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Approved Character - Tanna

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by Razortazor, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. Razortazor

    Razortazor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Tanna (The Advanced Neurological Netrixaifirical Answer)​
    Varying shades of blue, with intense white dots for eyes. Although a large number of other details are subject to change, considering what Tanna is.​
    Nothing special. Good at computer-related activities, processing large amounts of data.​
    Again, not a lot here. Being a large sentient computer means Tanna could deal with a lot of information, but not too much else. ​
    Tanna often appears to people as a hologram, as that's easier than constructing an entirely new body. It also means that Tanna lacks the ability to grab or hold things, or properly interact with the real world.​
    The plans for the HMS 'Slipstream' were first made and documented in late 2213, as apart of the Saturn Transport Corporation's plans to start trading out in deep space. The ship didn't launch however until 2219, taking several years to properly construct and prepare a crew for. The ship was designed to survive even the harshest of unknown space weather, with (at the time) the best scanning and analyzing technology the company could afford.

    After several good years of trading and decently made profit, some more recent members of the STC decided that things could be made even better and even more effcient. In 2253 one of the company executives decided that the ship had became outdated, and would such need to be retired. This however bothered the other members of the board, as replacing the ship would be expensive and troublesome. Thus came the idea of fitting an AI as part of the ship, in order to keep track of potential faults and streamline anything that could be made more effcient.

    The captain at the time however objected to such ideas, having ran the ship for sometime. He'd also been raised on horror sci-fi films, and was certain that such an idea would never, ever end well. After a considerable raise he changed his mind though, writing in his log book that it was an "Acceptable change".

    Some years later the STC ran into some financial troubles, with FTL and other forms of jump-technology becoming more readily available for smaller and more manoeuvrable ships. With heavy competition the STC had to make some cutbacks. This didn't excite the crew, or those who worked in other sectors for the STC. With many of the crew leaving (Aside from the captain, who was still getting paid enough to consider things worthwhile), the company took on some cheaper, less reputable members.

    After the trip had begun and the ship was 6 months into deep space and cut off from any outreaching stations, mutiny began to occur. The newly hired crew didn't agree with the captain's strict daily schedule, or the lousy second-rate food and supplies they were given. As the captain was now way past his prime and entering the elderly stages of life, it wasn't difficult to throw him out of the airlock, along with any other members of the crew who didn't agree with this turn of events. Tanna meanwhile had been shut down by one of the technicians aboard, knowing how much trouble the AI could cause for this uprising.

    After all was said and done, the now pirate-crew of the Slipstream realized how little they could run the ship on their own. Out of a necessity and need to survive, Tanna was reactivated. With little choice in the matter, Tanna prevented the ship from it's own destruction.

    After several years of looting and pillaging various colonies, ruining lives and getting themselves killed, the pirate crew was few in number. With the last few either dying from a disease they couldn't cure or battle or old age, Tanna was left alone. Entering a sort of hibernation mode to stave off the boredom, Tanna waited for the STC (or anyone else) to find the sleeping vessel. ​
    Current (Things that have happened IC already):
    Either by coincidence or some other means, the ship was eventually found in early 2416 by a Novakid and a Floran. With the two having little interest in the ship itself, both deemed it appropriate to loot what they could. Unfortunately for them however, they had unwittingly activated the ship, the two of them panicking and leaving after they heard the loud and furious noise of the engines.

    After looking through the crew logs and searching the local starnet, Tanna discovered that the STC had been declared bankrupt a long time ago. With little idea on what to do, Tanna set out into space in search of people and new technology.
  2. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Ok so if Tanna is the ship's AI, and the hologram is merely a projection, 1. Where does the hologram project from? and 2. How does the AI core move away from ship? A remote vessel only has a limited range.

    If you aren't sure, I could offer some suggestions.
  3. Razortazor

    Razortazor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Feb 1, 2014
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    1. Where does the hologram project from?

    Inside the ship, using the various holographic projectors that're scattered around.

    2. How does the AI core move away from ship?

    It doesn't. Tanna's stuck with the ship, limited to mostly radio/space communication. Or inviting people onboard the ship, which is how I was doing things before. The ultimate plan in Tanna's story arc is to leave/detatch from the ship, but I haven't decided on how yet. It's quite a ways off. It'll most likely be by transfering into an android/synthetic/something else body, or convincing a town/colony/place to stick a bunch of holographic projectors up and around the place.
  4. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    So, currently, the hologram can only exist in close proximity to the ship and the AI is bound to it?

    As for wanting to have the AI move, it is possible to have a small remote device that floats around and will project a hologram. Something to consider.
  5. Razortazor

    Razortazor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Basically, yep.
  6. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Sounds good.

    If in future you want to have the AI start roaming around or get a body or anything, just update this thread with the relevant information and if there are any problems someone will let you know.