1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.


Discussion in 'Archives' started by OcularOccultist, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. OcularOccultist

    OcularOccultist New Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    -Amongst the innumerable legions of Holo-Displays, Chit-Scams, Links of various nature, and other such web related parcels of information, lies a simple voiced recording on an unremarkable video sharing site of questionable merit. If one were to feel the need to play back said recording, after a half moment of cracking nothingness, an aged, world-weary voice would begin to speak over the throbbing of hum of Void Engines-

    "Hello, mine name and title, irrelevant though they may be, would be Brother Leonardo. On this fine day, bestowed upon us by He, I greet my fellow sons and daughters of Adam and come with gifts and mine words. What gifts might this man bare, you may be wondering to thyself by your pulsating monitor. I come with the penultimate offering, that which makes all else moot. I come bearing the Love of thine Lord. Yes, The Lord hath seen, judged, and found the state of his children to be wanting. Despair hath stricken Our Lord and in his infinite wisdom he has bestowed upon mine unworthy self a quest, Bring Light Where There Be Dark. Shield thy kin from the encroaching of those not of my Blood. Rekindle the fire, in thy fellow Man's breast. It is with such a burden that I speak to you. My brothers and sisters, we must strengthen our hearts toward temptation. We must alight the smoldering embers of faith within ourselves once more. Humanity hath not begin the downward descent with the loss of Earth. Nay, Sodom hath simply been struck down once more to allow our people to expand free of its corrupting ways. Now, now is the time of God. The time of Man. Now we must claim that is rightfully ours, and forge anew a Kingdom of God, in which all men, women, and children shall know not of hunger nor privation, but of joy, and succor. The road we shall walk will be arduous, the path ahead yet unclear, though walk it we must in the name of the Lord and our fellow man. It is in this 'frontier,' this unremarkable stretch of God's Universe that we shall begin. Gather thy kin, friends, and those beloved to you. Strengthen them in spirit, and be their Aegis against the enemies of Man. Turn away the blindly haughty Avian, for they bare naught but love for the Devil Kluex in their blackened Hearts. Sharpen thy steel as the Monstrous Floran approach, for they are not beloved of the Lord. No peace shall be found beside the Hylotl, for peace may only be found with the Lord. The godless Apex shall find their technology upswept and overturned by the courage and faith of Humanity. The Glitch rust and decay, as false life warrants naught but a slow slide into ruin. Shun the Nova, for he hath no mind for the Lord and no heart with which to love. Come together, my beloved brothers and sisters, Children of God and Adam. Together, we shall be mighty. Together, we shall be righteous. Together, we shall forge onwards beneath the watchful gaze of Our Lord and create a Kingdom in His name. I must depart now, mine friends, but allow me to leave you with a verse that I have turned to many a time along the way. Psalm 27:1 'The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?'"

    #1 OcularOccultist, Aug 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2015