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Bloody Scrawlings of Prisoner #667432- Vi

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by forsakenghoul, Aug 4, 2016.

  1. forsakenghoul

    forsakenghoul Humble?

    Nov 23, 2014
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    A ratty looking notebook that wouldn't look out of place on a college campus can be found on Vi's person. The cover's been scratch off and decorated with graffiti of sorts, and various warnings to stay out.

    Bleedin' spies on every inch of this damn ship! We finally break out of that rathole of a planet and shake off the USCM, just to find**** half the damn staff was wearing orange the entire time! Shoulda pieced it together sooner after Fiver bit it. ******Knew the juice wasn't off, had to've been****** spiked, and surprise, surprise! Caught that bastard Fore with*** a bottle or green shit under his arm. Never********* shoulda let him in, he was always the shiftiest of the fellas with that stupid bandana over his eyes. Just**** wish he didn't pass the damn thing down to me. I'm writing around the damn bloodstains***** because he gouged my damn eyes out when I caught him. I wrenched that knife outta his hands and ********broke his arm when I pushed him down. I went florian on him for... hours. Wasn't much left of him by******** the time Cubed found me. He said I was covered in so much blood, he thought I'd made a makeshift slaughter******* house. Nearly added him to the decor too, but something tells me** he's had a bit of practice stopping ********knives that are aimed at his throat. I may have gone a bit ***overboard. Long story short, he held***** me down and dragged me to the medical bay. Loner was able to rip *one of those living robot things apart and attach a visor of some sort to my skull. It's got an annoying hum and hurts like hell sometimes, It's blurry as hell, and colors come** and go at times, but at least I can see again. Hell, Loner said it should level out when things heal up and ********adjust. Here's hoping for 20-20 and nightvision. I think the best part of the situation was when Dice told ****me I should've bled out, and that it was 'damn near impossible for someone to walk away from that'. Her *****lack of faith disturbs me, but she's young so i'll let it slide this once. Every time I get to thinking about it, I don't** know how a nerd like Loner got sent to prison, much less** how he survived long enough to form our little coup. But I gotta hand it to him on his jurryriggin' skills. ********Maybe I'll teach him how to put a little cement in his Wheaties and harden the** fuck up as payment.**** That is, of course, if this isn't some grand scheme of his to turn us over for a clean******** slate down the line. Wouldn't surprise me at this point. Might be better than sitting in an empty room ********with four IV's of blood and whoknowswhat stickin' outta them. But if there's anything to be learned from all ****this, it's that I've got to find a way to make someone feel like their eyes are itchy. This shit puts routine ***torture to shame. In anycase, Doc's got a safehouse or something and drugs kicking in. Finish this later when we land.
    #1 forsakenghoul, Aug 4, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2016
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