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Cliff Dancer's Memory Server

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Krug, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Login: Cliff
    Password: ********


    Saw this idea on one of those news sites. Buzzworthy, I think it was called? Anyway, I write down the stuff I know about and the stuff that happens so I don't forget. Thought that was a pretty neat idea. Well, I guess I'd better start with what I know I know.

    Nova Dancer, Dad
    He died a while back, spent his whole life burying snakes. Good man, smart man.

    Lunar, Dad's wife
    a mean old b****, hope I can knock her down a few pegs 'fore she keels over.

    Moonlight, Sister
    Her voice is something I haven't heard in a long time. Need to visit her once my business with Star are through.

    Dusty , Sister
    Almost as wild as your truly. A real gem, seemed to get me. Seemed to get everybody now that I think of it.

    Shadow, Brother
    Too serious. Can't say I agree with what he does, that being killin' people like its goin' out of style, but otherwise good for a night on the town.

    River, Sister
    Boring, runs the company. We don't get along.

    Aurora, Sister
    Needs to be knocked down a peg, too. Not as bad as Lunar, but boy does she get on my nerves.

    Spades Slick, Star's wife
    Spades and I had a complicated relationship. She was a good woman, a rare trait. Star loved her more than I know. Never really got over what happened with the Marshalls. I wouldn't either.

    Star, Brother
    A fancy businessman, from what I hear. Figured I go check up on him. Probably doin' even better than me. Star's a prick, but the best one you'll ever meet

    Cliff, yours truly
    Not much need to put things down here. That's why I'm settin' this up in the first place. If somebody else sees this, firstly, turn it off, not neighborly to look in on somebody's private business. If that doesn't work, just know I'm a fun guy to be around.

    Apex: Tough f***ers. Pretty smart too

    Florans: Only met one that didn't deserve a bullet.

    Avians: Lock two in a room with a statue of their god. Funniest thing you'll see. Not dangerous.

    Hylotl: Pretty boring. Come to think of it, River and that bunch would probably get along.

    Humans: Their planet got f***ed up by some monster. Rough hand. They get on fine though. Resilient bunch, seems like once enough of 'em are together no matter what you hit 'em with they just don't die.

    Glitch: These guys are great. Best drinkin' buddies. One saved my life once. All-round great, need to buy a drink for the next one I see.
    #1 Krug, Aug 3, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2016
  2. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Whoo. Busy couple of days. Met Star, he seemed to be doing pretty good for himself. Clever, still a bit squarish, but seems happy. I reckon pretty soon he'll be giving River a run for her money.Wonder how much he's got in the bank now...? Well, I'm happy to see 'im. Probably staying here for awhile. Talked about building a house. Maybe settle down.

    Met a lady named Miss Eva. Funny, confident, crazy as a one-armed Apex high on toxictop. She' something else, I tell ya. Getting together soon for another date. Our first encounter went like a lot of mine. Drank a lot, left. Then I came back and played some poker with her. That was fun.Don't know how to play poker, but I kept occupied.

    Well, I guess that's it for now. Cliff Dancer, signin' off.