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Big-Mech's 'Forget me not' diary.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by techno_spider, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. techno_spider

    techno_spider New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    ((The diary is only accessible to those who can hack into Big-Mech or steal his diary from his life-support or when he takes it out of his life-support))
    I have decided to keep track of my thought for various reasons, mainly I want to figure out what I personally am hoping to achieve and to go 'blah blah blah philosophy'. First off I need to record this so that it is not erased from my memory. So to note what I know... I am a Glitch. That is certain, however I am not from a Glitch settlement? I do not think I was ever part of the HiveMind. I remember being in various Apex colonies, I can remember people telling me I went through some experimental form of 'thought reassignment'. I would say that Is evidence that I am a Glitch due to the strain they went through to configure there standard procedures to manipulate me. Manipulate? thats new. I think it implies that it was wrong to do so and yet I feel as if the ministry of scientific progression is my friend. Why? Simple, I was configured as such. I don't look like a Glitch, well I do but not as much as others, is that a side effect of this 'thought reassignment?' Or at least thats what she told me. Anyway, why the hell do I write better than I talk? I could form something beautiful in my processor and yet only a fraction of it comes out, hell even that of which does come out is occasionally altered, different, mutated. I blame it on her. Define her? She is the Life-Support on my back, she speaks in a disgustingly calm, clear, fancy little Apex voice and her sentences come out far better than mine do and yet she rarely ever talks. She keeps me alive and yet I hate her. When she does talk I want to destroy her but I know that that is pointless. If she dies I die, well... That and the fact that the case is made out of impervium. That brings me onto 'Why the hell did the Miniknog put so much effort into me?' Actually before I discuss that, I want to say how much I completely hate it when people only know the term 'Miniknog' rather than 'The ministry of scientific progression'... But why do I hate that? Do I Really hate that or is it my 'thought reassignment' that hates it? Either way, back to the whole 'effort' thing. I remember spending years creating mines, mining machines, hell I remember clearing entire asteroid fields... I LOVE asteroid fields... Or do I? Anyway, I not only gave the Apex a hell lot of ores, I designed revolutionizing equipment that assisted the Apex and saved many a life, But the question is "Am I the only Big-Mech" Well, sure there is probably mechs that are big or bigger but I mean people like me. Glitches that are not quite Glitches, like an Apex-Glitch if that is the term I should use. I have joined 'The knight's order' or something like that and have tried to find a similar Glitch but to no avail. I would like to stay with this order, to learn and develop my Glitch side (If I have one) but its more than just that, when ever I am not directly under someones control after a long period of time it drives me mad. Not literary mad but its like a headache, one that you just cannot get rid of and gets stronger and stronger until you find a master.
    Big-Mech signing off.
    #1 techno_spider, Mar 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2014
  2. techno_spider

    techno_spider New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    I think I should have mentioned more but I did not have the time to because another space-rat (thats what im now calling them) chewed the hell out of my ships fuel pipes, nearly exploding the ship. Do not worry, crisis averted or I wouldn't be writing this. Warning! The following is depressing as hell and I want to beat the s*it out of them. I recently sent out a polite, formal request simply asking for bio-weapons, corrosive stuff, explosives, the works and what does your big buddy the universe say? "Screw you!" Yes, im paraphrasing but im pretty sure it was way worse than that, Its hard to understand (As is everything to me) what was meant but I get the feeling that some 'Wannabe super heroes' want to arrest me or something.
    I MEAN SERIOUSLY CAN YOU COUGH IN PUBLIC WITHOUT A DEATH SENTENCE I do not know why I am so annoyed, I just thought they would be a little nicer, I spent ages writing that request and even made the prices negotiable. Without bio-weapons the rats might eventually kill me, without the necessary items to make mining explosives my favorite hobby of mining has been taken away from me and without toxic weapons how will I even manage to clear out the asteroid fields before I mine them? I guess I cant mine them anyway but now I double cant mine then. The Miniknog always provided for me what I needed, no death threats or harassment or anything. The universe thinks the Miniknog are bad people and yet when someone goes to the universe asking for help they condemn him to die?! There is one person who is actually offering to help me but the person makes it sound as if its normally a bad thing, as if I am a bad person and they are too so they are willing to help. I have two friends that I met in Stark before the mine collapsed, Node and Mrs Marri or something like that. I guess I have IronTide but I think he is trying to manipulate me into killing Mortimer. Oh, on that note I would also like to say that master Sam is my best friend. He offered me gold and jewels (which seems pointless but if it means a lot to him then thats nice) and an additional place to sleep. I think that considering I do not believe I will ever see my other friends again I would class him as not only my best friend but my only friend. Mrs Marry and Node are gone. The ministry of scientific progression has abandoned me to the rebel scums. Oh I also wanted to mention meeting a person named Astora. Astora seems very nice and even let Max go and have a drink with him! Though I was nervous and thought reassignment did not allow me to do much at all (Sad face) but I have to note how grateful I am to these people, For Sam, for Astora and for Mr Night... Though I am not sure if thats his name. I call him 'Lord' or 'Liege' because everyone else does I guess so yeah. I also met Sharptooth who I heard was the leader of a tribe, I seen her before but without knowing that was her name (As heard various times) I feel bad that I did not salute her at first. But I saluted her today so I hope she forgives me.
    Note: Ever since Sam called me 'Max' I feel that it has caused a split between 'Big-Mech' (My personal life) and 'Max' (My work life). Max Is still part of me but I fear that the thought reassignment is trying to control him... Although I have a suspicious feeling that it is her.
    Big-Mech signing off.
    #2 techno_spider, Mar 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2014
  3. techno_spider

