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Banking services (testament..)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Darkwhip, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    *Logged in as Neko-kawaii*

    Greetings, my name is Sayoko Okimura.

    I actually work for a bank in a space station far from the frontier. It makes a while I am interested in making my own bank and I was wondering if it would interest the people of the Frontier to have a small bank at your disposal to either put in safe your pixels or some precious belongings and along making your testament for when you die to allow a person you care of; inherits what you wanted them to receive and pay your funeral.

    In the future I will probably look forward for an insurance company with a partner.

    Feel free to give your opinion.

  2. skeletor

    skeletor Banned

    May 2, 2014
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    Have fun fucking up and losing all of the money you swore to keep.
    Seriously, a bank in a lawless sector.

    Great idea!

    - rswbw
  3. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    *Logged in as Neko-kawaii*

    First of all, keep your mocking and provocation for yourself, nothing is done.
  4. skeletor

    skeletor Banned

    May 2, 2014
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    It'll mean a lot when i'm right.

    On a side note, please do continue to hammer in the fact that you're Japanese, please.

    - rswbw
  5. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    *Logged in as Neko-kawaii*

    I am indeed Japanese, is there something wrong with it ?
  6. skeletor

    skeletor Banned

    May 2, 2014
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    I'd just prefer you don't shove it down my throat like it's a trophy that you need to parade around the town.
    Well, I think i'm done here.
    Have fun.

    - rswbw
  7. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    *Logged in as Neko-kawaii*

    Well I'm not doing that actually, you probably have some racist judgement I suppose; since you've been an ass since the start of our conversation.
    Anyway, you are indeed done here and have fun.
  8. skeletor

    skeletor Banned

    May 2, 2014
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    "Well I'm not doing that actually" - You.
    Pretty sure you're the person who asked people to call you Okimura-san, not to mention your username is Neko-kawaii and you had a strong accent despite earth being destroyed for a really fucking long time with most, if not all human colonies being westernized. But that's none of my business.
    I'll go along with your moronic assumptions if it will make you feel better.

    - rswbw
  9. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    *Logged in as Neko-kawaii*

    First, you say that I'm making ''moronic assumptions'' well shit it's already better than yours, remember ? '' you had a strong accent despite earth being destroyed for a really ****ing long time with most, if not all human colonies being westernized ''

    Because of course, Earth has been destroyed and you ASSUME that Japanese people can't have accent. Great, you're one brilliant person.
    Guess what ? I met a person with a German accent, what are you going to say about it, huh ? And what about the Novakids from Terra with their Cow-bow accent ? I bet it gets you real angry.

    This is what I though you are one kind of mad racist, if you're not happy with my name and my culture just don't speak to me god dammit.
    Also I though you were done with me ? Why do you keep commenting ? Trying to get attention ? Poor you, you're being pathetic.

    Keep commenting shit and I'll just block your access from my topic.
  10. skeletor

    skeletor Banned

    May 2, 2014
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    this is gold. Novakid having accents? Oh, jeeze, it might just be because a majority of their fucking species has the accent. A guy with a German accent? Be my guest to come up with something. Probably the same reason you have yours.
    I never said Japanese people can't have an accent. I said it's unreasonable under most circumstances to have a strong eastern accent after living in a western society for a pretty damn long while. Accents fade. Quote me if i'm wrong.
    I never claimed your culture is inferior to mine. Quote me if i'm wrong.
    I never harassed you over your name in a way that suggests that you are inferior. Quote me if i'm wrong.

    I don't know about you, but this sure makes me want to invest in your banking service.

    It's like arguing with a brick wall if it wanted to open a bank and had pictures of Tokyo plastered over it.

    - rswbw
  11. Elon Hyperion

    Elon Hyperion New Member

    Aug 27, 2015
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    [Login: Hyperion1]
    Well, on topic, I like the idea of a bank out in this sector. But I do have some questions. Are you planning to set up at one of the Colonies? Or, are you gonna set up on an undeveloped planet?

    Also, rswbw? To use an old earth saying, why are you so salty?
  12. skeletor

    skeletor Banned

    May 2, 2014
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    if anyone's salty it's probably the person who's saying "don't speak to me god dammit", "Poor you, you're being pathetic.", "Keep commenting shit and I'll just block your access from my topic." and "you've been an ass". but to answer your question, i've had to shit for like the past 4 hours but there is like zero toilets on terra

    - rswbw
  13. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    My last word before I block you: I though you were done.

    (Below this can't be seen ICly, but it is still RP)

    ==internal topic system==
    Opening system please wait...
    Welcome !
    /help for help about commands
    /Blockuser rswbw
    ===User successfully blocked !
    Are you willing to take more actions ? Type Yes or No
    ==Internal topic system closing==
  14. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    This is a good question, on the first hand having banks on colonies would have some security advantages. But would need more personnel to organize and maintain all the banks around all the colonies. In the other hand if Manfred (The person I met for business) is willing to build a complex on a moon like we planned we would have a whole Moon with all our buildings and services, which would include a mining corp, a fuel station, a bank and insurance office. He also has a company in the outside, which gives financial advantages.The only problem I could see by building a complex on a moon is that we would have to hire and build our own security personnel and defenses, which means a lot of pixels to pay for.

    I was thinking that maybe for a start making just one single bank on a colony to see if it goes well and if it's truly benefic for the Frontier and I.
    If things goes well, we can only see progress then, having more services like I mentioned above.( Testament etc..)
  15. DartyGooblin

    DartyGooblin New Member

    Aug 21, 2015
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    What assurances do account holders have regarding the safety of deposited funds? What about offered interests rates on varied accounts, or fees, minimum balances, etc.

    Should the bank encounter an issue, how much do you insure the funds held within it?

    What sort of plans do you have for offering loans, is this bank a legitimate bank or a small start up looking for initial accounts as collateral.

    Will this bank be involved in the currency exchange, buying and selling large sums of foreign currencies to profit off of fluctuating currency values?

  16. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    *Logged in as Neko-kawaii*

    First of, I am not aware of any ''foreign'' currency. I mean in my life I have always worked with pixels as currency, also at my work.

    And of course, fees and interests rates will be a thing, it will serve to pay salaries and maintain de bank. Secondly, the safety storage will be something that customers will use to store precious items, either in a vault (Hello Borderland) or any other secured room. To secure an object, the customer will have to rent a ''place'' either in a vault or an armored locker. That service will also help the bank in terms of funding.

    Concerning loans, it gets more complex of course, but it will be there. Just like where I work, a person will be able to loan a certain amount of pixel according to their credit, higher is the credit, bigger the customer can loan. But indeed, the customer will have to give that money back. this is why when a customer is willing to loan pixels he or she will have to meet a specialist of our bank to explain us why he is needing X amount of pixels.

    As a side note, higher the loan is, bigger the reason will have to be justified. That way, ''smart'' customers couldn't simply run away with the loan. Also it's important to know that if the customer doesn't pay back in time, including the fees, we will most likely report him to the local security or either the council. From that point it's a different topic.

    Loans will have interests rates from the start, which will be X %. If not repaid in time, additional rates may be be added and fees too before alerting the law enforcers.

    It will also be interesting to know that when you'll deposit money in our bank you will be able to make transactions with your PDA from our Bank, linked to your account protected by our system. Which is safer than having your pixels in your pockets or directly in your PDA, which is prone to be hacked or stolen.

    If you are a bit more curious about credit, I can tell that your credit will be influenced by your salary and if you payback in in time your debts.

    On that, I hope I was able to answer most of your questions.
    Sincerely yours,