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Carbon's Agenda and Personal Notes

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Alaystus, Dec 1, 2016.

  1. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    A.Earn Cash​

    *Potential Leads​

    Dangerous Individual​

    *It isn't clear whether or not
    a bounty is, or will be
    offered for this person, but
    it doesn't hurt to ask.​

    Dangerous Individual​

    *It isn't clear whether or not
    a bounty is, or will be
    offered for this person, but
    it doesn't hurt to ask.​

    Judge Hawthorn claims that a
    bounty may be set for Adolf,
    but didn't quite confirm it.
    I should look into this, but
    I haven't seen any new
    information on Starnet for a

    Snake-Dogs at Flashpoint Mines

    Snake-Dogs have been running
    amok at the Flashpoint Mines;
    the mines have been sealed
    off to prevent further injury
    and to stop the creatures
    from escaping. I should ask
    around to determine whether
    or not anyone would offer a
    reward for clearing them out.​

    Information on Snake-Dogs can
    be found in the Fernbrook

    Ignis, kin and local
    blacksmith on Fernbrook seems
    to have experience in dealing
    with these creatures, as well
    as some knowledge of the
    Flashpoint Mines. I should
    talk with him, and see what he

    Green Geodes at Flashpoint Mines
    Treasure Hunting​

    Ignis had written a small
    entry at the Fernbrook Library
    about tiny green gems that
    closely resembled emeralds,
    but not quite. If I'm going to
    be heading into the Mines any
    time soon, I should keep a
    lookout for these.​

    Medical Supplies Wanted
    Scavenger Hunting​

    The Herbalist Anisazi is
    asking for any unneeded mecial
    supplies that can be provided.
    It's clear that no reward is
    being offered, but this could
    be a good way to earn favors.​

    Anisazi is located within the
    cottage West of the wash
    house on Fernbrook.​

    B.Find a Safehouse​

    *I landed the Comet over top of a
    small exposed cellar on
    Fernbrook. Nothing was found
    inside other than a large empty
    rusted crate and an oil lantern.
    The cellar is next to a run-down
    building with several sleeping
    bags inside it. I don't know
    who they belong to.​

    After a few days, I moved the
    Comet to another location slightly
    west from where I had it before.
    It's in a deep valley between
    a couple of huge hills, or maybe
    mountains, but there's enough
    space there to take off and land.
    The one side is nearly inacessable
    and the other has a passage
    through the mountain heading East.
    The passage is rather large and
    cavernous, not to mention pitch
    black, but a relatively easy walk
    after going back and forth a
    couple of times. I'm hoping the
    cavern will deter anyone from
    walking through, and I haven't
    seen many signs of habitation on
    my side of the mountain. At the
    very least, no-one seems to be
    living there.​

    *Some Fernbrook locals apparently
    take shelter within various
    caves near derelict ship. A
    while ago, one of the caves was
    left vacant by the previous
    occupant; I should take a look.​

    I found two caves that seem to
    be unoccupied near the top of
    the mountain. The first is a
    tight squeeze to get into, and
    has an old wooden ladder that
    leads down to a small, somewhat
    cramped alcove with a wooden
    floor; someone definitely lived
    there. The second is a rather
    large and roomy cavern, if
    somewhat damp inside. It doesn't
    look to have ever been

    *The local tavern appears to have
    rooms available for rent; not
    a permanent solution, but
    it's always nice to get a good
    night's rest.​

    *I have a standing invitation to
    visit Refract Valley, as well as
    an offer to rest and refuel. If
    things get too heated on Fernbrook
    or the work dries up, I should
    ditch the place and make my way
    over there. I just hope it's not
    strictly under Council Control...​

    C.Make Connections​

    *Audrey "Peridot" Ohsaka
    Human, Female​

    Audrey is an avid scavenger and
    collector who turns a profit by
    selling her finds both
    informally and professionally.
    She is the owner of the pawn
    shop, "Audrey's Oddities"
    located at the Caelestis

    Audrey has just recently gotten
    married, and seemed very proud
    about her new wife.​

    Audrey seems to be friends with

    Avian, Male​

    An interesting, but relatively
    honest-seeming fella, Crown works
    as a farmer on what's apparently
    universally known as, "The
    Ranch". I've heard about the
    place a few times, but I have yet
    to visit. He offered to get me a
    job there as well in a sort of
    round-about way, but I declined.
    I'm not quite looking for farm
    work at the moment. He's a
    straight-forward kind of guy,
    despite how he offered to get
    me that job; he seems like a​
    nice guy to talk with. Perhaps
    I should visit "The Ranch".​