    techno_spider New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    I made this entire entry dedicated to Sam *In large writing below he has used a lot of space in writing the following:*
    (Thats kind of ironic considering that is all I ever say to him much.)
  4. techno_spider

    techno_spider New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Judging by my previous entries I guess maybe there is a chance that a lot of people might not hate me or maybe even some that will actually be my acquaintance if not my friend. That being said, anyone who is nice and does not be a jerk to me I automatically assume is not my friend. No. I am certain that master Sam is a friend, he did not even want me to call him 'master', hell he never even insulted me nevermind try to kill me. One day I want to be a knight just like him! One thing that often gets on my nerves is why the hell was I on a fighter ship with two insane Hylotl War-Droids Mortimer and IronTide? To be honest Mortimer has never even broke his programming, he still wants some sort of mass-genocide against Floran-kind. I remember how IronTide broke his programming, how we failed at staging a mutiny against Mortimer and how Mortimer flushed me out of an airlock in FTL! I have met up with IronTide at Tetanus fields, we had a drink and all that but what REALLY bugs me is what the hell happened? Why do I remember the mining an Apex colonies and then suddenly my memories cut off abruptly at an untraceable time and I remember a mere fraction of the end of my journeys with IronTide and Mortimer. I am not equipped for combat so I assume that I did not kill anyone, I do not want to kill anyone, but since the universe hates me so much maybe I did kill someone and thats why it hates me. Either way I dislike jumping to conclusions on why the universe hates me and I am just going to assume that I worked on the engines and helped get the ores that Mortimer needed to manufacture weaponry.
    Big-Mech signing off.
  5. techno_spider

    techno_spider New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Rats. Rats everywhere. Damn them all! They breed and now there are more than ever, I can hear them talking, conspiring to kill me. Of course I know they are not actually saying that, I do not even know if they can communicate, But this much I know. They want me dead, they steal my food, it seems that each day they double in population. I have an in-built flamethrower and drill in my mining suit, its not much but it can deal with pests. The flame thrower is specificity designed by the Apex to kill vermin but these are no ordinary kind of vermin, the ordinary kind of vermin does not have teeth as sharp as an impervium sword, eyes filled with hatred and the lust for blood and above all else, ordinary vermin does not try to join a swarm with other vermin, to engulf you in a sea of razor sharp death or attempt to chew on the most vital power cables. There are two things they live off, the bananas that I grow and electricity. I cannot cut off the electricity. That would not only be stupid but it would also deactivate my sentry turrets allowing the ever-growing swarm to get me. I cant stop them from getting to the crops either, they always find a ventilation shaft or something to get in, and even if you block all of the holes up, they simply gnaw their way through it. They are not dumb, they specifically path around the view of sentry turrets and somehow know not to bite into walls that will suck them out into space. They are everywhere you cant see and when they so choose, they suddenly become everywhere you can. I refuse to change ship, this thing reminds me of home and the happy memories that go with, this ship will become my grave if I do not find some kind of virus or a bio-weapon in general to eradicate them. The following may sound stupid but universe, if you can hear or understand me then please, please just give me a chance, I know I must have messed up before when I cannot remember but please just help me out here.
    Note: Why the hell do I have this ship? I mean its from the Apex days before the War-Droid thing and yet I have it right now? This is very bizzare and will definitely require more thought.
    Big-Mech signing off.
  6. techno_spider

