(( A medium sized laptop with a strikingly red painting and a ton of stickers on it. Carolina carries it around, and it is password locked.)) Text File Name: holy pepperoni I cannot believe we are a thing? -My- dumb reportings are a thing oh my god im so excited im going to shove this entire mic up my ass. TOUGH THAT IS NOT ALL SINCE APPARENTLY now i have to be -real- serious for a moment, like, adult bussiness. Real serious, yeah, so i'll make a list of what i have and what i don't have! I have already cameras, broadcasting (at least in Starnet) and a microphone. And the looks, obvs. Camera girl! Her name is Coriander and she is cool as frick. She is funny and chill?? ilu cori. Also mad camera skillz. Places! Liberty mills seem to be a endless supply of shit to do reports on. And apparently we are getting some positive vibes from the locals, too! I mean, we would call out people on their shit anyway, but knowing the local population is on our side is re-assuring. And hell, im all up to question random tryhards on the street. A camera-man! Thomas Nale. Ex-militar something, watered down white dude. Im going to be fair, he is good with the camera and has some experience with more serious shit, and apparently can double as a body guard in the case i do something more idiotic than the general. He's chill. Another reporter! He still is fresh new to the team, and his accent is thick as shit, but i think he is cute with that springy hair and accent, so he will do just-fine for light news or humorous shit. What i don't have (and i frickin need): Steady income. Im living off savings and some income my parents (gd dad, both of you) send my way, despite they live like 40000 light years away from me. A place for the radio as it is. Currently my to-go device on my belt works just fine to broadcast an entire city, but if the time comes and we could do a report on something big, it won't do. Note: Find a location, either buy or rent the place. Also equiptment, we already count with a broadcasting station as it is, but we need more than that to give quality material. People. While i work just fine running around with Cori and that Thomas guy once in a while, we need someone to run the website and most likely manage our income and what not, also more positions i don't want to remember hhhh Uniforms? Outfits? Note: discuss with cori Decency who needs that lol Name Logo