    Hylotl, Male​

    I meat Hiroto while conversing
    with Isabella in the radio tower
    on Fernbrook. Hiroto is a master
    to the ninth degree in one of the
    Hylotl martial arts. At the
    moment, he's traveling around the
    sector looking for work in order
    to raise funds to build a dojo
    where he can teach students in
    the way of his art. I'm fairly
    interested in learning some hand-
    to-hand from a traditional
    teacher, but I'm too short on
    funds at the moment to make a
    donation. Instead, I suggested
    that he look to Refract Valley
    as a potential area to have his
    dojo built. With the way Mairi
    designs houses and buildings with
    incredible skill and ease, I
    figured getting her to design,
    and perhaps build a dojo could be
    incredibly feasible.​

    Novakid, Male​

    A local resident of Fernbrook,
    Ignis runs a blacksmithing
    forge to the East of the town
    hall. His business seems a bit
    traditional and old-fashioned,
    archaic even, but he must make
    a profit somehow since his
    forge is still running.

    Ignis has a notice on the
    Fernbrook public bulletin board
    advertizing the sale of
    Machetes for those he trusts to
    use them responsibly. I wonder
    if this is his main source of
    income, seeing as combatting
    the intrusive plant-life is
    apparently a daily struggle for
    the locals.​

    Hylotl, Female​

    I first met Ino at the Fernbrook
    Library. Initially, she walked
    right past me, and back out of
    the room without a single word.
    A couple minutes later, she was
    back, and introduced herself.
    She was new to Fernbrook, and the
    sector itself and asked me for
    directions and advice on what to
    do and where to find work. Ino
    apparently has a degree in
    Robotics, so I advised her to
    seek out Smokestack, as I did for
    Rayne. Our conversation was cut
    short when a ruckus started from

    *Isabella Cruz
    Human, Female

    I spoke with Isabella briefly
    in the radio tower on Fernbrook.
    I wasn't previously aware the
    tower was meant for public use,
    but she seemed to be making use
    of it just fine. Isabella is a
    medic who primarily does relief
    work on a case-by-case basis.
    she's new to this sector, and
    will likely be traveling around
    for a while before she leaves.​

    Human, Male, Deceased​

    I never knew January, but his
    footprints keep showing up here
    and there. I first heard about
    him when I was browsing for work
    on a dark corner of Starnet. I
    came across a link titled, "End
    This Game", which detailed it
    all. As always, I skimmed the
    first message, and then jumped
    to the end to see the current
    status. For some reason, 45k was
    being offered to get rid of this
    January kid for reasons
    unexplained. No picture was
    given, just a physical
    description. Apparently it didn't
    stop the bounty hunters from
    getting to it. At the bottom
    of the timeline, three pictures
    were uploaded of the same person
    from different angles; lead slug
    head implant and scrambled eggs
    for legs, blowing the kid up
    wasn't enough. I can only imagine
    he hadn't died after whatever
    explosion wrecked his body, which
    prompted the finishing blow.
    That's the last I saw from that
    page, and that was a little bit
    ago. Rest in peace, kid.​

    January's name came up again when
    I was perusing the Fernbrook
    Library; he'd written an entry
    in what seemed like the local
    beastiary on these little fungus
    critters that hop and bounce
    around. It read something like,
    "If one of these gets stuck to
    you, don't try to yank it off.
    Poke it gently a couple of times,
    and failing that, get some
    Wretchwood. If that doesn't work,
    you're SOL." That's all I got
    about him. Doesn't really tell
    me much about the guy, but it
    makes me wonder why someone would
    want him dead. If he went through
    the trouble of going to write
    down a helpful passage, sounds
    like he at least had the
    dedication to help people. Guess
    it could have been demons from
    the past...​

    Judge Hawthorne brought up
    January somewhat indirectly,
    referencing a, "Young man that
    got blown up." He didn't seem too
    torn up about it. I wouldn't
    go so far as to accuse him from
    being behind it all, but I
    wouldn't rule it out. With his
    whole deal on order and control,
    I could see him going to extremes
    to maintain it. I wouldn't want
    to be on his bad side.​

    *Judge Hawthorn
    Human, Male​

    Towering over almost all he
    meets, Judge Hawthorn is a
    terribly old and crooked-
    looking man who's much sharper
    and capable than he seems.
    Speaking with him is like
    playing a game of poker. I first
    encountered him at the West wing
    of the town hall, in front of
    the bulletin board. He was
    confronting Thilda almost as if
    he were on a crusade. He seemed
    quite fixated on her necklace,
    which he called a "Phylactery".​

    His Counsil-appointed position
    lets him keep control over the
    goings-on in Fernbrook, even
    though he paints it in a
    brighter light. He claims to
    offer advice, and act as the
    standing law in this town. He
    seems like a total control-freak,
    and likes seeing people squirm.
    I did my best to play it off
    as if I were completely new to
    the area, as well as if I were
    a bit of a ditzy airhead. If it's
    a game he wants, I'm gonna stack
    the deck.

