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Classic RPG dice system (All chapters)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Guides' started by Darkwhip, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Hey, here's a system I made a couple of weeks ago, I was using a similar system for other games. Keep in mind that this system may have some tweaks and updates, so stay tuned for potential changes.

    Please do not post your character's sheet here.

    Hey, today I wanted to share my chapter one Dice system. If you guys like it, I'll add the other chapters.
    This whole thing is a mere explanation giving idea of what you have to expect in the system.
    Have fun reading.

    aka Body, Might, Brawn, …

    A measure of how physically strong a character is. Strength often controls the maximum weight the character can carry, melee attack and/or damage, and sometimes hit points. Armor and weapons might also have a Strength requirement. Every two points in strength increases your base physical damage by 1

    Constitution aka Stamina, Endurance, Vitality, …

    A measure of how sturdy a character is. Constitution often influences hit points, resistances for special types of damage (poisons, illness, heat etc.) and fatigue. Each point in CON gives 10 points in both Health and stamina.

    Defense aka Resistance, Fortitude, Resilience, …

    A measure of how resilient a character is. Defense usually decreases taken damage by either a percentage or a fixed amount per hit. Occasionally combined with Constitution. Each two points in DEF, gives 1 base resistance to physical and magic damage.

    Dexterity aka Agility, Reflexes, Quickness, …

    A measure of how agile a character is. Dexterity controls attack and movement speed and accuracy, as well as evading an opponent's attack. Each two points in DEX, gives 1 base ranged damage

    Intelligence aka Intellect, Mind, Knowledge, …

    A measure of a character's problem-solving ability. Intelligence often controls a character's ability to comprehend foreign languages. In some cases, intelligence controls how many skill points the character gets at "level up". In some games, it controls the rate at which experience points are earned, or the amount needed to level up. This is sometimes combined with wisdom and/or willpower.

    Charisma aka Presence, Charm, Social, ...

    A measure of a character's social skills, and sometimes their physical appearance.

    Charisma generally influences prices while trading, and NPC reactions.

    Wisdom aka Spirit, Wits, Psyche, Sense, …

    A measure of a character's common sense and/or spirituality. Wisdom often controls a character's ability to cast certain spells, communicate to mystical entities, or discern other characters' motives or feelings.

    Willpower aka Sanity, Personality, Ego, …

    A measure of the character's mental resistance (against pain, fear etc.) when falling victim to mind-altering magic, torture, or insanity. Many games combine willpower and wisdom.

    Perception aka Alertness, Awareness, Cautiousness, …

    A measure of a character's openness to their surroundings. Perception controls the chance to detect vital clues, traps, or hiding enemies, and might influence combat sequence, or the accuracy of ranged attacks. Perception-type attributes are more common in more modern games. Sometimes combined with wisdom.

    Luck aka Fate, Chance, …

    A measure of a character's luck. Luck might influence anything, but mostly random items, encounters and outstanding successes/failures (such as critical hits).

    Age and attribute points mechanic:

    Every two years your character has, it gains 3 attribute points. So if your character is 40 years old, divide by two and make 20*3 to know how much points you have to spend. There is no actual limit for a stat. You character can be very strong physically, but on the other side has the intellect equal to a dinosaur.

    Depending on the age of your character, stats will be influenced.

    Child: +20 stamina
    Adolescent: + 1 to all stats except luck.
    Adult: +2 to all stats except luck
    Old: -3 to all stats except luck, -10 HP and Stamina. Cannot add more points to STR, DEX, CON, DEF.
    Very old: - 4 to all stats except luck and -30 stamina and HP. Can't add more points to STR, DEX, CON, DEF.

    Traits, talents, experiences, (Things that your character has, lived, trained that could influence its stats):


    Educated: +2 INT - 1 difficulty dice to knowledge rolls
    Dexterous: +2 DEX, -1 difficulty dice to dexterity rolls (Actions that requires dexterity, not the stat itself)
    Eagle Eye: +4 PER with a roll using sight, -2 difficulty dices to PER rolls that uses sight sense
    Fit: +20 Stamina
    Athletic: +40 Stamina
    Brave: +2 WILL
    Lucky: +2 LUCK
    Cat Eyed: +2 to PER when at night with a roll using sight, -1 difficulty dice for PER rolls at night
    Strong: +4 STR - 2 difficulty dices to strength rolls
    Stout: +2 STR - 1 difficulty dice to strength rolls
    Keen Hearing: +2 PER with a roll using hearing sense, -1 difficulty dice for PER rolls using hearing sense
    Agile: +2 Dex at performing agility actions, - 1 difficulty dice to agility rolls

