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Cateth's Chemical Creations Redux

Discussion in 'Market and Trade' started by Malachar, May 6, 2016.

  1. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    It would seem the servers to the previous listing failed in some way, so I am remaking this.
    [ooc[[previous post archived]]ooc]

    I'm no saleswoman, I'll just say what they are, what they do, and what it will cost. Prices are negotiable sometimes.

    Lethal. [ooc[follow the rules of consent]ooc]
    Syringe based.

    Nightshade- Syringe delivered toxin extract, lethal within a 30 seconds to a minute of anything smaller than an elephant. Those are old animals from earth that were bigger than your average prefab house.
    Cost: 1.000 Pixels
    Antidote Alone: 200 Pixels

    Wither- Syringe delivered toxin much like Nightshade, [death within a minute] but tailored for use against florans. Harmless to organics. Antidote now available thanks to the help of the old floran Mattulip.
    Cost: 600 Pixels
    Antidote: 100 Pixels

    Canister based-easily breakable, meant to shatter on impact, store carefully. [i am not responsible if you kil yourself from negligece.]

    Inferno- Canister contained firebomb mixture, that reacts violently and creates a fire ball about 2-3 meters in width. Great for use against any target, especially Florans, due to their natural phobie of fire.
    Cost: 700 Pixels

    Matter-Bane- Canister contained, corrosive acid. Eats through most tested heavy metals and cloths, as well as rock. Few things can contain it properly. After contact with the air, it will eventually lose it's corrosive properties after a minute. The use for this is to give someone trying to kill you, even the sturdy glitch, a very bad last day. It being an acid, also naturally has uses beyond simply attack.
    Cost-1000 Pixels

    All Syringe based.

    Sleeping Beauty- Heavy duty tranquilizer, that sends a "sleep" signal to the body's brain, not relying on crude anesthetics, which in turn makes 1 dose fairly universal. Antidote available to end effect early, otherwise it lasts for two hours.
    Cost- 500 Pixels
    Antidote-100 Pixels

    Crumple- Fast acting Paralytic agent, upon injection, a target usually only has around 20 seconds before total loss of muscle control, as they crumple to the ground, fully conscious, but immobile. The few things they usually retain control over are their eyes and ability to speak.
    Cost-700 pixels
    Antidote-200 Pixels

    Vibrate-Setting- Orginally a failed version of "crumple". Instead of full paralysis, this one induces uncontrollable seizures and muscle spasms. Uses may include sowing discord amidst enemies, especially melee combatants.
    Cost- 800 Pixels
    Antidote-200 Pixels

    Crucio- A "failed" version of Nightshade. This early serum did not produce quick death as expected, instead it caused the nervous system to emit what seemed to be the maximum possible "pain signal" There is obviously only one use for this.
    Cost- I will no longer sell this. Ever. I never should have in the first place.
    Antidote-100 Pixels, just about the cost to make it. You shouldn't run into anyone who still has any, but..

    Misc. Items.

    Immune System Supplements- Created from my own need. A once a day injection to boost someone's immune system to levels of that of a healthy person.
    1,000 Pixels for a 2-week Supply.

    "Universal Antidote" - By no means truly universal, this syringe administers anti-agents that can neautralize most conventional and natural poisons. Military grade poisons are specifically engineered and as such, won't be stopped. This will likely save you if you absolutely must eat that moldy piece of bread however.
    Cost- 100 Pixels

    Pneumatic Delivery System- Put simply, it's a gun that shoots the syringes and canisters I make, using pneumatic technology instead of explosions of ballistic weapons to make sure said items don't break inside the barrel. This is not my personal weapon, to clarify. Simply a pneumatic single loaded pump.
    Cost-5,000 Pixels due to impossibility of mass production.

    Avesmingo Juice
    A personal lifelong project leads me to always having a large stockpile of this.
    Cost- 1,000 per dozen bottles.

    Special Orders
    I am always interested in trying and testing new creations, so if any of you have thoughts on things you may like, contact me.

  2. Pyro_Sanders

    Pyro_Sanders Warcrime Sprite Creator

    Nov 18, 2015
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    "I'll take two sleeping beauty's."

  3. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Eh... Last I checked, Florans were organic creatures...
  4. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    To Orion. I have them ready now, sorry for the delay. I'll get them to you as soon as I can.
    [real life and work schedules are a bish, you can play yourself as having received them assuming that's all you needed, otherwise hit me up and we'll set up a date if you're planning something like knocking her out with one of them]

    To Oak, I meant moreso flesh based or plant based. Most races not being plant based, that chemical's attacking agents would do little beyond some possible moderate to severe nausea.