and by catch, i mean they ban him and call the authorities: i'm glad they caught him...its not one of you guys is it? <hides> ;~; and lolz to the pedobear that got caught and banned.
"Use our game to target little kids? We ban your ass from the game and get you fucking BUSTED BITCH." -Fuckmothering Chucklefish Studios
Yeah, this was mentioned on the Chucklefish twitter account. They delayed development for a day to speak with authorities to work to a solution. The person in question had been using the game to target young people, and Chucklefish wasn't going to stand for it.
Sad fact of the internet: If it exists, people will use it for sex. Sadder fact of the internet: Sometimes, it gets used like this, too. Reassuring fact of reality: We have police. And, more importantly, good people that report these things to such!