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Approved Caroline

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by JohnShadow, Jul 17, 2016.

  1. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    Caroline appears as a human female (but really she's like a remote synth thing) who has a core that is flown around on her ship so it is close where her body self is, and her brain thing core basically stores all of her memories and the sort, and some of her AI programming stuff. Her abilities are that she can easily remember just about anything making her quite smart and she can communicate through her computer thing like a normal AI… her weaknesses are that she is pretty weak physically, and she is not very mentally strong either. She is pretty weak in a lot of ways and usually relies on other people to protect her. Her origin is that she was basically made by a bunch of scientists and they let her go to study her but she ended up finding out about them and getting them arrested and stuff, and killed… her purpose… honestly as a character her AI stuff doesn't even come into play that much, but still sometimes… she more just acts like a human. The main part about Caroline is her struggle to seem like a human, like finding love and making friends like a normal person, that sorta thing. I guess… like tell me if you want more info please, I've had Caroline as a character for quite a long time. Thanks for reading :)

    Staff edit (Awe): Johnshadow has agreed that Caroline now will either be in the core on the ship or in the body, not both at once, but can freely move between the two hosts granted they are able to make a physical connection. This was changed because the having a remote body with the core on the ship, as it was previously, essentially made the character unkillable.
    #1 JohnShadow, Jul 17, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  2. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    I'm curious as to how important the 'remote body' part of her character is, as it seems a little unfair when it comes to combat that the character is essentially unkillable unless somebody knows about the core being on the ship and acts upon that info. Could they simply be in the body at all times?

    Also, you're correct that Synthetic androids aren't much stronger than humans (the difference is negligible, honestly.)
  3. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    Now sure if you are saying if like, the brain should just be in her at all times or if just, Caroline could operate in it at all times? Idk, that part almost never comes up, and Caroline isn't much a fighter anyways... The remote part would seem overpowered, I completely understand that. She isn't much a fighter though, and her body being killed would result in loss of a lot of data, and she would just be alone on her ship. It's not like she would be able to just come back and finish them off or anything like that... in fact she probably wouldn't come back at all, she'd probably leave the sector out of immense fear or something like that I guess.
  4. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    It doesn't matter if your character is a fighter or not. In the case of unexpected combat, having your character killed wouldn't result in a permanent death and that's sort of bending the rules a bit. You should either have her upload the AI into the body from the mainframe/core if she wants to leave (so she can only be in one or the other, not both) or do away with the idea and just have her always in the body. Would that be fine with you?
  5. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    I guess I could do a one or the other thing... sure.
  6. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Awesome, that solves the issue of having her almost unkillable, but you can still have her leave the body and go into the 'core/mainframe' system if you want her to. Thanks for the co-operation my dude.
  7. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    Ya no problemo