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Beaming beacons

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Tallen, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    An idea that someone else came up with and showed it to me, and I wanted to share it with everyone else on the server and get feedback on whether it is a good idea or not. Essentially, the beaming beacons would be a two-part piece of technology to quickly bring something down from your ship to you. One half is a small, circular plate in which you would place the object you want to beam down on top of. The other is a small trigger that you carry around with you - if you are outside you can press a button and cause the object in your ship to beam down right into your hands. Considering we already have beampads and portals and the likes, a portable piece of equipment like this makes sense, right?

    - Only one object can be set up per beacon. You need to pre-emptively decide what you would want to beam down - though you can contact someone else in your ship to place another object in the beaming plate for you to beam that down afterwards.
    - The object must be small by nature. At most, something as big or dense as a laptop computer.
    - You must be outside to beam the object down with you. It is faster than beaming up from outside of a beampad, but slower than beaming from a pad (somewhere around two to three minutes per object?).

    Possible OOC problems:
    - It can be used to bypass security easily this way by beaming down a handgun. Possible solution would be high-security locations naturally bar beaming beacons?
    - Asspulling. Someone can just say "oh I had set up by beaming beacon to get this precise item just because". You need to provide a good reason to have a specific object in the beaming beacon; particularly if it is precisely what you need for that IC scenario.

    That's basically it, thoughts?
  2. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    I personally don't see how this would be beneficial, but then again, other people might find it fun and cool. So here's my suggestions which could maybe help this idea.

    • Instead of implementing it right away (if and with consent of the Global Mods), try running it as a "demo". As in, try it out a number of times with other players, in a controlled scenario, and take down some notes on their behaviour and see how they react to this new idea. If they start complaining too much it might not be such a good idea. If they abuse it most of the times in this "demo", it might not be worth the amount of OOC salt and IC power gaming.
    • You shouldn't be able to beam in (or out) ANY sort of object to yourself, if you're moving. Reason? The ship and the beaming controls need time to vector in to your location and exact position, as such you cannot take a step forward or back. That isn't to say that you can't breathe or move your arms either, but it does restrict the movement of the character since he's preparing to be beamed out. If the character moves during the beam-locking process he risks being torn to shreds at a molecular level or simply resetting the timer for beam locking.
    • You must be in an open space without anything in between you and space. Meaning you can't beam out if you're in a house or under a tree. I know this might seem like a given, but some new (and maybe old) players might not realize this.
    • If at a colony with reasonable defences, you might not be able to beam in (or out) anything, since the colony security could scramble the frequencies of beamlocking and such, and could possibly and probably register the beaming in radars or detection systems. Beaming would probably set off like a flare in radars . Discuss with the owner of the colony, or the head of security (not just some random rent-a-cop in the place) before doing anything that might result in major conflict.
    • Set a specific timer before being able to beam in (or out) something, like a number of emotes have to be RP'd before anything happens. Turn-based RP-ing might work.
    • Time of item beam-in takes longer the bigger the object is. Say, a pistol might beam in, in 1 turn. Meaning after everyone has done their emote, after the person who emoted the beaming sequence. A crate full of rocket launchers and rockets might take 6-8 turns.
    Suggestions For Advantages:
    • I say we should remove the limit on weight, you might be able to beam in anything within reason. Now that's not to say that you can just beam things in or out endlessly. There should be a cooldown time and a limit per beamdown.
    • You can designate a location for the beaming to take place.
    • This could add some serious hacking/electronic warfare role-play, since the beaming sequence could be scrambled/hacked and disabled for a set of turns. (Though preferably hacking RP should be done by rolls IMO to avoid any powergaming and im-the-best-hacker-in-universe and add the element of CHANCE! E.g. you need to roll above a 15, if you roll 20 you disable the beaming sequence completely and cannot be used for the rest of the event, if you roll a 1 you fucked up royally and somehow sped up the beaming sequence reducing it to a 1/4 of its original time.)

    These are my ideas, you might or might not like them, but consider them and and take them with a grain of salt if you will.
    It's a good idea, so have fun with it!

