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Casey "Ace" Jones

Discussion in 'Character Descriptions' started by Alaystus, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    [TABLE][TR][TH] Casey "Ace" Jones [/TH][/TR][/TABLE]
    Casey "Ace" Jones (born July 18, 2493) is a drifter, and a survivor of the destruction of Earth in 2407. He was first seen in the Antares Frontier on New Chicago some time in early 2415. After a brief run in with the historical terrorist group the "Outcasts," which resulted in the loss of his kneecaps, Ace began his career as a bartender and cook on the colony of Taranis at the local pub. Ace has been working as a regular bartender on a plethora of colonies and settlements since then, and has since gained a good amount of general experience in the field. Some of the more notable locations Ace has bartended for include Taranis (Antares), Gum (Antares), Pinewood Falls (Council Space Frontier), Shinsei (Council Space Frontier), and the refugee camp known colloquially as "Camp Nogun" (Council Space Frontier).

    Notable Skills
    Ace is relatively proficient in tending a bar, both mixing and selling drinks, while also holding a decent repertoire of cooking recipes. Some of his lesser known and minor skills include construction and carpentry, hunting (along with skinning and prepping), farming and agriculture experience, both written and verbal advertising, sewing and tailoring, and a bit of musicianship in terms of guitar and harmonica. He's also apparently relatively decent in bed.

    Physical Appearance
    Ace stands at approximately 5'7", and is relatively broad-shouldered and scrappy. He's quite thin, and balances out at approximately 142 lbs. Due to a generally active life surviving the fringe, Ace is relatively toned, but not overly muscular or strong. Ace has dullish brown eyes, a relatively pronounced nose with a fat white scar running across it, and his hair is typically shaved into a short buzz cut. The lower half of his face is usually obscured by some sort of facial cover.

    Ace was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, in the United States of America on the former planet Earth. Ace is the oldest of two brothers, and was forced into a somewhat paternal situation after his father left at an early age. His family lived in poverty for the fourteen years he spent on Earth, and Ace would often steal small objects, food, or money to keep their lives comfortable or stable; he began working for a paycheck at approximately ten years old. He received an approximate K-8 American School System education, having been expelled early into his freshman year of high school, and subsequently fled the planet shortly after as Earth was destroyed. Ace has lost all contact with his family since his departure from Earth, and their whereabouts are currently unknown.

    The next two years of his life were spent scrounging through space ports, reverting back to stealing small items and food as he found himself in and out of incarceration for short lengths of time. At approximately 16, Ace made the conscious decision to introduce and refer to himself specifically as Ace Jones, rather than using his birth name Casey, as well as beginning his tradition of wearing a facial cover in public, which he still practices today. For the next seven or so, Ace drifted about the frontier as a self-employed peddler, a business in which he would steal small amounts of trade goods, and sell them to other travelers.

    After arriving at New Chicago, Ace ended up striking up a business deal with an eccentric entrepreneur by the name of Lucas, a human who intended to make a fortune selling home-grown produce. They set up a home base outside of the city limits, and began farming and building next to a small abandoned facility; Ace would then take the produce they grew, along with other acquired trade goods, and travel into the city to make a profit from them. This system worked well, until Ace had a run-in encounter with the historical Terrorist group, the "Outcasts", which resulted in a bullet through each of his kneecaps. Ace then spent approximately half a month or so working to pay off his new prosthetic replacements, before accepting a job on Taranis under the employment of the Glitch noble Windows Omega, along with his good friend Aubrey Flak.

    Ace spent approximately three months working as a bartender and cook at Taranis, until he (and the rest of the populace) were eventually run out by the Outcasts. With the money he'd saved up from his previous job, Ace was able to purchase a small personal space vessel, his first, without any formal training in how to fly one, or even a licence. He then moved on to the slightly more "modern" colony of Gum, where he worked for approximately a month before moving out of the sector. For perhaps six months, Ace worked several bars and pubs on some lesser-known fringe colonies, doing his best to stay out of trouble and avoid combat, before eventually traveling to the Council Space Frontier to land a bartending job at Pinewood falls.

    It was here that Ace struck up a good friendship with his employer, a human male by the name of Rodrick Titus, who has, and continues to help him out in times of need. It was also here, where Ace entered his first, and long-term relationship with a Hylotl female named Ayaka Hiroko. As tensions rose on Pinewood, and it became too dangerous to inhabit due to rising crime rates, Ace and his partner moved to her previous residence; a small workshop on the junkyard planet colloquially named "Rust". Pinewood Falls coincidentally burned down later that day. After a few weeks Rust itself became rather overrun with crime and scum, and Ace and Ayaka prepared to migrate once more. Before they left, however, Ayaka (with minor help from Ace and blueprints from the traveling "Doc") managed to forge durasteel prosthetic knees for Ace, which were later surgically implanted by the Hylotl surgeon Omizu Suiyoubi, replacing his former inferior plastiglass implants.

    After a month-ish long camping vacation, Ace And Ayaka returned to the Frontier and their mutual friend Rodrick agreed to let them stay at his residence. After about a week or two, however, Rodrick simply opted to hand over the restaurant he had been running on Shinsei after having an apartment built atop it. Ace accepted, and ran the restaurant for several months, eventually converting the building into a bar, while Ayaka focused on her occupation as a ship mechanic. The couple took one last vacation, before Ace eventually broke off their relationship, as he felt Ayaka simply didn't have time for him anymore. On top of this, the bar was making insufficient funds, so Ace simply left to end up working as a cook for a refugee camp known as "Camp Nogun".

    Ace worked here for approximately three months, first earning his keep as a cook, and secondly (if only briefly) as a bartender as well, before eventually leaving the settlement to live on his own. For about two and a half months or so, Ace set his roots on a temperate wooded planet, growing cannabis for profit in order to keep himself somewhat financially secure, and living off canned food. He then employed himself at the Drunken Monkey Distillery as a bartender and gardener, before quitting after close to a week and proceeding to land a job as a bartender on a frozen colony known as the Berg. Despite his issues with both trust and loss, Ace also found himself in another budding relationship with a kind and caring human female named Terra McHale, a certified pharmacist who was looking for a new life in the frontier. Ace did his best to best to be optimistic; it was getting easier to do so, as things seemed to be looking up for him for the time being. Unfortunately, both their relationship and his job at the Berg ended after about a month. Terra seemed to be much too consumed in her own work, and wasn't able to find time for their relationship; a common theme was beginning to form in Ace's mind. Ace eventually communicated with Terra that he was ending their relationship, and proceeded to leave his bartending job, and the sector itself, in search of anything to give him purpose in life.

    Perhaps a month or so down the road, Ace decided to officially become a licensed ship pilot, allowing him to legally travel freely anywhere within Council Space. He's currently considering taking classes in order to become a professional commercial pilot, and can be found traversing the galaxy in search of jobs and gigs to fund his future endeavors.

    [TABLE][TR1][TD1]Born[/TD1][TD1]July 18th 2393 (Age 23) Chicago, Illinois, U.S. Earth[/TD1][/TR1][TR2][TD1]Species[/TD1][TD1]Human (Caucasian)[/TD1][/TR2][TR1][TD1]Residence[/TD1][TD1]N/A[/TD1][/TR1][TR2][TD1]Occupation/Trade[/TD1][TD1] Bartender/Cook [/TD1]
    #1 Alaystus, Sep 21, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2016
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