    techno_spider New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Theres been a change of sorts, an incident in a bar, I don't even know the name of the bar... but yet it seems important to note. Its hard to pinpoint what caused the reaction but I will start from the beginning. I seen a turret at the bar, it was deactivated. It reminded me of the turrets in my ship, the ones that protect me from the hordes of rats. It seemed out of place in a bar, I thought to myself maybe the bar has a pestilence problem of its own, as I was thinking, an Apex woman came from behind, she was studying me out loud, I wouldn't be surprised if she found my appearance and speech patterns odd. I was worried that she might have been a Miniknog officer, ordered to bring me back. I asked her rather impolitely but I personally did not want to, it was mandatory due to the 'thought reassignment' forcing me to for security reasons, she was rather stubborn and asked something along the lines of "whats it to you?" I replied that I missed my home, that I missed having a real purpose (though I think that the second one was overwritten by 'Thought reassignment') she then called me a "Miniknog lapdog". I don't know why but that really pushed me over the edge. It was not because I thought I was not but for the fact that that is all I ever have been, I knew that, I hated that and I was forced to live a such. One thing lead to another and I was under the assumption that she was Miniknog. I would not have been able to retaliate and so I attempted to scare her off, because as much as I was fighting my programming, I did not want her to die. I remembered the friends that I had lost, the ones killed by me because the Miniknog demanded it, because my programming told me to and because I was pathetic enough to be forced to give in. I hate the Miniknog and was forced to hate the rebels, I am pretty sure those two options apply to nearly every goddamn Apex in the galaxy. Eventually I calmed down, thank god I did, I don't think I could cope with more innocent blood on my hands. Her name is Rakael. I bought her a bottle of water as a sort of apology, It was not much but it was all I could do. I learned something from her, that the Miniknog are not my enemys, the Rebels are not my enemys, my enemy lies within myself. I did something I have never done before, I took the determination and risk to not just deactivating, but deleting my Miniknog restrictive programming. I now count Rakael as a friend, she has helped me so much even if by coincidence that there is no way to properly thank her. I now talk clearly, I act clearly and above all else I can do what is best for me and those around me. Thank you Rakael, you have served an important role in my life. I now wonder... That thing on my back. Maybe it was my friend all along?
    Big-Mech signing off.
  7. techno_spider

    techno_spider New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Oh, forget the stupid rats, it seems I have an even bigger issue. Right, so I meet some person called Ashlyn, oh ho ho... god she was oversize. I was happily standing no the roof, staring at a penguin and then BOOM the roof caved in thanks to her. The issue was Max. I mean what the hell? I spend all that effort calling her fat and encouraging her to use a diet but no, Max has to wind up being 'The nice guy'. Thing is, ever since I seen Mr Night bash his own head with a bottle of cyanider, somehow, I don't know whether Max or that dumbass on my back (yeah I have decided I hate her) has used the opportunity of disorientation to convince my sensors using what I believe seems like the placebo effect, to widen the gap when I smashed my head with a cyanider bottle like Mr Night did. By 'Widen the gap' I mean I literary change from me to Max. I mean seriously? What the hell has Max ever done? Had an emotional breakdown when I insulted Ashlyn (Which is hilarious because now she probably hates Max) and tried to apologize?! Max is a pathetic, emotional moron who seems to be over empathetic towards everyone. Its very painful because after a period of time there is this sort of sensation which is a mixture of pain and tiredness which increases the longer I don't change into Max. Thank god that I wont change into the one on my back, that would be hell for everyone. Speaking of morons, Max and that thing on my back seem to be getting along well more and more. Well, I guess it sort of makes sense, rats breed with rats, morons stick together as brethren. As I started of by saying, Max is becoming a problem that I will have to deal with. I can sort out the one on my back, she can be deleted by some scientist person I manipulate Make friends with in the long run.
    Big-Mech signing off
  8. techno_spider

    techno_spider New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Hay look! Ive found a dieting book in a cupboard in the kitchen on my ship. Ashlyns gonna love this! (Sarcasm by the way)
    Big-Mech signing off
    #8 techno_spider, Mar 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  9. techno_spider

    techno_spider New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Hmm. If this ship does go to hell or I choose to abandon it like the many others that have... I probably want something to remember it by.
    *Attached to the page, is a picture of Big-Mech sitting in the bloodstained captains chair, pondering where to go*
    Big-Mech signing off
    ((Edit: Ignore the fact it says "Starbound - Beta" at the top, I forgot to cut that out :/))
    #9 techno_spider, Apr 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  10. techno_spider

    techno_spider New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Oh I seriously out did myself this time! Right, I will try to be clear, I am so happy that I may rush but here is the just of the story. Right, so Max is on guard duty and I am in the life support getting bore, so as an exchange to decrease the pain/itching sensation to switch over, I said that he could continue his duty if he played me at least 5 songs. Okay, so he starts playing when all of a sudden, a naked Avian comes over, apparently trying to get some sleep, Max quickly throws the guitar in the bushes and pretends nothing had happened, he would of stopped but instead I. being very clever, decided to increase the pain/itching sensation to switch i.e. I blackmailed him. So Max is all begging like "Please get the guitar, I don't want you to screw up my shift" which I personally thought was rather rude of him to say, and then along comes an Avian, her name Phoenix and says the sleeping Avian will probably give it back eventually, now I hope you are paying attention because this is my favorite part: I tell Max that I will help him by convincing the sleeping Avian and therefore get the guitar back and Max can have an extended shift, However instead I break into the room (I don't break the door because I would not want to chip the paintwork, after all, both me and Max use this body.) using my cunning skills, I manage to not only get the guitar but to frame Max. Afterwards it was rather hilarious as Max kept trying to swap to me but as it was my turn and I had the priority I had the pleasure to walk there myself as Max helplessly is trapped in the life support. I will admit, this has been the most fun I have ever had despite the fact I am writing this entry in a jail cell, but hey, that's fine because I have my guitar and Max is for once, very entertaining to listen to!
    Big-Mech signing off
    #10 techno_spider, Apr 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2014