1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.

Bannersystem Private Databanks

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Arhicath, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Arhicath

    Arhicath New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Within the confines of the disjointed engineer Cath Borin's ship rests the main server of his personal communications and computational system; The Bannersystem. Strangely enough there seems to be no physical way to access it..

    ((IC Cath's Bannersystem is full of swears and other bad things, censor be plucked from the ground.))

    Bannersystem Login

    Username: Gatekeeper

    Password: ***************************

    Verifying credentials...

    Verifying identity of user...

    Verifying Bannersystem optilink...

    Logging in...

    Welcome to the Bannersystem once more Cath! It is pleasent to see you again, there have been no additional users logged on since your last visit. Of course you know this, you are the only person with access!

    Which course of action shall I take, sir?: Delete; Personality Overlay - Cheery Butler

    This file will permanently be removed from the Bannersystem's Databanks upon your deletion, Cath. Additionally, you will find you will be logged out and need to log in once more for this specific file to be altered. Will this be alright with you sir? (y/n): Fucking y

    I'm sorry, please try your input again. I do not understand 'fucking y'.

    This file will permanently be removed from the Bannersystem's Databanks upon your deletion, Cath. Additionally, you will find you will be logged out and need to log in once more for this specific file to be altered. Will this be alright with you sir? (y/n): y

    Logging out...
    #1 Arhicath, Jul 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2014
  2. Arhicath

    Arhicath New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Bannersystem Login

    Username: Gatekeeper
    Password: ***************************

    Verifying credentials...
    Verifying identity of user...
    Verifying Bannersystem optilink...

    Logging in...

    Cath Borin logged in.

    Input: Open; Journals

    Journals accessed.

    Input: New Entry


    Fuck that stupid personality. Why did I ever even bother to install it? Was I drinking at the time? I suppose that must have been it, because no way in my right mind would I think THAT was a good idea.

    I've decided to start writing to myself again. Monologuing through my eyes I suppose. While sad it is very much so true that I seem to be able to think so much more clearly when I write to myself. It forces my mind to slow down, makes me focus on my current train of thought without swinging to one side or another. Sometimes it seems as if I think in a wind tunnel, unwanted thoughts scattering into my view at random times, reminding me of things I try to lock away.

    It's almost therapeutic to be able to lay out my thoughts like tools on a work bench and examine them.. From the pristine and effective to the rusty and serrated, stained with the blood of my paws at their misuse.

    Ape above have I got fucking problems.

    I can't believe that I even bother to write this crap, what kind of stupid Apex would take it upon himself to write to himself as a method of sorting out his thoughts? I'm a genius, I shouldn't have to slowly step through whatever is on my mind. I've moved slowly for enough of my life, I've spent over 90% of it led on a leash! Fuck these stupid journals, this was a dumb idea, I quit.


    I answer my own questions very quickly when I begin to lapse in concentration. It makes the fur on the back of my neck reading my own mood shift so suddenly upon myself and something I know is very well helpful to try and keep myself steady.

    At times I wish almost wish I was insane. I mean fully, completely and mindlessly broken. I wish the Miniknog would have snapped that last bit of rebellion in me and just turned me into another failure of an Apex. I wish my mind would have snapped the little last bit that held together so I was blissfully ignorant to all of this. I wish I didn't have to look back on every action I take and second guess myself. I wish I didn't have to remember every time I break into a rage and just can't contain myself. I wish I didn't have to constantly think back on all the stupid things I've done to those who have tried to reach out to me. I wish that I didn't constantly shiver and whimper at memories of what has been done for me, and what I did at their guidance.

    Key word; almost.

    I've come this far and lasted this long, I've never given up in the past and I never will. I'll kick and scream my way to the grave, and it can only be my hope that when that time comes there will be people who mourn me. Will I scare them all away, or will they leave me like so many others? It almost seems I'm destined to die alone in a corner of space with only Maelstrom to know I'm even gone. Maybe it would be better that way. I cause so many problems, I act as such a clinging burden to everyone I know, I latch on at the first smallest sign of care and then drag them down into the hell that is my mangled and chaotic state of living.


