Initialize:///// Start ///// Login [Vodkauser] [*********] Day 1, So my men and I have set up a small factory that refines Durasteel, it could get us some cash. I also got the uniforms completed, we shall band together to build a safe place to live in the frontier. Our funds are low at the moment but we are at a steady rise. Hail the RSSU. End log: ///// Shutdown /////
Initialize:///// Start ///// Login [ Vodkauser ] [*********] Day 2, We have a new comrade, Richard is his name, a bit strange but he seems loyal enough. If we can get a few more men we can go public and start our cause. Soon the frontier will have the RSSU. Hail the RSSU. End log: ///// Shutdown /////
Initialize:///// Start ///// Login [ Vodkauser ] [*********] Day 3, We have enough men to go public and we have land on a colony, Reznov and I ordered construction teams to build a checkpoint at the edges. Hail the RSSU. End log: ///// Shutdown /////