    You can also add yourself some handicaps, examples:

    Hemophobic: - 2 to will if the character sees blood +1 difficulty dice to Will roll
    Agoraphobic: - 4 to Will if the character is outside, +2 difficulty dices to Will rolls while outside
    Claustrophobic: - 4 to Will while in small rooms, spaces +2 difficulty dices to Will while in that situation
    Unlucky: -2 to Luck
    Asthmatic: Actions that requires stamina, uses 25% more stamina
    Feeble: - 4 STR, +2 difficulty dices to STR rolls
    Deaf: Can not roll for hearing sense
    Coward: - 2 to Will against threats + 1 difficulty roll
    Weak: - 4 to CON

    Note: You can choose as many as you want of traits and handicaps, but if we consider that your build is abusive, people might complain about it and then yoyo.

    Note: If your stat in STR, DEF, DEX are negative, every 2 points, you will earn a negative value of either base physical damage, resistance, ranged damage


    Simple as that, in general we'll be using the D6. In some situations, if one of your stat is over 6, you will need to use a higher Dice if you are on a roll with difficulty rank 1. For example, you have 15 in Dex and are about to roll an action requiring Dex, the action it self is ranked as difficulty 1 (1 is equal the number of dices you need to roll at once), you will need to roll a dice with two numbers above your stat's value. In this case, if you have 15 Dex, you will have to roll a D17. That way, the roll is still in your advantage because the action is still easy. But you can still miss if you are unlucky.

    Success and Failing

    To win or lose a roll, you need roll equal to your stat's value or lower. For example, if you have 15 Dex, and roll on a difficulty 1, which means a D17 and roll 16, it means that you failed your action. But if you had rolled lower than 16 you would have successfully done your action. Beware, against a player, you will need to compare your roll with the other. As example, two characters are fighting, player1 rolls 5 and player2 rolls 10. The player with the lower roll is the winner of the roll. But they still have to respect their stat.

    In details:

    Player1 has 10 Dex and attempts to dodge the attack of player2 which has 8 Dex

    Player1 rolls 2
    player2 rolls 5

    In this case, player1 successfully dodge the attack of player 2

    What happens if we roll over our stat's value ?

    Well basically it means that your character hasn't done correctly the action you intended him to do, which leads him to a failed action.

    As example,

    player1 tries to dodge and rolls 11
    player2 tries to attack player1 and rolls 9

    Both players fail their action, which means that there is no real effect on the situation nor each other.

    What happens if we roll a very low number according to our stat's value ?

    A chance to roll a Luck roll, if you happen to make a roll on an action and the result is impressively low, you may roll for luck to see if your character makes a critical Success, which gives you a lot of advantages, even special details.

    On the other hand, if you roll something ridiculously high according to your stat's value, you must roll a Luck roll to see if you make a Critical Failure, which can cause even more troubles to your character and maybe allies and surrounding.

    Difficulty Mechanic

    Difficulty Mechanic, is how hard is an action. It includes the number of things you are willing to make your character do, what's happening around him, and how hard these things are to handle.

    As example, a hunter is in a forest, he sees a Deer in the distance, something like 400 meters away. His arm was recently broken, it is now healed but still has some trouble, it makes the rifle shake. Also, the Hunter forgot his glasses and his stance isn't correct.

    In this case, we count the distance + the struggle with the arm+ incorrect stance+ forgot glasses = 4

    In this situation a roll of DEX ranked difficulty 4 would be asked. the more things that influence the action, the harder it will be.

    Okay but what's the difference between the difficulty ranks ?

    It's quite simple, the higher is the difficulty rank, the more D6 you must add to your roll.

    Rank 1: Use a dice with only two numbers above your actual stat's value (Example, you have 14, roll with D16)
    Rank 2: one dice is added (If you still have 14, you will need to roll a D16+D6)

    Rank 3: Two dices are added (D16+D6+D6)

    And so on..

    Critical Success and Critical Failure

    The bonuses of a Critical Success, they will depend on the situation and the context, if your character is making an attack and does a critical hit, he will have a bonus to roll a D10 instead of D6 damage roll done on the attack and automatically win the roll even if the other player's roll is better. At some points, your critical success may benefit the others on your side, still depending of the context.