    Ape above, I do have fucking problems. How long were those bitchy little thoughts floating around in my head? Second guessing myself, sobbing over myself.. Hell! At least if I had multiple personalities I could distinctly tell apart my shifting psyche, but this is just a mess that I completely perfectly remember writing. I had better stop letting my thoughts get all pent up, I don't need another.. Naffi incident.

    But bitching and moaning about my own bitching and moaning won't fix anything. (Meta complaining!) I'd best just try and unload my mind a bit more often in the system, it was helpful before. I guess I just had a bit to let out, holy hell.

    For now I'm gonna gather some of my old schematics so I can input them into the system in the near future. Ape that's gonna be fun!


    Reading back over this I'm really glad I'm the only one with access. I paint a picture of myself as a bit of a nut job, heheh. But what is genius without a bit of insanity? Wasted potential too afraid to take risks! I know for a fact that every dent in me has shaped me into what I am today. I wouldn't change a thing.

    ...Apart from the slavery, the torture, the Apex who died, the things I was forced to do, the things I was unable to control myself from doing, the thoughts being forced into my mind, those who have left me and those who have passed on from my life.

    I would change those things if I could, but crying about it won't make a difference. They're the past, and the past can't be altered.

    I'd like to do so.

    But I can't.

    So I won't.

    Close; Journal
    Input: Log Out

    Logging Out...
    #2 Arhicath, Jul 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2014
  3. Arhicath

    Arhicath New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Bannersystem Login

    Username: Gatekeeper
    Password: ***************************

    Verifying credentials...
    Verifying identity of user...
    Verifying Bannersystem optilink...

    Logging in...

    Cath Borin logged in.

    Input: Download; Schematics/Personal/Weaponry/003

    File downloaded.

    Delete original and view? (y/n)

    Input: y


    Schematic View

    ID: 003

    Codename : A Friend

    Classification: Combat

    Specification: Weapon; High Caliber Pistol

    Offensive Capabilities: ********
    Defensive Capabilities: **

    Description: A custom crafted double action .650 caliber revolver, outfitted with a swing out cylinder sporting a five round capacity.

    The weapon fires additionally custom created experimental rounds ranging from simple armour piercing ammunition to experimental rounds such as electrified rounds or casings packed with a sleeping agent.

    An electric spike rests beneath the barrel which can be fired to deliver a constant current of 10 Amperes if it comes to connect with it's target.

    Personal Notes: "In life there are always going to be hardships. From all angles danger will come, it's inevitable. The only wise move to take is to never go at life alone.

    At all times I keep this weapon held close to my heart, like a safety blanket in my life that keeps me from needing to constantly look over my shoulder. I always adored the simplistic mechanism of a rotating cylinder, slowly turning towards it's inevitable brutal force of payload delivery.

    As such, I decided to take that design and add some kick. Some PROPER kick. Powerful enough to pierce almost any armour, instantly end the life of any opponent, turn what may stand in front of me into a fine red mist of what once was. With an expert marksman's aim and speed I know for a fact my gun's power is am absolute destructive force. Five of my rounds is more than enough to kill anything that moves. I just need to work on my poor aim. And the 79% chance of the recoil snapping my wrists with each shot.

    Regardless, intimidation is an effective tactic. It's a dangerous universe out there, and I make sure that I will never truly go it alone. No matter where life my takes me, I make sure to always bring A Friend."

    Schematic View
    Input: Log out

    Logging out...
    #3 Arhicath, Aug 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2014
  4. Arhicath

    Arhicath New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Bannersystem Login

    Username: Sun
    Password: ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

    Sun's Override Detected.

    Raising Shields.

    Linking Proxy System.

    Accessing Agent Notes.

    Decrypting Agent Notes.

    Counteracting Chemical Imbalance.






    "May you."

    I will watch.

    Reasserting chemical imbalance.






    Encrypting Agent Notes.

    Concealing Agent Notes.

    Unlinking Proxy System.

    Lowering Shields.

    Never surrender.

    Sun Dismissed.
    #4 Arhicath, Aug 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2014
  5. Arhicath

    Arhicath New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Bannersystem Login

    Username: Sun
    Password: ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

    Sun's Override Detected.