    Hawthorn cleary holds complete
    and utter contempt for Thilda,
    and the feelings are apparently
    viciously mutual. He seems quite
    wary of the necklace she wears,
    similarly to Audrey.​

    Human, Male​

    I ran into Kreig at the Taproot
    Tavern on Fernbrook while he was
    in a conversation with Rayne. I
    wasn't entirely sure what they
    were discussing at first, but
    it eventually became apparent
    that Rayne had been involved in
    some sort of incident that took
    place during a tour of a genetic
    research facility called GENA.CO.
    I was planning on attending
    myself, but I ended up missing
    it. I guess I can count myself
    lucky. He claims to be, "28 with
    a full head of gray hair," which
    is an oddity amongst humans.​

    Krieg seemed quite interested in
    this lab, talking about "clearing
    it out," and developing some
    sort of personal project.
    Apparently those who had been on
    the tour were attacked by
    supposed experiments gone wrong.
    Rayne described it as people
    under mind control. Rayne had
    left the facility with a key card
    that Kreig seemed to be quite
    interested in, which she
    eventually relinquished to him
    before he left. The last thing
    he said to her was that he'd
    promise to pay her back. I've
    sure heard those words before.​

    The most suspicious part was when
    Krieg stopped to have a messaging
    conversation on his device,
    and revealed he wouldn't be able
    to take anyone into the facility
    with him, not even a hired gun
    for safety. I'm not sure if
    Krieg is part of an organization
    or a small group, but he's
    certainly working with someone
    on this.​

    Human, Male​

    Logan is a mercinary who was
    hired onto the GENA.CO genetic
    research facility team as a
    member of security. His contract
    only lasted about a week before
    things went South, and some sort
    of containment breach took place
    during a tour of the facility.
    Logan gave some details on the
    incident, stating that small
    "creatures" attached themselves
    to the heads of several employees
    of the facility and effectively
    led them around like puppets.
    The "Puppets" didn't seem to
    experience pain, and couldn't
    be stopped normally with bullets.
    Logan described it as having to
    "shoot them until they bled out."
    I'd always advocate for a good,
    clean shot to the head, but he's
    obviously got more experience
    fighting these things than I do.
    Other than that, the guy didn't
    seem to take much away from the
    facility. Fortunately, he didn't
    seem too shaken up about it.
    Must be a strong guy, or had a
    hard past.​

    In the past, Logan was a Marine
    who was stationed in Antares
    after his initial four years of
    service. He left the USCM after
    sustaining a head wound, and has
    been doing mercinary work since

    I offered to buy Logan a drink.
    He accepted, and we talked for
    a good while about life. He
    seems like a pretty simple man,
    but I think he's kind of

    Novakid, Female​

    An "interesting" gal, clearly
    misbranded. Her symptoms seem
    pretty severe; she seems to have
    the headspace of an airheaded
    child, and might possibly have
    obsessive-compulsive impulses.
    Interestingly enough, Mairi is
    apparently a complete prodegy,
    capable of designing impressive
    arechetectural feats, teaching
    classes to children, and other
    marvels. Sai says she might also
    be suffering from a bit of shell-
    shock; perhaps something terrible
    happened to her in the past.​

    Sai revealed Mairi's dark past
    regarding her feet. For some
    reason or another, Mairi's feet
    are misshapen and covered in sun-
    spots. It terrifies me to imagine
    what kind of horrible things
    could have happened to her- or
    been done to her...​

    Before leaving, Mairi insisted
    on giving me some sort of "care
    package", containing a rather
    comfortalbe, but flexible
    mattress, some blankets, and what
    she called "lasagna". It was some
    sort of layered noodle and meat
    dish, with cheese. Wasn't
    terribly filling, but I ate it
    none the less. As much as she
    makes me uncomfortable, I need to
    remind myself that she's not a
    bad person. I guess there's some
    things even I still need to

    Human, Male​

    I met Nate for the first time
    just briefly, before our
    conversation had been cut short.
    Nate is supposedly a history
    teacher from Refract Valley who
    was apparently recently on leave
    due to some sort of medical
    problem. He's currently still