    If both players make a Critical success, they both cancel their Critical and they must evaluate who wins the action like a normal roll.

    If you ever happen to make a critical failure, once again the whole event depends on th situation and the context, but in general a critical failure will give you a lot of troubles, it could even maybe give some to your allies, surrounding.

    Damage roll

    In a situation of fight, if you successfully do an attack, you must roll a D6 to see how much damage you attack does. You also must add your base physical or ranged damage or any bonuses that adds more damage to that attack.

    On a critical strike, you must roll a D10.

    Attacks and Stances

    Melee Attacks

    Light attack: + 2 to the next attack roll, reduce by half damage, Reduce by half the cost of stamina
    Normal Attack: No bonuses, no penalty.
    Heavy Attack: - 2 to the next attack roll, increase by half the the damage, increase by half the cost of Stamina

    Combat Stances\States of mind

    Focus: +3 for the next action roll (not reaction)

    Defensive: +3 to the next defense roll

    Offensive: Roll a D10 instead of a D6 for damage roll and a D20 if critical roll.

    Melee Weapons:

    Note: All laser weapons (Melee weapons and ranged weapons) ignores armor defense, except if this one is laser-proof (Plated with anti-laser material). If an armor is laser-proof, then the mechanic goes to normal, taking in count armor value.


    Damage: 10
    Stamina use: 5

    One handed swords:

    Damage: 20
    Stamina use: 10

    Two Handed Swords:

    Damage: 40
    Stamina use: 20
    Requirement: 8 STR

    One Handed Axes:

    Damage: 30
    Stamina use: 15

    Two Handed Axes:

    Damage: 50
    Stamina use: 25
    Requirement: 12 STR

    One handed hammers:

    Damage: 30, pierce through 10 armor points
    Stamina use: 20
    Requirement: 5 STR

    Two Handed Hammers:

    Damage: 45, pierce through 20 Armor points
    Stamina use: 30
    Requirement: 15 STR


    Damage: 25, pierce through 12 Armor points
    Stamina use: 12

    Ranged weapons

    At the moment, guns, bows will all do the same base damage, 20. Their damage will be influenced by where the person is being shot and the character's total base ranged damage.


    Head/neck/throat: Instant death.
    Torso: Heart shot, instant death. Otherwise, Use base damage + damage roll + your base ranged damage.
    Arms/Legs/Other: Use base damage + Damage roll+ your base ranged damage


    Light Armor:

    Defense: 15
    No penalties

    No requirements

    Medium armor:
    Defense: 25
    Penalties: Lose 10% max Stamina, - 5 Dex
    Requirement: 10 STR

    Heavy Armor:
    Defense: 35
    Penalties: lose 20% max stamina, -10 Dex
    Requirement: 20 STR

    Tier Mechanic
    Below here is the information about bonuses given by specific type of material for your armors and weapons.

    Iron (Tier 1): Basic material, no bonuses nor penalties

    Steel: (Tier 2): + 2 to armor and damage

    Titanium: (Tier 3): + 3 to armor and damage

    Durasteel: (Tier 4): + 4 to armor and damage

    Tier 5:

    Aegisalt: + 5 to armor and damage, - 1% to stamina penalties and cost

    Violium: + 6 to armor and damage, + 1% to stamina penalties and cost

    Rubium: + 4 to armor and damage, - 2% to stamina penalties and cost

    Tier 6:

    Ferozium: + 6 to armor and damage, - 2% to stamina penalties and cost

    Impervium: + 7 armor and damage, + 2% to stamina penalties and cost

    Cerulium: + 5 armor and damage, - 3% stamina penalties and cost

    Hey guys, proceeding on the next chapter with the Health system and injuries and also states.

    The health system includes a body mechanic, meaning that each member of the body can be damaged/injured, those injuries may give you some penalties and such. Next is the injuries, injuries will vary according to a member's health.

    Then states, states are in general related to mind for example, being nervous, anxious, depressed, angry, sad, intimidated, shy and so on. Depending on the state, your character may have some bonuses and penalties. As example, a person filled with rage would have a penalty in Charisma in general, on the other hand, that person might have a bonus if he/she makes a CHA roll on a submitted person, or a person who is attracted to mad persons.. ?.. Yeah well..anyway I think you get the idea here.

