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Character Ideas

Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by Caritien, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. Caritien

    Caritien New Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    I haven't created a character yet, but I have a few storming up in my mind. Usually when I get into the solo-player aspect of the game, I give my character a feeling of... "he doesn't belong in this universe.". They're a human male, roughly in their prime of work (mid 20s), bowl cut, sweater vest, khaki's. Their 'personality' pose happens to be the normal up right plank, and have a very stale name (examples: Eugene, Emerson, Dallas, et cetra.)


    As comical as this fine gentleman is, in this universe where I plan to actually interact and grow with other characters, I don't want to be this weird 'office-esque' character that is somehow a bad ass in their own right. So instead, I were thinking of someone who were of course a human, but were mainly engrossed with how Earth 'used' to be. It wasn't the culture he were interested in, but the life that surrounded the planet. They'd be eccentric, radical in a way. Someone that seemed a bit edgy, jumpy from lack of sleep. I guess in a way their goal would be to return earth's cuisine to whatever settlement they were to start at, to bring home to them in a way.


    Note: I personally like using the starter clothes, and regular clothes to create characters. Later on you can pick up unique shirts and stuff that'd look nice. But overall I like the starting clothes.

    Another character I were thinking of were something that somewhat broke the boundaries of what their culture is. To be exact, they were to be a Novakid. Instead of being someone that were rather AD-HD esque, and simply jumped from one task to another, not even finishing their first goal, they'd be rather quiet, maybe a bit too quiet. Maybe one could compare them to a sloth in a way. They often liked to sleep, they didn't put much effort into anything other than said sleeping, and more often than not, put themselves in danger. People often forget a supporting role brings out the main character better, and people just never seem to try and be that guy.


    These are just a few, but I have more in mind. If you'd like to hear them, I'll keep thinking of more, even give a more in depth layout for their designs.
  2. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Well my input is this. There is no "Main" character on the sever. We're all just our characters. Be what you want as long as it doesn't put people down forcefully by being a "main" character.
  3. Havel

    Havel New Member

    Nov 29, 2015
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    I would say don't think too much of it. I mean, have a consistent backstory for your character, but think in a character that you would like to play. Then, try to RP with him and see how it turns out.