    *Okalani Uluwehi Cythrus
    Human, Female​

    Bright and bubbly, Okalani seems
    to be quite an eccentric human
    with a seemingly free-spirited
    personality. She arrived on
    Fernbrook with a bang, literally,
    and excitedly exclaimed that she
    was planning to start a bakery
    there. How well that will go
    for her has yet to be seen.​

    She's apparently "Hawaiian", and
    originated from ther, or from
    those people from Earth. Strange
    culture she has...​

    Human, Female​

    A young, misplaced girl, I was
    apparently the first person she
    met upon reaching this sector.
    She's been on her own for a
    long time, and seems to be
    looking for a partner to settle
    down with in an attempt to re-
    build a family for herself.​

    Rayne is an unskilled drifter
    who's only notable skills are
    a light mechanical knowledge
    of human-built spacecrafts, as
    well as supposed musical
    inclination with an instrument.​

    I talked with Rayne for a long
    time and gave her some advice
    on what to do with her life,
    since she seemed a bit lost.
    she was very thankful, and said
    she was glad I had been the
    first person she'd met here.​

    When she was younger, Rayne had
    left her home planet of Earth
    as a stowaway on a merchant
    ship, only to learn of Earth's
    eventual destruction years
    later. She seems to be very
    emotionally effected by the
    loss of her family, but isn't
    actively searching for any who
    might have survived. I gave her
    some advice that might help her
    move on and make a new life for

    After talking with Rayne some
    more, we stumbled upon a gap
    in her memory. Rayne claimed to
    have left home four Years ago-
    four Years after Earth's
    destruction. I noticed a scar
    on her head, and she says that
    before arriving here she knocked
    her head on something and fell
    unconcious. I'm not sure what
    really happened, but it seems
    like Rayne suffers from partial
    memory loss. Aside from this
    incident, she hasn't shown any
    other symptoms.​

    Hylotl, Male​

    I first met Takashi while I was
    talking with Rayne where I'd
    landed the Comet on Fernbrook
    for the first time. Takashi
    claimed to be a Peacekeeper,
    and asked where the nearest
    town was before heading off.
    His behavior was strange, but
    more awkward than menacing.
    Still, I feel like I should
    perhaps guard my possessions
    more closely.​

    Despite claiming to be a
    peacekeeper, Takashi appeared
    to be unarmed.​

    *Tetsaiga, "Sai"
    Hylotl, Male​

    Sai is clearly a doctor or a
    physician, and seems to be caring
    for both Nate and Mairi. With the
    way Mairi acts, caring for her
    seems like a full-time job.​

    Sai is employed by Raybina
    Primfeather, who runs Refract
    Valley. Mairi and Sai left me
    with a standing invitation to go
    visit Refract Valley. Maybe after
    I've done a bit of work here,
    I'll take a small vacation.​

    Human, Female​

    Thilda is a current resident of
    Fernbrook who came from a very
    simple-sounding world. Her
    customs and mannerisms are
    are incredibly foreign to me,
    along with several of her
    speech patterns and favored
    words. Combined with her drab
    mud-colored full-length dress,
    her entire presence seems very
    traditional, or old-fashioned.
    She seems to be a very quiet
    simple person, but I can't help
    but think there's more to her.​

    When Thilda is nearby, I can
    sense a strange humming that
    Humans don't seem to be able to

    Audrey, who seems to be friends
    with Thilda, seems a bit wary
    of her, and claims strange
    things happen around her quite

    Audrey seemed a bit concerned
    about a strange necklace Thilda
    was wearing, especially upon
    learning about the humming she
    was unable to hear. I wonder if
    the two are connected.​

    Phylactery. Apparently that's
    the name for the necklace that
    Thilda holds. I overheard it
    while listening in to a
    conversation between Thilda and
    a vaguely threatening-sounding
    old man. He also mentioned
    something about Thilda's Glitch,
    as in the people. I'm lead to
    believe Thilda may have been
    either raised by Glitch, or
    spent an awful lot of time with
    them. That would explain a lot.​

    The old man turned out to be
    Judge Hawthorn.​

    Thilda seems to have a horrible
    history with Judge Hawthorn
    including both verbal and
    physical abuse. Thilda seems to
    enjoy living in Fernbrook, but
    i'm certain that man doesn't make
    it easy for her. I kinda feel
    bad for the gal. She clearly
    holds complete and utter contempt
    for the Judge, and the feeling
    is evidently viciously mutual.​

    It appears Audrey isn't the only
    person who's wary of the necklace
    Thilda wears. I'm not sure
    what a Phylactery is, but I'd
    like to find out.​

    #1 Alaystus, Dec 1, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2016