time I don't know if she is telling the truth or not. She lied profusely about her grades... her tutors even said she lied while they asked her questions, it's something of a trait she picked up from her mother, a politician. A bad trait at that. I hope to teach her better than this while her mother is out on a trip to the home-world for that 'emergency' meeting.
    *He grumbled, sounding distant as he spoke as if he was viewing something.*
    Oh, I wish I had friends here. My friends are all in other places. I use the security computer to talk to them most of the time and usually it is fairly bad connection. This colony's radar dish is almost out of juice and so is the generators... three days since that fuel tanker was lost and we're running low. Sooner or later I'll have to resort to writing in a journal... I hate writing so much. I enjoy speaking, my therapist even suggested this while in clinical rehab for my alcohol problems. Really frees your mind.
    *He made a loud slamming noise, the recording cutting off in mid sentence.*

  7. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Today was fairly average, nothing interesting happened, yeah... very quiet. Maybe a little too quiet. I think I might have something wrong with me physically though. I have cramps in my abdomen which are sometimes very painless and sometimes very excruciating. I think I'll be seeing a doctor when he comes by today for a weekly base health inspection. Huh... we're like a restaurant or something, heh. Health inspection.
    *The same audio file is paused, for maybe a whole length of three hours before it is played again.*
    Damn this one is taking up space. It wasn't a good idea for me to leave the recorder on while I went to dinner and waited for the doctor to arrive. I'll delete this before someone notices a large decrease in computer server room. Any-ways, the doctor explained I had some form of alien parasite eating away at my fat supplies located in my stomach. Wow, how fun. It sounds like a blessing, but the reality is it will continue to eat the fat until it runs out, then will consume me from the inside out. I did not tell my daughter, and now take some anti-parasitic medication while on duty to prevent it from growing out of control. I'm not supposed to drug myself on duty. The overseer can't find out about it, so I'll keep it in the dark. Besides, it's only a minor offense if it is prescribed medication and not illegal drugging.
    *The recording stopped with a loud paper rustling and stamping.*

  8. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    I got a message last night from my wife, said she wouldn't be coming back for another month. A whole month without her seems like hell right now in the current state of this place is too ominous for my own liking. My daughter is really hiding something now and she won't tell me. I have to get to the bottom of it eventually before she hurts herself. Without her mother, I'm sure she'll soon get into trouble. I think I'll start taking her with me into the security room if the overseer permits. He's very strict about how I'm only allowed in security.
    *The recording had some minor interference, most likely internal*
    I know for a fact that some of the people on this rock have decided to pack up and leave as soon as the political standing back at the home world cools down, but I know for a fact (like some other reasonable sum of folk here) that it will not, and we're going to get cut off from the remainder of society. It's great really, Beta sector is one of the worst sectors in the entire galaxy, or universe... never could figure out what it was. A huge collection of stars with no general rotating orbits or shape just confuses me. No center... nothing. It makes me think, are we all just floating here without purpose? Do we have no leadership? Is it all a fake reality?

  9. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    The overseer has finally decided to provide me with the honorary defense pistol, given only to those worthy of such an item. The rest get a baton to beat the unruly.
    *The ejecting of a magazine is heard, and a clicking sound.*
    I was always a proficient shooter, heh. I will use this to protect my daughter, no matter the cost. Hmm? What's that noise? Oh, hello overseer!
    *The recording cut off suddenly.*