    Health system

    Head: INT and PER penalties
    Torso: DEX
    Arms (Left and right): STR and possibly DEX penalties
    Waist: DEX penalties
    Legs (Left and right): DEX and possibly STR penalties

    Basically, each body member has 100 HP, whatever is your CON stat value.

    100: Healthy

    99-80: Light damage
    79-60: Medium damage
    59-40: Severe damage
    39-20: Critical damage
    19-1: Deadly Damage
    0: Decapitated or worst

    When you character gets attacked, it is important to know accurately which member of its corpse is being aimed, so that way we know exactly which on them is being injured. If your character is fighting and receive an attack on the arm of 50 damage, both your main health bar (Valued by your CON) and the health bar of your member lose HP, the exact same amount.

    Concerning the injuries, the mechanic to explain how severe is the wound uses a similar branch.

    Examples of injuries:

    Broken leg: - 20 Dex, each turn you must roll a WILL dice to know if your character succumbs to pain. Unable to use the leg in question.
    Broken Arm: - 20 STR, each turn must roll a WILL roll to see if the character succumbs to pain. Unable to use the arm in question.
    Bleeding: Depending on how severe is the bleeding, the character will contentiously lose a % of HP each turn.
    Fracture: Depending on where it is situated, various penalties may be given.

    Punctured Eye: -5 PER, unable to use the eye in question.


    The Humans, a specie known to have a will of steel and well advanced even as the youngest one.
    + 2 WILL and INT


    The Florans, charming predators.
    +2 CHA and DEX
    Unique aspects: Florans have a +1% max Stamina while daytime and have a quit interesting dentition.

    The Apexex, the most intelligent specie in the universe, what else to say ?
    +4 INT

    No one can deny the graciousness of the Avians.
    +4 CHA
    Unique Aspect: They posses talons

    Wise living being and the best swimmers.
    + 2 DEX and WIS
    Unique Aspect: They can breath under water, - 1 difficulty dice to swimming maneuver. They have a third eye.

    Specie filled with mysteries, known to regenerate like never seen.

    Unique ability: Novakids can regrow members as long as they brand isn't damaged, their blood is plasma, it burns.
    Unique penalties: Novakids doesn't have smell and taste

    The Glitch, mighty knight, will you dare fight them ?
    + 2 STR and CON

    Unique Aspect: They are advanced robots

    Here is what your character sheet should look like.

    This is a template/example

    Name: Fire Killer
    35 (Adult)

    Short physical description:

    Green floran, with a black rose has hairstyle, her foliage is constituted of small leaves.

    Attribute points: 35*3= 105 max (105 used) (Always triple your age to know how much attribute points you have)
    Green = Base stat, Yellow = Race bonuses, Blue = Traits/Talents bonuses, Red = Penalties
    Orange = Age bonuses

    STR: 15+2+2 = 19
    CON: 10+2 = 12
    DEF: 10+2 = 12
    DEX: 15+2+2 = 19
    INT: 10+2+2 = 14
    CHA: 8+2+2 = 12
    WIS: 2+2 = 4
    WILL: 10+2 = 12
    PER: 20+2 = 22

    LUCK: 5 = 5


    Each 2 points in STR gives you 1 base physical damage. Each 2 points in DEX gives you 1 base ranged damage. Each points in CON gives you 10 HP and Stamina. Each 2 points in DEF gives you 1 base defense.

    Base physical damage: 9 (Rounded down)
    Base Ranged damage: 9 (Rounded down)
    Base Armor: 6

    Health: 120
    Stamina: 120
    Armor: Light Armor [Iron] (+15 Armor)

    Weapon: Spear: 25 Damage, ignores 12 armor points

    Talents\Traits: (No limits, but don't go overpower, we will know)

    Experimented Hunter: + 2 DEX, STR
    Born Leader: + 2 CHA
    Scrap Tinker: + 2 INT
    Camouflage expert: + 2 difficulty dice to other players/living creatures at PER roll to see you while hiding in nature.
    Ssssneaky: + 4 DEX at Sneak roll

    Note: A trait or any kind of bonus can give max 4 point to a stat, or max 2 to difficulty dices

    Race Bonuses:

    2 + DEX, CHA

    Penalties\Disease\Sickness\Negative traits
    #1 Darkwhip, Dec 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2015
  2. Froot


