1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.

Bounty Board - Open Access

Discussion in 'Archives' started by ErinKeen, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. ErinKeen

    ErinKeen New Member

    Jul 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    ((OOC: IMPORTANT: If you put a price on a player's head, all parties entailed must consent.))

    *The board uses a bare-bones format, and has no real color scheme. The front page's message is short.*​

    WARNING: This board is OPEN ACCESS. All job listings and their relevant details may be viewed by any visitor to the board: nothing posted here is confidential. A high degree of user discretion is advised. The administrator is not responsible for the posting, success or failure of any job, nor for the payment of any group or individual answering this board.

    Bounty boards are a service I find lacking out here in the Antares Frontier. To keep it simple, all contracts should be posted using the template below. Contracts that do not conform to the template will be promptly removed.

    Job: (Bounty, Courier, Escort, Short/Long-Term Mercenary Contract, etc.)
    Threat Level:
    (1-10, 1 being the least dangerous and 10 being the most.)
    Contact/Method: (Temporary contact information is STRONGLY ADVISED.)
    Additional Info*:

    *Remember: this board is public. List only what information is absolutely necessary: more specific details can and should be relayed through the selected channel of communication.

    Best of luck.

    - E

    ((OOC: So, if you didn't pick up on this, it's implied the board isn't just for bounties. If your character understands this, feel free to post just about any job you want. Get creative. I'm prepared to improve this thread, as needed, over time.))
    #1 ErinKeen, Jul 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2015
  2. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Job: Exterminator (Flame-Thrower,Torches, or Explosives required)
    Location(s): Will be disclosed once job has been accepted.
    Threat Level: 7 (Skin-Covering armor advised)
    Contact/Method: blackbeak537 is the account that will be used to tell you of the location and more details
    Payment/Method: 500 pixels, given in 100 chits in person after the job has finished and been reviewed.
    Additional Info*: Any sentients found near the caves must be executed as well.

    - blackbeak537
  3. ErinKeen

    ErinKeen New Member

    Jul 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    ((OOC: I should also note that if one is interested in a job, one should say so, IC. As in "I'm taking this job." Anything beyond that can be posted here or through PMs, which would also make sense.))
    #3 ErinKeen, Jul 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2015
  4. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Job has been completed and payment given.
    No need to keep calling me an idiot over private comms anymore.

    - blackbeak537
  5. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Job: Bounty
    Location(s): Unknown. Somewhere within the Antares Sector.
    Threat Level: 8.
    Contact/Method: Contact [email protected] to arrange for meeting.
    Payment/Method: Amount of 10,000 pixels held in escrow. To be transferred upon proof of completion.
    Additional Info*: Human subject Kiri Ryang to be eliminated by any means. Genetic sample of body is required, body is then to be destroyed on-site in a manner which ensures no other genetic material is salvageable for cloning purposes (IE: Posthumous incineration is required).

    Subject has security-related experience and licensing and is armed. For the safety of the contractee it is suggested that one does not establish any form of contact with the subject whatsoever, and instead dispatches the subject with utmost discretion.

    Genetic sample and destroyed matter are then to be delivered to a Ceragenetics representative once a meeting has been established. Please note that meetings will be established outside of the Antares sector, to ensure both the safety of Ceragenetics personnel and to reduce the risk of "false meetings".

    • If you do not have a ship capable of relay-based travel, do not take this contract.

    • If a genetic sample is not provided, contract payment will be forfeit.

    • Temporary licensing will be granted to unlicensed ships to allow for travel inside the core sector.

    • Fuel costs related to traveling to and from the core sector will be paid for in full.

    • Payment will be wired to a preferred account upon confirmation that genetic sample belongs to proper subject.

    Under no circumstances is the contractee to speak with the subject regarding Ceragenetics. Establishing contact with the subject and speaking to them regarding Ceragenetics will forfeit payment and may result in the placement of an additional bounty upon the contractee. Any data or information regarding Ceragenetics found on any of the subject's belongings or possibly in the subject them self is to be destroyed on-site.

    Subject is approximately 54kg, and 166cm.

    A genetic profile sample will be attached to this document for purposes of identification.