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Bougainvillea's audio logs.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Kumakin, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    -Start audio tape.-​
    Isss thisss things on? Oh wellssss... Hellossss decided to sssstart talking into thing about life ssssince talking to my bear makes me sound "Crazy" apparently. My name is Bougainvillea Dionaea Snapdragon mossst things call me Boo.

    This first log wass jussst an introduction in cassse I losses my memory againsss. I can jussst lissssten to thisss and remember who I am! Not assure why I didn't think of this beforesss but it feels good to know I have a sssssort of back up. Anywayssss going to sssome underwater colony... Hopesss I don't get ssstabbed.

    -Audible squeaky toy sound.-​
    That wasss Kuma mossst trusted loyal bear companion. He sssaysss 'Hi!' And sssomething about 'Blood of innocents...' Whateverssss... Usssually jussst ignore that partsss.
    Anywayssss I am hoping to do sssssome more logsss... On my ssssilly computer thingssss..

    - Sound of FTL cooling down as she gets close.-​
    Oh we are here! I wonders what isss in ssstore for us.
    -Squeak.- Yesss probably Fissh peoples here...
    -Squeak.- No we Can't at them..

    -A soft hissy sigh.- Hsssss.... Can never be mad at Kumassss...

    -Some sounds of Bougainvillea messing with the buttons. It is pretty clear she wasn't sure how she turned it on. Then it abruptly cuts off after some grumbling.-​
  2. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Dreams of Dreamwine. -
    -Audio starts up.-​
    -Some kind of grumbling.- What happendedssss yesterday? I wasssss going to Onasat...Sta... Whatever then I wakes up here... I don't remember a thing... These blanketsss are ssssoo warm though... -Audible hiss.-

    -the sound of sheets moving after some silence.- Ehh... I feel like I've been hit by train... Big traainsssss... Ssstill not ssure whossss room thisss isss...
    -She sighs looking around. Then the sound of sheets moving and a footsteps can be heard. Then a thud like she smacked something with her foot.- Hsss...
    -Sound of chair being adjusted.-

    Oh well I guess thisss issss a good time to talkssss about Kuma. My bear. I've alwayssss had himssss. He wasssss given to me assss a ssssapling. I would assssk him quesstionsss and he would tellsssss me what to do. Now I sssometimesss listen to him ass he mostly jussst tellssss me to sssstab sssssstufff. Anywassss He wasssss traded to mother Floran to give to me. But after incidentssss not remember if have mother honestly ssso my mind probably made thatsss up. I do really think without Kuma I would go insssane. Jusssst sssstabbing everything left and right. No caresssss no ssssssympathy. Or maybe jussst hide and be afraid of all things with nothing to protectssss me.

    -She pulls out a camera and takes a selfie for no reason as she exits the room.-
  3. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    -Audio and video start up.-
    Beamsssss down to planet and it looksssss nice. Then floran hisssss at me and sssshotssss in leg... Am bleedingsss. Floran can't feels but lots of sapsss everywheress... -She'd hiss for a bit then look at her leg. It was indeed riddled with holes. She then looks back at the camera yawning.- Issss tiredssss going to take a napssss... Misss my Dad. Hopesss dreams of himsss isss only time I get to see himsss...
    -She'd lie down to sleep forgetting to turn the camera off. The video just keeps recording until the ship runs out of power. The floran never waking from her slumber. The bear would be wrapped tightly in her arms as the sheets were stained with sap.-
  4. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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    ( ; -; The feels.)
  5. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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  6. Pie4Pigs

    Pie4Pigs Bleach Connoisseur

    Mar 15, 2014
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    ((i have regrets))
  7. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    (( -After an extended period of time a loud audible fart is heard as the Floran's bowels empty. Rest in piss kid.- ))