    Raising Shields.

    Linking Proxy System.

    Accessing Agent Notes.

    Decrypting Agent Notes.

    Counteracting Chemical Imbalance.






    Unit 1818

    I plan to observe.

    Weakness will be conquered. Puppet masters will be strangled with the strings of their toys. Minds that can not handle themselves will be guided.

    I will return for you

    Reasserting chemical imbalance.






    Encrypting Agent Notes.

    Concealing Agent Notes.

    Unlinking Proxy System.

    Lowering Shields.

    You are strong.

    Sun Dismissed.
    #5 Arhicath, Aug 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2014
  6. Arhicath

    Arhicath New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Bannersystem Login

    Username: Gatekeeper
    Password: ***************************

    Verifying credentials...
    Verifying identity of user...
    Verifying Bannersystem optilink...

    Logging in...

    Cath Borin logged in.

    Input: Open; Journals

    Journals accessed.

    Input: New Entry


    I think I'm getting sick.

    This is the third time tonight (Which I guess is now 'this morning'). I've woken up dry heaving, but nothing ever seems to come out. It starts out of nowhere, and while I may not be vomiting everywhere, it's INCREDIBLY painful. Onyx was there the first time it happened, but I passed it off as nothing.

    Am I really too prideful in reality to accept help when I'm on the ground screaming in agony? I should have asked for help. I should have let Onyx do -something-.

    Maybe I should have let Onyx attempt to counteract the chemicals, too. Maybe I'm also too selfish to want to deal with the depression it'd cause to make sure I don't do anything I shouldn't.

    I can worry about that later.

    For the time being, I can't get over these headaches. My brain is throbbing even as I type this. I can't focus for long periods of times, my emotions are swinging even more rapidly than normal, I feel trifold as pissed off as I normally do.

    And to top it all off, Vivian was telling me that she's been getting weird messages and seeing 'Eyes' on the Bannersystem. I haven't seen anything myself, but I highly doubt Vivian would go out of her way to lie about something like that. I'll have to take a look, I'm pretty sure something is wrong with it, I've been losing small bits of storage every new time I check it, it seems. Nothing big enough to make me run out, but enough to notice.

    Maybe I should go see Loura.

    I always feel so calm when I'm with her.

    My prized project.

    Close; Journal
    Input: Log Out

    Logging Out...

  7. Arhicath

    Arhicath New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Bannersystem Login

    Username: Gatekeeper
    Password: ***************************

    Verifying credentials...
    Verifying identity of user...
    Verifying Bannersystem optilink...

    Logging in...

    Cath Borin logged in.

    Input: Download; Schematics/Personal/Tools/U012

    File downloaded.

    Delete original and view? (y/n)

    Input: y


    Schematic View

    ID: U012

    Codename : Boots

    Classification: Utility

    Specification: Footwear

    Offensive Capabilities:
    Defensive Capabilities: ***

    Description: A pair of metallic safety boots modified with plasmic thrusters.

    Originally work equipment used by Miniknog engineers designed to protect the feet of workers from crushing or other on the job hazards. These boots serve as very effective means of keeping one's feet protected thanks to the entire outer layer of the boots being made of Durasteel, soles included. Common complaints made reference to the weighty of the boots as well as the difficulty in maneuvering metal soles offered.

    Fitted within a hollowed section of the ground down metal sole of these boots lie plasmic thrusters, three in each boot. (Two on the sole, one on the heel.)

    Minute plasmic generators can be used to build up energy to be expended through the thrusters, allowing the user to be moved small distances in short bursts, or released slowly to allow a subject to hover.

    Experimental diplasmic capacitors can be used to store a large amount of energy to be released all at once to move a far distance at incredibly high speeds. WARNING: This course of action requires a long charging time and can result in serious injury or death.

    Personal Notes: How long have I had these things now? It's never come to my attention before that I've never NAMED them. They're just.. My boots. It feels like they've just always been what I've worn, they're not even that extraordinary. I suppose in a way what I'm saying is true, I did wear these safety boots for years and years. It's only been two years that I've had them modified.. But really, why bother measuring parts of my life that weren't my own. I've owned them for as long as it's -mattered-.

