Dearest Antares community, I just want to inform you that, for Friday, Saturday, and possibly Sunday, I will not be here. You being the close friends (And some of you almost like family) that you are, I want to inform you that I'm going to a small town in Idaho to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day the weekend before. I will be seeing many people from long branches of the family and friends of them in a restaurant/pub that my father's cousin owns: a traditional Irish pub. This being said, I won't be on any of these names: Starton (Professor Fishy) Lukin Venswick (PTSD Soldier turned Peaceful Farmer) Bone-Breaker (Puppy Floran) Star-Scale (Gay Fashion Fish) Patriarch (The Black Guy) Cetl (Racist Birdy) I'll be seeing you all soon for SPRING BREAK, WOOOO! Until then, have a good weekend everyone, and stay out of trouble!