    Mar 30, 2015
    Likes Received:
    A friendly question, but what use could these be? From what I can tell, this is a lot like what Serenity has... Are you appealing for us to include this in Antares system?
  3. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I am calling this a pass, not a lot of people can be online during the peak hours. And that would be the likely place for events to happen and gain experience as well. And it would deter newer players when such a system would be running for a longer timespan.
  4. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Not especially, I just felt like sharing the one i had set up. If people likes it and wish to use it, I will add the other chapters to go in depth with it. (4 chapters in total)
  5. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Forget about level up, I won't be using that.
  6. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I made the fusion of all the chapters in one topic thanks to War Weazel for the advice.
  7. Tracey

    Tracey New Member

    Dec 14, 2015
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    To be honest, I have still been practicing and building confidence in myself to participate in the actual role-play, so I haven't joined the server just yet, so feel free to dismiss my opinion. Here is what I think (Using Clem's quote as a springboard; hi Clem :D):
    The potential I see in this is not in Starbound, but using the forum conversation tool or threads. Perhaps it would be used for duels or fights- say a bar brawl or an actual fight to the death (after consent, of course). In a proper fight, it would give even non- combat characters a chance to defeat - or survive a fight with a seasoned adventurer. The player wouldn't be just fighting, they would be gambling with their character's life (or health), and as the other person is witness, they would have to admit defeat. Co-ordination would definitely be a hassle, especially with more than 2 people, so I don't think I would like this as part of common role-play.
    As to deterring players to role-play, I don't think that a one on one dice system would be very deterring. It would be by invitation, rather than a requirement. If a player likes having a combat based character, and anticipates fights with other characters (is naturally hostile), then maybe the dice system could be presented to them as a medium of interacting with other characters. The concern I have with my own point is if this would encourage more fights than necessary.

    Maybe a similar system could be used for one on one spaceship battles. Like stats for speed, firepower, shields, hull, cargo, etc- maybe even pilot stats; as the pilot does control the ship. That would be friggen AWESOME.

    Again, I have never played Dungeons and Dragons (a classic example), though I definitely see the promise in this. Perhaps not part of common role-play, but something on the side.
    I do enjoy the idea though- keep working on it!

    Tracey (Brasstrace)
  8. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    A dice system in itself is leaving a seasoned fighter character to be able to lose from a wimpy science character. This removes the realism some people like on Antares. And the power of how to control a fighter character is to yourself. My character, Tsuyoshi. Doesnt get actively into fights nor does he search them out. So it is up to the player how their character will be. Also, you often need a well grounded reason to even initiate a fight. There is action and consequence in roleplay, letting dice affect the outcome is fun'n games for tabletop, but this isnt tabletop. This is a stage in a theatre, with ever changing decors and actors. I prefer to keep it this way.

    There has been made an attempt regarding ship combat, but it never took off. Since people dont really own combat ships.
  9. Tracey

    Tracey New Member

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Haha, I definitely see your point. Most of my experience is from improv (improvised drama), so I don't have much experience in actual theater- as perhaps you do. I can understand how calculated odds can be a folly in good role-play.

    If fights are discretionary; my thoughts are now more of how those are acted out and justified IC. That is definitely for another thread though, or just an OOC question to ask a veteran.

    Thanks for your response! Still learning :D

    Tracey (Brasstrace)
  10. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Just so you know, this system is (At least the stats) the most common and logical mechanic for Classic Role playing games, I just used it and themed it as Starbound.
  11. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    That's where we see you never played a RPG with a GM. By the way, it's not because the guy is a wimpy scientist that his attacks are meaningless, a scared person is more likely to defend their self. It's like saying '' The barman is a bad dancer because he's a barman'' Well shit he could probably be your personnal stripper and you don't even know.
  12. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    I did, plenty. But during a GM'ed fight each was left to create their own responses to their rolls. In some games with roleplay this was done automatically because of the game mechanics.
  13. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Then I don't understand why you mentioned that, on my personal experience we always went with the the most logic scene depending on the situation and characters.
  14. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Most servers I RP'ed on were very rigid in their systems, not using a flexible system. So I tend to favour the stage setting for roleplay.
  15. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Then it is a bad call from you to generalize it like if it was the same for everyone/situations.
  16. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Must've missed some games using your described situation then, heh.
  17. BobGood

    BobGood Memer

    Dec 12, 2015
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    D&D much?