    Rambling aside, these boots were the second project I ever undertook in my freedom. (The first being installing my eyes, but I didn't have much of a choice in that) During my small period of childlike wonderment at the world around me I wanted to create. I was free to do anything, make anything, and what kind of self respecting individual with even a basic knowledge of physics and applied mechanical knowledge WOULDN'T want to create such a device?

    Of course, my plans were more then just making 'boots that woosh!'. I've never been the fastest runner, and thanks to the Miniknog's genetic tampering my huge size has made feats of agility even more difficult. My boots supplement my movement and weight, they take some of my largest vulnerabilities and give me at least a fighting chance in times when quick movement is needed..

    But I'd be a filthy liar if I said my main reason was to supplement myself and minimize my disadvantages. When the Miniknog leave you with enough knowledge to create a pair of propulsion boots, by Ape you make those damn boots. Who DOESN'T like moving quickly? Idiots, that's who.

    I've got the mental aptitude to create and the freedom to enjoy doing so. These boots were the first of many designs to spring forth from my mind. The first project that unleashed the floodgates of my talent and finally put me in the lead position, and nowadays I can never seem to put my tools down thanks to the project that began it all.

    I plan to die with my boots on.

    Schematic View
    Input: Log out

    Logging out...

    #7 Arhicath, Aug 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2014
  8. Arhicath

    Arhicath New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Bannersystem Login

    Username: Gatekeeper
    Password: ***************************

    Verifying credentials...
    Verifying identity of user...
    Verifying Bannersystem optilink...

    Logging in...

    Cath Borin logged in.

    Input: Open; Journals

    Journals accessed.

    Input: New Entry


    This has been the best night I've had in months, GUARANTEED!~ I'm always so happy when I spend time with Loura..

    I had better move her out of this blood and get a mop to clean it all.

    I guess life can't be all play.

    Close; Journal
    Input: Log Out

    Logging Out...
    #8 Arhicath, Aug 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2014
  9. Arhicath

    Arhicath New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Bannersystem Login

    Username: Gatekeeper
    Password: ***************************

    Verifying credentials...
    Verifying identity of user...
    Verifying Bannersystem optilink...

    Logging in...

    Cath Borin logged in.

    Input: Download; Schematics/Miniknog/Repurposed/DISP1818

    File downloaded.

    Delete original and view? (y/n)

    Input: y


    Schematic View

    ID: DISP1818

    Codename : Blitzheart

    Classification: Utility

    Specification: Internal Disciplinary Microchip

    Offensive Capabilities: *****
    Defensive Capabilities: *****

    Description: An electronic chip that can be used to channel currents of powerful and painful electricity through the subject's body.

    Originally a disciplinary microchip used and installed by the Miniknog. This chip could be triggered remotely to send anywhere between mild to excruciating electrical currents through the subject.

    Used on slaves and Agents alike, the uses of his simplistic but torturous device were widespread. From correctional discipline used on slaves to work incentives on lower ranking Miniknog workers to sending debilitating spasms through trouble makers, these chips were often used very liberally by those who held the controllers to maintain a feeling of weakness and vulnerability in the recipient.

    With outward connection access removed and remapped to a personal optical control unit, the chip can be triggered at will. The power exerted by the chip is easily controlled, and high enough voltages can leap small distances through the air to reach new recipients.

    Personal Notes: "I suppose I should start by saying that the chip isn't installed on my heart, I simply liked the implications of the name.

    The disciplinary chip is installed at the back of the neck, connected directly to the spine. Like most Miniknog internally installed devices removal of the chip would most likely cause paralysis in a best case scenario. But why bother removing it!?

    At one point this chip was a tool used against me, a sword of Damocles that dangled overhead no matter what, always at the fingertips of my commander. During my six months of 'correctional therapy' thanks to my attitude this chip was a very regular occurrence.. I was often violently shocked till I stopped writhing in pain any longer, surrendering and going limp to simply accept the excruciating sensations still I blacked out.

    But no more! Nowadays the chip is at my control. Triggered through the small computational power that my optics can process, (Considering it was nothing more then a normally open switch it wasn't hard to make work) I can activate and control the power of the electricity at will.