    Edit: On the dice roll thing, be advised that what I meant is not having a complete dice-roll system but rather something completely simplified. Simply place a roll that needs to be matched or exceeded and just go and roll the die. Then you decide the consequences and continue your roleplay based on that.
    #2 Shag, Mar 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2015
  3. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Beaming bacons, mmmhhh..
  4. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    One time Greg rigging his ship teleporter to teleport his whole ship from a planet it was stranded on to orbit another planet. It didn't go too well and he lost a leg in the process.

    My point is that teleporting is a pretty diverse thing so it'd be nice to see some more uses for it. Maybe limit things that can be beamed so nothing organic or with lots of moving parts can be beamed around using this system (organics either burn, melt, mutate or rot and mechanical shit would just meld together and become a solid mass of useless.)
  5. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Honestly this Beaming beacon's should operate off the same limitation of the beampad. As for size, beaming something to your hand is a bad idea. Sure if you know what it is fine. Like Shag said if it is hacked and you beam something bad for you like a pre-set grenade bad jojo for you. Size something be limited to a large crate (not shipping container). As for beaming down there should be some laser pointer on the hand-held part that is only effective up to 3 m (9 ft.). That way you are not beaming things in your hands.
  6. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    I don't see what benefit this would add. People should be able to look at another character and determine their level of threat. Being able to beam down a weapon you didn't have a moment ago doesn't really make sense unless you are standing on a beampad.
  7. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I agree with that, it is kind of RP breaking if you have nothing in your hands then with a press of a button your foe is looking down the barrel of a full auto ready to go.
  8. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Hence why it takes TIME to beam. It wouldn't be instant, from what I understand. You trying to beam something down should be fairly easy-ish to see. Considering you more than likely have to press some sort of button and then stand still.
  9. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Good good.

    Honestly this has a huge application for Shipping products and what not, even of the nefarious nature. *cough*slavetrafficing*cough*.
  10. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    The point is this is the same technology as beaming, not teleporting. Players beam up and down all the time from their ships to planets without any sort of problem. This isn't the same as teleportation, which I guess would mean teleporting something from another planet altogether. You have to choose something predetermined, and you can only beam down that -one- thing from your ship.

    It already is. Beaming outside only. Takes time. There is even another limitation where you can't just "beam up" - and since you need something similar to a beampad in the first place in your ship you have to physically put your object there, having to pick beforehand what you are going to use and GIVING A GOOD REASON FOR WHY YOU HAD AN EMP GRENADE IN THE FIRST PLACE for example. Right now, I'm using it mostly for fluff to show people off by beaming a piano to play songs - so I don't have to say Glauen actively is carrying his piano and pulling it out of his cloaca.

    It is not 'a moment ago' - it takes time. A handgun would take up to a minute - something bigger like a rifle would take several considering the larger mass. You are limited to a single item that you have to choose predetermined. You have to be outdoors, and there is a chance for the beaming to be jammed. Beaming is very noticeable as well - others will likely notice it.

    Indeed. Right now it is too easy for someone to just say "nah when you beam down in the pad we detect what you have and stop you". There is a new element of hacking warfare now - can you find a quiet place? Do you have to leave the premises of the colony where the jam is no longer in effect? What to do after you beam down a particularly big object to be smuggled?
  11. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    In my opinion if beaming objects: Meeeh...
    But if your about to beam down a big object, you should have a bigger beam pad a bit larger than the object in question. Why for ? To ''beamize'' the object until it reach location.
  12. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Beam pads have not been shown to be necessary for beaming. (Duh.) I think the point Talon is trying to make is: How do you beam down furniture and items to a specific spot to make moving easier, and how do you beam them up without a beampad or datapad. If not, I'm making assumptions and suck.

    But it's not like someone could spontaneously beam something to their hand. They would have to take the time to configure the beam point as we do when we're beaming characters. It's a convenient way to explain hastened building and decorating, though.
  13. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I also pretty sure that most stuff is beamed in pieces then assembled, but again I am assuming.
  14. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Right, but something like, say, a Piano, or complex machinery would be easier to just beam to a location in one piece.