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Cloudzone Casino and Arena

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Frey Cloudseer, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Frey Cloudseer

    Frey Cloudseer New Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    *An audio file crackles to life, and a voice is heard, with some club music playing in the background*
    Greetings to anyone listening to this audio file! Balder Cloudseer here, with some important news! I have recently opened up a new facility for the main purpose of stopping rampant violence and murder throughout the universe, by simply taking the violence to one location! The Cloudzone Casino and Arena! *Obviously fake applause noise plays after this statement* Thank you, thank you! Well, I guess I better do some explaining, eh'?
    The arena bit is self explanatory: You and someone else duke it out until one person cries mercy, and it is done. The casino on the other hand, is a bit more interesting. You can go here and bet on fighters with other casino-goers. We encourage corporations to give sponsorship to fighters for easy publicity, because nothing says "buy our product" like the person single-handedly defeating hundreds of opponents while using said product. There will also be some games later on, however those are still a work in progress, and at some point, they will be completed and I will likely announce it here once more. The winner gets a bit of cash Now that I have gotten introductions out of the way, it is time for me to get down to the bare-bones of this operation. The rules are extremely simple, and here they are.

    1. No killing. Sure this is an arena, where you take out any anger you feel against a person in a violent way, with there agreement, but that doesn't mean I support killing anyone.

    2. This rule goes along with rule 1. When someone tosses a flare, the fight is over. End of story. Any intentional attempt to continue the fight will result in armed guards escorting you out of the facility. Another thing that goes along with this is that if the person puts away all of there weapons, and crouches down, you must give them mercy, and the fight is also done with.

    3. Pay your bets. Look, this is an arena with a casino attached to it. Obviously betting on the fights will happen, and we encourage it! But if you make a bet, and refuse to pay... We will remove you from the casino and ban you from entry for life. You can still watch fights, and participate, but no casino.

    4. Pay the fee to enter the casino area. This only applies if you wish to enter the actual casino, and is a very easy price of 1000 pixels for a 24-hour pass. You can still watch all of the fights for free, and if you fight in an event and win three fights in a row, you get the pass as well.
    5. Pay the doctors. The doctors only make profit off of the fights that take place, and they don't ask for much, even for serious wounds, so paying them is not only required, it is the proper thing to do.

    And finally, the most important thing of all... No refunds. Yeah. If you pay to get in, you pay. If you bet on a losing fighter, sad day for you, that money is not yours any more, and you aren't getting it back.

    More rules may be added as the area gets more complicated, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

    Well? What are you waiting for? Come on down to the Cloudzone Casino and Arena! The coordinates are
    X -72240683
    Y 38407446
    It is the only planet in the Euterpe System! Come for the games, stay for the show.
    *Ends with a beep*