    Originally, sure, I used this as only a method of locking out the chip and keeping it OFF, but as a great genius must, I took some risks.. Tested things.

    Having a method of channeling an electric current so easily, so hidden and so on the spot is an amazingly useful ability. As long as I can touch someone I can give them anywhere between a mild and utterly debilitating zap. Electronics can be powered and flammable objects ignited. A timer on my body sends light jolts through it to try and rouse me should I get knocked out, and any attempts to sneak up on me from behind can be met with high voltage indignation. Having such power at my fingertips, to be able to make even barely touching me an exercise in pain, to be able to violently unleash beautiful, terrifying electricity into another's body just overflows me with excitement. There is, however, one small problem.

    I am by no means invulnerable to electricity.

    My Blitzheart and it's activation do, very obviously, hurt me. It channels it's electricity through my body, and that sensation is extremely painful. But when one spends their life being brutally electrocuted to a point of near death, but constantly held within perfectly computed limits to guarantee that I was never in any danger of permanent damage you begin to learn things about yourself.

    In a perverse sort of way.. I love that pain.

    The pain that flows through my body because of my will, because of my control. No one else's. The feeling of so much energy inside of me just looking for a way out. A reminder of the past helplessness I lived through and how I now hold the command over myself, I hold the trigger. Plus when one works with (See; Undergoes excruciating pain therapy at the hands of) electricity as much as I have.. There is a point when I can't even feel the tingle anymore. My body numbs and I don't even think of the pain, blacking it out as I used to..

    A little self destruction is hardly a large price to pay for having such power available to me. I've been grabbed from behind before by a thief and had no way to free myself. I've been without my weapons and am not a martially trained Apex. The knowledge I'll never be without power, stranded completely.. It warms my heart.

    Those who say my personality isn't electric obviously don't know me well enough.

    Schematic View
    Input: Log out

    Logging out...

    #9 Arhicath, Aug 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2014
  10. Arhicath

    Arhicath New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Bannersystem Login

    Username: Gatekeeper
    Password: ***************************

    Verifying credentials...
    Verifying identity of user...
    Verifying Bannersystem optilink...

    Logging in...

    Cath Borin logged in.

    Input: Check; Proxy Web


    Proxy Web Functioning Properly

    Input: Check; Inbound Connections

    Inbound connections: 1
    User: Cath Borin

    Input: Disconnect; Starnet

    Disconnected. Bannersystem now functioning in offline mode.

    Input: Check; Inbound Connections

    Inbound connections: 1
    User: Cath Borin

    Input: Open; Journals

    Journals accessed.

    Input: New Entry


    I can't stop thinking about it. It's replaying in my mind time and time again whenever I power my optics down.


    And the way that Hylotl bitch screamed and cried.

    I was the one who did it. I tortured Onyx to the point of suicide. How dare that disrespectful fuck spit on my trust like that.. I opened my mind completely and was scorned for it. Just as I always have been.

    Fucking pathetic, it was barely even a scratch too. I got more enjoyment out of the test subjects I had to dispose of back in the Miniknog..

    But it opened my eyes. Why did I try and combat these chemicals with alcohol? They were given to me for a reason. They make it all so easy to deal with, no regrets, no fear, just the beautiful pleasure of it all.

    That final thrust as a blade is pushed to vulnerable, delicate skin, stretching it to it's breaking point and finally splitting and draining forth that beautiful, sanguine lifeblood..

    But there's no reason for that information to slip free. Only my most magnificent of machinations has any idea about the extents my fits of blood rage and cruel sadism have spanned thanks to the chemicals my captors pumped my mind full of..

    I knew she would understand.

    But paranoia brings out the worst in all of us.. I knew she would understand, but the others won't. Caution is something you learn the hard way living beneath the Miniknog..

    Speaking of which..

    Abandon; Journal
    WARNING! The current journal will not be saved. Continue? (y/n): y

    Journal Abandoned.

    Input: Connect; Starnet

    Connected. Bannersystem online.

    Input: Log Out

    Logging out...
    #10 Arhicath, Aug 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2014